PAW PATROL - Camión de Bomberos Transformador de Marshall con cañones de Agua opacos, para Mayores de 3 años [Juguete]
TRANSFORMING TOY FIRE TRUCK: Marshall está listo para salvar el día en su Transforming Fire Truck! Con ruedas de trabajo y un megáfono abatible, este motor de fuego está en camino de una emocionante misión.,Cañones de agua extensibles: empuja la insignia PAW Patrol en la parte posterior del motor de fuego de Marshall para activar los bidones de agua.,Levanta y suelta: el camión de bomberos Transforming de Marshall viene con una escalera que levanta y baja. Úsalo para salvar a los ciudadanos de la Bahía de Aventura.,Marshall's Transforming Fire Truck es un gran regalo para niños mayores de 3 años. Añade el resto de los vehículos transformadores de PAW Patrol a tu colección y recrea el mundo de Adventure Bay en casa.
The PAW Patrol is on a roll! Join Marshall on an all-new action-packed mission with his Transforming Fire Truck! Place Marshall in the driver?s seat and spin the real working wheels as you head out to save the day! When trouble strikes, transform Marshall?s Fire Truck into a rescue vehicle by lifting the ladder up and pushing the PAW Patrol badge on the top the truck. You?ll activate the water cannons ? Marshall to the rescue! With authentic detailing and realistic features, Marshall and his Transforming Fire Truck bring all the excitement of PAW Patrol to life. Add the rest of the pups and their transforming vehicles to your collection and go on new missions! Roll to the rescue with Marshall?s Transforming Fire Truck! TRANSFORMING TOY FIRE TRUCK: Marshall is ready to save the day in his Transforming Fire Truck! With working wheels and a flip-open megaphone, this fire engine is on its way to an exciting mission! EXTENDABLE WATER CANNONS: Push the PAW Patrol Badge on the back of Marshall's fire engine to activate the water cannons! LIFT AND LOWER LADDER: Marshall's Transforming Fire Truck comes with a ladder that lifts and lowers! Use it to save the citizens of Adventure Bay! Add the rest of the PAW Patrol's transforming vehicles to your collection and recreate the world of Adventure Bay at home! Ages 3 Years+
PAW Patrol — Marshall's Transforming Fire Truck with Pop-out Water Cannons, for Ages 3 and Up [Toy]
TRANSFORMING TOY FIRE TRUCK: Marshall is ready to save the day in his Transforming Fire Truck! With working wheels and a flip-open megaphone, this fire engine is on its way to an exciting mission!,EXTENDABLE WATER CANNONS: Push the PAW Patrol Badge on the back of Marshall's fire engine to activate the water cannons!,LIFT AND LOWER LADDER: Marshall's Transforming Fire Truck comes with a ladder that lifts and lowers! Use it to save the citizens of Adventure Bay!,Marshall's Transforming Fire Truck is a great gift for kids aged 3+. Add the rest of the PAW Patrol's transforming vehicles to your collection and recreate the world of Adventure Bay at home!
The PAW Patrol is on a roll! Join Marshall on an all-new action-packed mission with his Transforming Fire Truck! Place Marshall in the driver's seat and spin the real working wheels as you head out to save the day! When trouble strikes, transform Marshall's Fire Truck into a rescue vehicle by lifting the ladder up and pushing the PAW Patrol badge on the top the truck. You'll activate the water cannons - Marshall to the rescue! With authentic detailing and realistic features, Marshall and his Transforming Fire Truck bring all the excitement of PAW Patrol to life. Add the rest of the pups and their transforming vehicles to your collection and go on new missions! Roll to the rescue with Marshall's Transforming Fire Truck!
