Barbie Aventura de los Delfines, muñeca con mascotas mágicas y accesorios (Mattel FBD63) [Juguete]
Haz que la película "Barbie y los delfines mágicos" cobre vida con Barbie y sus encantadores amigos,Barbie está lista para sumergirse en la diversión luciendo unos pantalones cortos estampados y un chaleco de colores vivos que se convierte al instante,Disfruta de incluso más diversión acuática con su perrito que lanza chorritos y que viene montado sobre una tabla de surf,Date un chapuzón con el simpático delfín rosa: al apretar su cola se activan sonidos,A las fans les encantará recrear escenas de la película y contar sus propias historias fuera y dentro del mar, porque con Barbie tú puedes ser lo que quieras
Reproduce las aventuras de Barbie en la película Barbie y los delfines mágicos con esta muñeca y sus amigos. Colócale las aletas y las gafas de buceo a la joven y acompáñala en su aventura de explorar el mundo submarino ¡¡Mira, el chaleco de Barbie es mágico!! Si lo mojas con agua tibia la parte azul cambia de color y se vuelve rosa. Además, su amigo el perrito surfeador lanza chorros de agua y el dulce delfín emite distintos sonidos cuando aprietas su cola. Revive la magia del film con este pack de Barbie Delfín Mágico.Pesos y medidas:- Peso: 0,36
Barbie FBD63 Dolphin Magic Snorkel Fun Friends Doll [Toy]
Bring Barbie Dolphin Magic to life with Barbie Doll and her cute friends!, Barbie Doll wears a brightly coloured top and graphic print shorts that transform in an instant, apply warm water to the jacket and watch as its front changes from blue to bright pink!, Enjoy even more water-play with her water-squirting puppy -- it comes attached to its surfboard for sea-faring fun!, Create waves with the pink dolphin friend: push its tail to hear it make sounds!
Bring Barbie Dolphin Magic to life with this Barbie Doll and her cute friends! Ready to dive into an ocean of fun, Barbie Doll wears a brightly coloured top and graphic print shorts. Apply warm water to the jacket and discover a new look as its front changes from blue to bright pink -- wow! There's even more water-play fun with her water-squirting puppy on a surfboard (it's so cute with a pink bow)! Use her snorkel mask and swim fins to help Barbie Doll explore the ocean with her dolphin friend. Push the dolphin's tail for life-like sounds that add to the tropical fun. Fans will love recreating scenes and telling their own tales above and below sea level because with Barbie, you can be anything!
Barbie Magia del Delfino,, FBD63 [Giocattolo]
Fai prendere vita al film Barbie la Magia del Delfino con Barbie e i suoi teneri amici del mare,Barbie è pronta a tuffarsi nel divertimento con il suo top colorato e gli shorts decorati a tema che si trasformano in un istante applicando dell'acqua calda,Divertiti ancora di più con l'acqua e gioca con il suo adorabile cagnolino che spruzza acqua include il suo mini surf per un'infinità di storie da raccontare,Crea le onde con il tenero amico delfino rosa premigli la coda e ascolta i magici suoni,Le fan adoreranno ricreare le scene del film e raccontare nuove storie sopra e sotto il livello del mare perché con Barbie puoi essere tutto ciò che desideri
Fai prendere vita al film Barbie la Magia del Delfino con questa Barbie e i suoi teneri amici del mare. Pronta a tuffarsi in un mare di divertimento, Barbie indossa un top coloratissimo e fantastici shorts con stampe a tema. Applica dell'acqua calda sulla sua giacca e scopri un nuovo look, che cambia da blu a rosa acceso. Divertiti ancora di più con il suo adorabile cucciolo che spruzza l'acqua sul mini surf (com'è dolce con il fiocchetto rosa). Usa la maschera, il boccaglio e le pinne per aiutare Barbie ad esplorare l'oceano con il suo adorabile amico delfino. Premi la coda del delfino e ascolta i magici suoni che si aggiungono al divertimento nei mari tropicali. Le fan adoreranno ricreare le scene del film e raccontare nuove storie sopra e sotto il livello del mare, perché con Barbie puoi essere tutto ciò che desideri. Colleziona tutte le bambole e gli accessori della linea ispirata al film Barbie La Magia del Delfino (ognuno in vendita separatamente, secondo disponibilità). Include una Barbie con abiti (inclusa giacca cambia colore) e accessori, un delfino con coda che attiva i suoni, un cagnolino che spruzza acqua, maschera, boccaglio e pinne. La bambola non può reggersi in piedi da sola.
