Goliath Games Googly ojos juego [Juguete]
Wacky Gafas de vision alterar con tres lentes diferentes,Un gran colorido tablero cubos con errores,Una nota spiffy Pad para crear dibujos bonitos,162 desafíos divididas en 3 temas: objetos, lugares y entretenimiento,Un temporizador que indica la cantidad de tiempo que le queda para llamar su palabra
Googly Eyes es el juego de familia hilarioso que desafía su visión y le deja irrefutable para más. El primero en llegar al acabado aduciendo los retos de dibujo mientras usas las gafas de visión zany. Las gafas grandes tienen tres juegos de lentes de visión que van de fácil de duro. A partir de 7 años, 4 a 16 jugadores. Incluye: tabla de juegos, tarjetas de recambio, empaques, troquelado, temporizador, gafas de visión, tres lentes, papel, lápiz e instrucciones.
Goliath Games Googly Eyes Game [Toy]
Wacky Vision Altering Glasses With Three Different Lenses,A Large Colorful Game Board Strewn With Pitfalls,A Spiffy Note Pad To Make Beautiful Drawings,162 Challenges Divided Into 3 Themes: Objects, Places And Entertainment,A Timer That Indicates How Much Time You Have Left To Draw Your Word
Googly eyes is the hilarious family game that challenges your vision and leaves you googly for more! be the first to get to the finish by winning the drawing challenges while wearing the zany vision altering glasses. The large wacky glasses have three sets of vision altering lenses that go from easy to hard. Ages 7 and up, 4 to 16 players. Includes: game board, challenge cards, pawns, die, timer, vision-altering glasses, three lenses, paper, pencil and instructions.
Googly Eyes - The Family Game of Wacky Vision [Giocattolo]
Wacky Vision alterarne occhiali con tre diverse lenti,Un grande colorato gioco da tavolo Cosparso di trappole,Un spiffy note pad per fare bellissimi disegni,162 sfide diviso in 3 temi: oggetti, luoghi e intrattenimento,Un timer che indica quanto tempo ti resta per attirare la parola
googly Eyes è il gioco di famiglia esilarante che sfida la vostra visione e ti lascia mobili per più. Sii il primo ad arrivare fino al traguardo di vincere le sfide disegno mentre indossa gli occhiali Vision alterarne demenziali. Il grande wacky occhiali hanno tre set di lenti Vision alterarne che vanno da facile a difficile. Dai 7 anni in su, da 4 a 16 giocatori. Include: gioco da tavolo, carte sfida, pedine, dadi, timer, vision-altering occhiali, tre lenti, matita, carta e istruzioni.
Googly Eyes Game - Family Drawing Game with Crazy, Vision-Altering Glasses [Toy]
Wacky Vision pour lunettes avec trois différentes lentilles,Un grand coloré jeu Board semée embûches,Un Spiffy Note Pad pour réaliser de beaux dessins,162 défis divisé en 3 thèmes : objets, lieux et divertissement,Un minuteur qui indique combien de temps vous avez laissé attirer la parole
Get your teammates to guess the right answer by drawing clues before time runs out. Sounds simple enough, right. Not if you're wearing Zany vision-altering glasses . Googly Eyes is all about performing under pressure while looking silly - The Perfect Formula for family fun .The vision-altering glasses change the way players See the Challenge . bespectacled players Take convertit le Drawing clues for their teammates to guess. But, the glasses change the way they See by altering their Vision. Use the fonction to set a fast paix. Or, leave the fonction alone to reduce frustration and anxiety for players who need more time to complete the clues. However you play, social interaction is the real Game Winner as comical conversations and collaboration provide the perfect atmosphere for fun .
Googly Eyes Game - Family Drawing Game with Crazy, Vision-Altering Glasses [Toy]
Brille Wacky Vision stören mit drei verschiedenen Linsen,Ein großer bunter Spiel-Eimer mit Fehler,Eine rosa note pad um attraktiven Applikationen,162 Herausforderungen unterteilt in 3 Themen: Gegenstände, Orte und Unterhaltung,Ein Timer zeigt die Menge der Zeit, die Sie Ihr Wort für Anrufe
Augen ist die Familie Spaß Spiel gelangen, sich seine Sicht und lässt Sie Googly für vieles zu werden das erste in der Verarbeitung durch gewinnen die Zeichnung Herausforderungen wenn Sie die divertidísima Vision stören glasses. die große Wacky Sportbrille haben drei Sätze von Linsen mit Vision stören hin leicht A Duro, ab 7 Jahre, 4 A 16 jugadores. Lieferumfang: Spielbrett, Karten der Herausforderung, PAWNS, die, Timer, vision-altering, Brille, drei Linsen, Papier, Bleistift und Anweisungen.
Googly Eyes Game — Family Drawing Game with Crazy, Vision-Altering Glasses [Toy]
Put on the vision-altering goggles and draw--no need to be an artist,Can you get your team to guess what you're drawing before time runs out?,Great for people of all ages to play together--the goggles make it challenging for everyone to see (and draw) straight,Simple rules, fast to play, with hilarious results,For ages 7 & up
Googly Eyes Game
Googly Eyes Game — Family Drawing Game with Crazy, Vision-Altering Glasses [Toy]
Put on the vision-altering goggles and draw--no need to be an artist,Can you get your team to guess what you're drawing before time runs out?,Great for people of all ages to play together--the goggles make it challenging for everyone to see (and draw) straight,Simple rules, fast to play, with hilarious results,For ages 7 & up
Googly Eyes is the hilarious family game that challenges your vision and leaves you googling for more! Put on the zany, vision-altering google eye glasses and start to draw while your team tries to guess what you're drawing. Is that an igloo or a turtle? A birthday cake or a fortress? Players take turns drawing and guessing, so everyone gets a chance to wear the glasses. The glasses come with three sets of lenses that range from mild changes to mind-blowing fun, so no one can see (or draw) straight--your vision will bounce off of the lenses. Googly Eyes is a fun twist on classic drawing games that lets players of different ages and skill levels compete on equal terms, since the goggles make it fun and challenging for everyone. Unlike any other drawing game you don't need to be an artist, and the rules are simple. Just roll the die and move--the space you land on tells you which color lenses to use (easy, medium, or hard). Then pick a card, set the timer, and start drawing. If your team guesses correctly you get to roll and move again; if not, then you stay where you are on the board. The first team to reach Finish wins. For ages 7 and up. 4-16 players.
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