PAW PATROL — Marshall, Si trasforma Camion dei Pompieri con Pop-out Water Cannons, per Bambini dai 3 Anni in su [Giocattolo]
Trasformare Toy Fire Truck: Marshall è pronto per salvare il giorno nel suo trasformando Fire Truck. Con ruote funzionanti e un flip-open megafono, questo Fire Engine è sul suo modo di un emozionante missione.,Estensibile acqua cannoni: Push The Paw Patrol distintivo sul retro di Marshall del Fire Engine cannoni per attivare l' acqua.,sollevare e abbassare Ladder: Marshall da trasformare Fire Truck viene fornito con una scala che solleva e abbassa. Si può usare per salvare i cittadini di Adventure Bay.,Marshall trasformare Fire Truck è un grande regalo per bambini dai 3 anni. Aggiungi il resto del Paw Patrol trasformare veicoli alla tua collezione e ricrea il mondo di Adventure Bay a casa.
PAW PATROL — Marshall de Transformation Camion de Pompiers avec Gril Canons à Eau, pour 3 Ans et Plus [Toy]
Transformation jouet camion de pompiers : Marshall est prêt à enregistrer le jour dans son camion de pompiers de transformation. Avec les roues de travail et un mégaphone rabattable, ce moteur de feu est sur son chemin vers une mission passionnante.,Extensible avec des canons à eau : appuyez sur la patte de patrouille badge sur le dos de Marshall de feu de moteur pour activer les canons à eau.,Soulevez et abaissez échelle : Marshall pour transformer le camion de pompiers est livré avec une échelle qui soulève et abaisse. Utilisez-le pour enregistrer les citoyens d'Adventure Bay.,Marshall pour transformer le camion de pompier est un excellent cadeau pour les enfants âgés de 3 +. Ajouter le reste de la Pat Patrouille pour transformer les véhicules à votre collection et recréer le monde de la baie de aventure à la maison.
La Patrouille PAW est sur la bonne voie! Rejoignez Marshall dans une toute nouvelle mission remplie d'action avec son camion de pompier transformateur! Placez Marshall dans le siège du conducteur et faites tourner les vraies roues en marche pour sauver la journée! En cas de problème, transformez le camion des pompiers de Marshall en véhicule de sauvetage en soulevant l'échelle et en poussant l'insigne de la patrouille PAW sur le dessus du camion. Vous activez les canons à eau - Marshall à la rescousse! Avec des détails authentiques et des caractéristiques réalistes, Marshall et son camion de pompiers transformateur donnent vie à toute l'émotion de PAW Patrol. Ajoutez le reste des chiots et leurs véhicules de transformation à votre collection et partez pour de nouvelles missions! Rouler à la rescousse avec le camion de pompier transformateur de Marshall!
PAW PATROL – Marshall's transformierender Feuerwehrwagen mit Pop-Out-Wasserkanonen, ab 3 Jahren [Toy]
Übertragen von Spielzeug-Feuerwagen: Marshall ist bereit, den Tag in seinem verwandelnden Feuerwehr zu retten. Mit funktionierenden Rädern und einem aufklappbaren Megafon ist dieses Feuerwehrauto auf dem Weg zu einer spannenden Mission!,Ausziehbare Wasserkanonen: Drücken Sie das Paw Patrol Badge auf der Rückseite des Marshalls Feuerwehrautomaten, um die Wasserkanonen zu aktivieren.,Leiter: Marshalls Transformierender Feuerwehrwagen kommt mit einer Leiter, die hebt und senkt. Nutzen Sie es, um die Bürger der Adventure Bay zu retten!,Marshall verwandelter Feuerwehrwagen ist ein tolles Geschenk für Kinder ab 3 Jahren. Fügen Sie den Rest der PAW Patrol verwandelnden Fahrzeuge zu Ihrer Sammlung hinzu und erschaffen Sie die Welt der Adventure Bay zu Hause.
