Bundle 3X Keyforge - Call of The Archons Deck (IT) + Fantàsia Pen! [Juguete]
- Uniqueness of each deck: there are no 2 decks that are the same in the world., - It is not possible to modify and / or copy the deck., - Easier and faster than other trading card games., - Suitable for both newbies and card game veterans., - Richard Garfield: a name, a guarantee., - At a minimum cost you can immediately play and be competitive.,Edad mínima recomendada: 10,Idioma: Italiano
Enter a world where anything is possible in KeyForge!Here in the worlds first Unique Deck Game, two players become Archons racing to forge keys that unlock the hidden vaults of the Crucible, an artificial world built from pieces of countless planets. With an incredible array of creatures, artifacts, and abilities, no two decks are alike, and no two battles will ever be the same!Playing with the KeyForge: Call of The Archons starter set is only the beginning of your adventures.You can expand your arsenal with Call of the Archons Archon Decks, each of which offers a full play experience without the need of deckbuilding or boosters.Each Archon Deck is completely one-of-a-kind and cannot be altered ensuring that youll use every faction in your deck to achieve victory.Every Call of the Archons Archon Deck features a distinct name and Archon, and is filled with a singular mix of cards, tactics, and strategic potential.In each pack, you will find an opportunity- the chance to become the best in the world at playing your decks. Will your teams have the strength, skills, and cunning to win the day?
Bundle 3x Keyforge - Mazzo Il Richiamo degli Arconti (IT) + Penna Fantàsia! [Giocattolo]
3 mazzi Arconte Unici da 37 carte,Unicità di ogni mazzo: non esistono 2 mazzi uguali al mondo.,EDIZIONE IN ITALIANO,con penna Fantàsia!
KeyForge è un gioco di carte per due giocatori in cui ogni giocatore riveste il ruolo di un Arconte e guida il mazzo di quellArconte contro il suo avversario.Il mazzo di un giocatore rappresenta una squadra che tenta di accumulare gli Æmber e forgiare delle chiavi.Il primo giocatore che raduna 3 chiavi è in grado di aprire una Cripta e vince la partita.La caratteristica speciale di KeyForge è il fatto che non esistono due mazzi identici.Questo non è un gioco di carte collezionabili: non è possibile comporre un mazzo. Al contrario, ciascun mazzo deve rimanere comè.Ogni mazzo è dotato di una straordinaria gamma di creature, artefatti e capacità, ed è unico nel suo genere: nessuna battaglia sarà uguale a unaltra!
Bundle 3X Keyforge - Call of The Archons Deck (IT) + Fantàsia Pen! [Toy]
- Uniqueness of each deck: there are no 2 decks that are the same in the world., - It is not possible to modify and / or copy the deck., - Easier and faster than other trading card games., - Suitable for both newbies and card game veterans., - Richard Garfield: a name, a guarantee., - At a minimum cost you can immediately play and be competitive.,Âge minimum recommandé: 10,Langue: Italien
Enter a world where anything is possible in KeyForge!Here in the worlds first Unique Deck Game, two players become Archons racing to forge keys that unlock the hidden vaults of the Crucible, an artificial world built from pieces of countless planets. With an incredible array of creatures, artifacts, and abilities, no two decks are alike, and no two battles will ever be the same!Playing with the KeyForge: Call of The Archons starter set is only the beginning of your adventures.You can expand your arsenal with Call of the Archons Archon Decks, each of which offers a full play experience without the need of deckbuilding or boosters.Each Archon Deck is completely one-of-a-kind and cannot be altered ensuring that youll use every faction in your deck to achieve victory.Every Call of the Archons Archon Deck features a distinct name and Archon, and is filled with a singular mix of cards, tactics, and strategic potential.In each pack, you will find an opportunity- the chance to become the best in the world at playing your decks. Will your teams have the strength, skills, and cunning to win the day?
Bundle 3X Keyforge - Call of The Archons Deck (IT) + Fantàsia Pen! [Toy]
- Uniqueness of each deck: there are no 2 decks that are the same in the world., - It is not possible to modify and / or copy the deck., - Easier and faster than other trading card games., - Suitable for both newbies and card game veterans., - Richard Garfield: a name, a guarantee., - At a minimum cost you can immediately play and be competitive.,Mindestalter Empfohlen: 10,Sprache: Italienisch
Enter a world where anything is possible in KeyForge!Here in the worlds first Unique Deck Game, two players become Archons racing to forge keys that unlock the hidden vaults of the Crucible, an artificial world built from pieces of countless planets. With an incredible array of creatures, artifacts, and abilities, no two decks are alike, and no two battles will ever be the same!Playing with the KeyForge: Call of The Archons starter set is only the beginning of your adventures.You can expand your arsenal with Call of the Archons Archon Decks, each of which offers a full play experience without the need of deckbuilding or boosters.Each Archon Deck is completely one-of-a-kind and cannot be altered ensuring that youll use every faction in your deck to achieve victory.Every Call of the Archons Archon Deck features a distinct name and Archon, and is filled with a singular mix of cards, tactics, and strategic potential.In each pack, you will find an opportunity- the chance to become the best in the world at playing your decks. Will your teams have the strength, skills, and cunning to win the day?
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