L.O.L. Surprise! 557050E7C Hairgoal Doll-Series 5-1A, Multi [Juguete]
L.O.L. Surprise #HairGoal Muñeca - Serie 5-1A
L.O.L. ¡Sorpresa! #hairgoals consiguió un cambio de imagen fabuloso y ahora tiene el pelo real! Cada muñeca viene con 15 sorpresas en una lata de spray para el cabello. La cápsula se transforma en una silla de salón, una vitrina, un soporte para muñecas y un bolso. ¡Alimenta o baña a la muñeca para descubrir sorpresas de agua! Recoge los 12 personajes: 10 muñecas con pelo real y 2 glitterati raros Estas muñecas salieron listas para ser los mejores regalos de navidad para niños ; Cada LOL Surprise Make Over tiene: #lolsurprise #lolhairgoals #lolmakeoverseries 1: Espejo Magico 2- Mensaje secreto 3- Nuevos stickers 4 - Silla de bebe/ silla de salon de belleza 5- Botella de bebe 6- Zapatos 7- Peine 8- Accesorios 9- Disfraz 10- Vestido 11- rulleros 12- Sorpresa de agua 13- Capsula de laca 14- estante 15- cadenita para colgar!
LO.L Surprise! Hairgoals Doll-Series 5-1A [Toy]
L.O.L. Surprise! #Hairgoals got a fabulous makeover and now have real hair,Each doll comes with 15 surprises in a hairspray can capsule,Capsule transforms into a salon chair, display case, doll stand, and purse,Feed or bathe doll to discover water surprises,Collect all 12 characters - 10 dolls with real hair and 2 rare glitterati
Please Note: Due to high demand, this product is limited to 2 units per customer. If you thought you already had #squadgoals with your L.O.L doll collection, think again! Introducing, L.O.L Surprise! #Hairgoals.. the first L.O.L doll featuring brushable hair in loads of styles to collect. Each #Hairgoals hairspray canister contains 15 surprises to unbox. Turn the fabulous hairspray can into a salon chair, doll stand, display case or even a fashionable purse to carry your favourite #Hairgoals dolls around. Each set contains loads of cool accessories to collect including a magic mirror, a secret message, hair stickers, hair curlers, a comb, a bottle, a fashion accessory as well as an outfit, mystery disguise and shoes. The #hairgoals dolls can even be placed in water for an amazing colour change surprise.
L.O.L. Surprise! l.o.l Sorpresa. 557050E7 C Hairgoals Doll-Series 5 – 1 A, Multi [Giocattolo]
l.o.l. sorpresa # hairgoals Doll - Series 5 - 1 A
L.O.L. Surprise!!!!!. 557050e7 C Hairgoals Doll-Series 5–1 A, Multi [Toy]
l.o.l. surprise # hairgoals poupée - Series 5-1 A
L.O.L Surprise! 557050E7C Hairgoal Puppen-Serie 5-1A, Multi [Toy]
L.O.L. Überraschung #Hairgoal Puppe - Serie 5-1A
L.O.L. Surprise #Hairgoals- Series 5-1 [Toy]
New surprises in each mystery pack!
L.O.L. Surprise!! #Hairgoals Makeover Series with 15 Surprises [Toy]
Collect all 12 characters - 10 dolls with real hair and 2 rare glitterati,L.O.L. Surprise! #Hairgoals got a fabulous makeover with real hair or glitter hair,Each doll comes with 15 surprises in a hairspray can Capsule,Capsule transforms into a Salon chair, display case, doll stand, and purse,Styles will vary
It's time for the big reveal, because L.O.L. Surprise! got a fabulous makeover - REAL Hair or glitter hair! From new surprises to new looks to totally new ways to unbox, the Makeover Series is all about transformation. Collect all 12 characters and strut serious style with L.O.L. Surprise! #Hairgoals. L.O.L. Surprise! #Hairgoals dolls are ready to reveal their new looks, including new characters with REAL hair in so many fabulous styles. Unbox 15 surprises! (1) Magic Mirror; (2) Secret Message; (3) Hair Barrette Stickers; (4) Salon Chair; (5) Hair Curlers; (6) Comb; (7) Bottle; (8) Fashion Accessory; (9-12) Mystery Disguise; (13) Outfit; (14) Shoes; (15) L.O.L. Surprise! #Hairgoals doll. New hairspray can capsule transforms into a salon chair, display case, doll stand, or purse. Feed or bathe doll to discover a water surprise, including color change! Collect all the fabulous new characters and surprises with L.O.L. Surprise! #Hairgoals.
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