Varta Batería Alcalina, Micro, Aaa, Lr03, 1.5V De Alta Energía, Menor De La Caja (24-Pack) [CE]
Adecuados para juguetes, equipos de audio, linternas LED y dispositivos informáticos,Puede retirar cada batería por separado y distinguir las nuevas de las ya usadas,Voltaje de 1.5 V,Disponibles en varios paquetes
Varta Longlife Power / High Energy Battery AAA Micro Alkaline Batteries LR03 24er Pack (design / product name may vary) [CE]
High Performance,Precise and powerful energy for high drain devices,Perfect for MP3 players, cameras and game systems,Unique big back to stock at home,Made in Germany engineering
- VARTA precision for high-tech devices with precise and fluctuating energy demands.
- Clear communication of recommended use by way of icons.
- Made in Germany as the proof of origin on the blister front of the most important product types
- Single Press Out enables easy opening of the pack and good storage for unused batteries.
- Performance statements on the packaging of the most important sizes AA / AAA demonstrate the product benefits to consumers and assist in orientation.
-Height: 44.5 mm
-Diameter: 1.05 cm
-Battery technology: Alkaline
-Battery form factor: Cylindrical
-Battery voltage: 1.5 V
-Number of batteries included: 24 pc(s)
-Cylindrical battery size: AAA
-Colour of product: Blue, Metallic
-Package type: Blister
Varta 4903301124 Longlife Power (High Energy) Batteria Alcalina, Ministilo AAA LR6, Confezione da 24 Pile - Il design può variare, Confezione risparmio [CE]
La giusta potenza per i dispositivi ad alto consumo di energia come giocattoli a batteria, mouse wireless, torce, ecc,Comunicazione chiara attraverso pittogrammi per l'uso consigliato,Prodotto in Germania,"Single Press Out" consente una facile apertura della confezione e un'ottima conservazione delle batterie inutilizzate
LR03 24St.
VARTA Blister de 24 piles "High Energy" Micro (AAA) LR03 [Office Product]
VARTA - 04903 301 124,Blister de 24 piles "High Energy" Micro (AAA) LR03
Blister de 24 piles "High Energy" Micro (AAA) LR03
Varta Longlife Power Batterie AAA Micro Alkaline Batterien LR03 - 24er Pack [Drogerie & Körperpflege]
High Performance Qualität vom Markenhersteller Varta,Die Premium Qualitäts-Batterien bieten immer die passende Energiefreigabe bei gleichzeitig lang anhaltender Leistung,10 Jahre Haltbarkeit, auslaufsicher, langlebig,Ideal für Geräte mit hohem Energiebedarf wie z.B. ferngesteuertes Spielzeug, Controller, Maus, Funkgerät, Taschenlampe, Personenwaage, medizinische Geräte, elektronisches Fiebermessgerät,Passend für Fieberthermometer, Gaming Maus, Tastatur, elektronische Roboter, Fernsteuerung, Lampe, Beleuchtung elektronisches Werkzeug
LR03, 1,5 Volt, in wiederverschlie barer Box beinhaltet: 24 Batterien (04903 301 124)
Varta AAA, LR03, 15V Alkaline 15V - non-rechargeable batteries (LR03, 15V, Alkaline, Cylindrical, 15 V, AAA, Blue, Metallic, Blister) [Speakers]
Perfect for the whole family,Batteries for high-power devices,For a mouse, toys and radios
Varta AAA, LR03, 15V Alkaline 15V - non-rechargeable batteries (LR03, 15V, Alkaline, Cylindrical, 15 V, AAA, Blue, Metallic, Blister) [Speakers]
LR03 24St.
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