The PAW Patrol is on a roll! Join Marshall on an all-new action-packed mission with his Transforming Fire Truck! Place Marshall in the driver?s seat and spin the real working wheels as you head out to save the day! When trouble strikes, transform Marshall?s Fire Truck into a rescue vehicle by lifting the ladder up and pushing the PAW Patrol badge on the top the truck. You?ll activate the water cannons ? Marshall to the rescue! With authentic detailing and realistic features, Marshall and his Transforming Fire Truck bring all the excitement of PAW Patrol to life. Add the rest of the pups and their transforming vehicles to your collection and go on new missions! Roll to the rescue with Marshall?s Transforming Fire Truck! TRANSFORMING TOY FIRE TRUCK: Marshall is ready to save the day in his Transforming Fire Truck! With working wheels and a flip-open megaphone, this fire engine is on its way to an exciting mission! EXTENDABLE WATER CANNONS: Push the PAW Patrol Badge on the back of Marshall's fire engine to activate the water cannons! LIFT AND LOWER LADDER: Marshall's Transforming Fire Truck comes with a ladder that lifts and lowers! Use it to save the citizens of Adventure Bay! Add the rest of the PAW Patrol's transforming vehicles to your collection and recreate the world of Adventure Bay at home! Ages 3 Years+
Paw Patrol Marshall's Transforming Fire Truck with Pop-Out Water Cannons, for Ages 3 and Up [Toy]
Transforming toy fire truck: Marshall is ready to save the day in his transforming fire engine! with working wheels and a flip-open megaphone, this fire engine is on its way to an exciting mission!,Extendable water cannons: push the Paw Patrol badge on the back of marshall's fire engine to activate the water cannons!,Lift and lower ladder: marshall's transforming fire engine comes with a ladder that lifts and lowers! use it to save the citizens of adventure bay!,Marshall's transforming fire engine is a great gift for kids aged 3+. add the rest of the Paw Patrol transforming vehicles to your collection and recreate the world of adventure bay at home!,Includes: 1 Marshall figure, 1 transforming fire truck
The PAW Patrol is on a roll! Join Marshall on an all-new action-packed mission with his Transforming Fire Truck! Place Marshall in the driver?s seat and spin the real working wheels as you head out to save the day! When trouble strikes, transform Marshall?s Fire Truck into a rescue vehicle by lifting the ladder up and pushing the PAW Patrol badge on the top the truck. You?ll activate the water cannons ? Marshall to the rescue! With authentic detailing and realistic features, Marshall and his Transforming Fire Truck bring all the excitement of PAW Patrol to life. Add the rest of the pups and their transforming vehicles to your collection and go on new missions! Roll to the rescue with Marshall?s Transforming Fire Truck! TRANSFORMING TOY FIRE TRUCK: Marshall is ready to save the day in his Transforming Fire Truck! With working wheels and a flip-open megaphone, this fire engine is on its way to an exciting mission! EXTENDABLE WATER CANNONS: Push the PAW Patrol Badge on the back of Marshall's fire engine to activate the water cannons! LIFT AND LOWER LADDER: Marshall's Transforming Fire Truck comes with a ladder that lifts and lowers! Use it to save the citizens of Adventure Bay! Add the rest of the PAW Patrol's transforming vehicles to your collection and recreate the world of Adventure Bay at home! Ages 3 Years+
Paw Patrol Marshall's Transforming Fire Truck with Pop-out Water Cannons, for Ages 3 and Up [Toy]
Transforming toy fire truck: Marshall is ready to save the day in his transforming fire engine! with working wheels and a flip-open megaphone, this fire engine is on its way to an exciting mission!,Extendable water cannons: push the Paw Patrol badge on the back of marshall's fire engine to activate the water cannons!,Lift and lower ladder: marshall's transforming fire engine comes with a ladder that lifts and lowers! use it to save the citizens of adventure bay!,Marshall's transforming fire engine is a great gift for kids aged 3+. add the rest of the Paw Patrol transforming vehicles to your collection and recreate the world of adventure bay at home!,Includes: 1 Marshall figure, 1 transforming fire truck
The Paw Patrol is on a roll! join Marshall on an all-new action-packed mission with his transforming fire truck! place Marshall in the driver's seat and spin the real working wheels as you head out to save the day! when trouble strikes, transform Marshall's fire engine into a rescue vehicle by lifting the ladder up and pushing the Paw Patrol badge on the top of Marshall's fire engine. You'll activate the water cannons – Marshall to the rescue! with authentic detailing and realistic features, Marshall and his fire truck bring all the excitement of Paw Patrol to life. Add the rest of the Pups and their transforming vehicles to your collection and go on new missions! roll to the rescue with Marshall's transforming fire engine truck!
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