Barbie La Magie des Dauphins poupée Blonde avec figurine de chien, dauphin sonore, et accessoires, jouet pour enfant, FRD63 [Toy]
Recrée l'univers magique de Barbie La Magie des Dauphins chez toi avec cette belle poupée Barbie et ses adorables petits amis, Cette poupée Barbie porte un haut joliment coloré et un short imprimé pour plonger dans l'océan ; applique un peu d'eau chaude sur son haut et regarde-le changer de couleur sous tes yeux, et passer du bleu au rose !, Amuse-toi aussi avec son chiot malicieux qui surfe en faisant gicler de l'eau (livré attaché à sa planche de surf !), Fais des vagues avec son ami le dauphin rose : appuie sur sa queue pour entendre des sons très réalistes !, Tu vas adorer recréer les scènes de tes épisodes préférés ou inventer de nouvelles histoires, car avec Barbie, tu peux être tout ce que tu veux !, Collectionne toutes les poupées et accessoires de Barbie La Magie des Dauphins(chaque poupée est vendue séparément ; certains produits peuvent ne pas être commercialisés)
Barbie Et Son Dauphin Magique - Poupée Barbie sur le thème du dauphin magique, vendue avec ses accessoires un dauphin sonore et un chiot gicleur. Fonction changement de couleur sur le top de la poupée - Fille - A partir de 3 ans - Livré à l'unité
Barbie FBD63 - Magie der Delfine tierische Freunde, Taucher Puppe mit Farbwechsel, inkl. Zubehör und Delfin, Mädchen Spielzeug ab 3 Jahren [Toy]
Barbie ist in ihrem Taucheroutfit mit leuchtend buntem Oberteil und den gemusterten Shorts bereit für einen ganzen Ozean voll Spaß,Im Handumdrehen kann Barbie ihren Look verändern: Einfach warmes Wasser auf ihre Jacke geben, damit aus Blau Pink wird,Mit dabei ist ihr Wasser spritzendes Hündchen, das auf einem Surfbrett unterwegs ist,Mit ihrem Delfin-Freund geht es auf zu fantastischen Entdeckungsreisen, drückt man die Schwanzflosse des Delfins, macht er realistische Delfingeräusche,Ab 3 Jahren
Barbie Magie der Delfine Barbie & tier F | FBD63
Barbie Dolphin Magic Snorkel Fun Friends Set [Toy]
Bring Barbie Dolphin Magic to life with Barbie doll and her aquatic friends!,Barbie doll is ready to dive into fun wearing a brightly colored top and graphic print shorts that transform in an instant -apply warm water to her shirt and discover a new look as its front changes from blue to bright pink!,Enjoy even more water-play with her water-squirting puppy -it comes attached to its surfboard for waves of fun!,Create waves with the pink dolphin friend: push its tail to hear it make realistic dolphin sounds!,Fans will love recreating scenes and telling their own tales above and below sea level because with Barbie, you can be anything!
Bring Barbie doll's newest adventure to life with features and accessories that really make a splash! Ready to head into an ocean of fun, Barbie doll wears a brightly colored top and graphic print shorts -- but apply warm water to her jacket and discover a new look as the blue changes to pink! Spray her some more for water-play fun with her water-squirting puppy on a surfboard. Then put on her fins and mask and dive into imagination -- she can explore the ocean with her dolphin friend. Push its tail for "real" dolphin sounds and fantasy fun! Colors and decorations may vary. New 2017
Barbie Dolphin Magic Snorkel Fun Friends Playset [Toy]
Bring Barbie Dolphin Magic to life with Barbie doll and her aquatic friends!,Barbie doll is ready to dive into fun wearing a brightly colored top and graphic print shorts that transform in an instant -- apply warm water to her shirt and discover a new look as its front changes from blue to bright pink!,Enjoy even more water-play with her water-squirting puppy -- it comes attached to its surfboard for waves of fun!,Create waves with the pink dolphin friend: push its tail to hear it make realistic dolphin sounds!,Fans will love recreating scenes and telling their own tales above and below sea level because with Barbie, you can be anything!
Bring Barbie Dolphin Magic to life with this Barbie doll and her aquatic animal friends! Ready to dive into an ocean of fun, Barbie doll wears a brightly colored top and graphic print shorts. Apply warm water to the shirt and discover a new look as its front changes from blue to bright pink -- wow! There's even more water-play fun with her water-squirting puppy on a surfboard (it's so cute with a pink bow)! Use her snorkel mask and swim fins to help Barbie doll explore the ocean with her dolphin friend. Push the dolphin's tail for life-like sounds that add to the tropical fun. Fans will love recreating scenes and telling their own tales above and below sea level because with Barbie, you can be anything! Collect all of the dolls and accessories from the Barbie Dolphin Magic line (each sold separately, subject to availability). Includes Barbie doll wearing fashions (including color-change top) and accessories, a dolphin with sound-activating tail, a water-squirting puppy toy, swim fins and mask. Doll cannot stand alone. Colors and decorations may vary.
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