Juegos Mattel - Blokus, juego de estrategia (BJV44) [Juguete]
Un juego de estrategia para toda la familia,Con 21 piezas por jugador, de todas las formas diferentes,Incluye tablero con los bordes levantados y valles que sostiene las piezas en el lugar,Edad recomendada: +5 años
Develops logic and spatial perception while kids learn to be tactical. Players take turns placing pieces on their board, each starting from their corner. Each new piece must touch at least one other piece of the same color, but only at the corners! The goal is to get rid of all your pieces. The game ends when all players are blocked from laying down any more of their pieces. Includes one gameboard with 400 squares, 84 game pieces in four bright translucent colors, and an instruction guide. Ages 5+, for 2-4 players. Typical duration of 20-30 minute s per game.
Mattel Games Blokus [Toy]
Blokus is the perfect strategy game for the whole family - less than a minute to learn with the depth to challenge all ages!,As players take turns placing their 21 pieces on the board, there's just one rule to remember,Each piece played much touch another piece of the same colour, but only at the corners!,Protect your territory by fitting as many of your pieces on the board as you can while you strategically block your opponents!,Easy to learn and great for families, Blokus is the fast-paced strategy game that delivers "One Rule, Endless Possibilities!"
Box ContainsStake your claim and protect your territory with Blokus game! There's just one rule: each piece you play must touch at least one other piece of the same colour, but only at the corners! It takes less than a minute to learn but has depth to challenge your whole family. Each player gets a set of 21 pieces - red, blue, green, or yellow - then takes turns placing them on the board. The goal is to fit the most pieces on the board. The game ends when no one can place any more pieces. Everyone counts the squares in their unplayed pieces and the player with the lowest score wins! Easy to learn and great for families, Blokus is the fast-paced strategy game that delivers "One Rule, Endless Possibilities!" Ages 7 and older.
Mattel BJV44 - Blokus, gioco da tavolo [Giocattolo]
Gioco di strategia perfetto per tutta la famiglia - meno di un minuto per imparare con sfide divertenti per tutte le età!,I giocatori a turno posizionano i loro 21 pezzi sulla scacchiera: ogni pezzo deve toccare un altro dello stesso colore, ma solo agli angoli!,Reclama il tuo reclamo e proteggi il tuo territorio inserendo quanti più pezzi possibile sulla scacchiera mentre blocchi strategicamente i tuoi avversari!,Il gioco termina quando non è possibile posizionare altri pezzi e il giocatore con il numero più basso rimasto vince!,Grande regalo per i fan di Blokus!
Stake your claim and protect your territory with Blokus game! There's just one rule: each piece you play must touch at least one other piece of the same color, but only at the corners! It takes less than a minute to learn but has depth to challenge your whole family. Each player gets a set of 21 pieces - red, blue, green, or yellow - then takes turns placing them on the board. The goal is to fit the most pieces on the board. The game ends when no one can place any more pieces. Everyone counts the squares in their unplayed pieces and the player with the lowest score wins! Easy to learn and great for families, Blokus is the fast-paced strategy game that delivers One Rule, Endless Possibilities! Ages 7 and older.
Blokus, Jeu de Société et de Stratégie, BJV44 [Toy]
Le jeu de stratégie idéal pour toute la famille, moins d'une minute suffit pour apprendre à y jouer, mais quel défi pour tous les âges,Les joueurs placent à tour de rôle des pièces sur le plateau : chaque pièce posée doit toucher une pièce de la même couleur, mais seulement par les coins,Revendique ta suprématie et protège ton territoire en plaçant autant de pièces sur le plateau que possible tout en essayant de bloquer tes adversaires,La partie est terminée lorsqu'aucun des joueurs ne peut plus poser de pièce, le joueur qui possède le moins de carrés remporte la partie
Mattel Games BJV44 - Blokus Strategiespiel und Gesellschaftsspiel, geeignet für 2 - 4 Spieler, Spieldauer ca. 20 - 40 Minuten, Brettspiele ab 7 Jahren [Toy]
Blokus - das Strategiespiel für die ganze Familie,Jeder Spieler wählt eine Farbe und muss die Steine dieser Farbe von den Ecken des Spielbretts ausgehend ablegen,Alle gleichfarbigen Steine müssen dabei eine direkte Verbindung haben, dürfen sich aber immer nur an den Ecken berühren - nie an den Seiten,Das Spiel ist zu Ende, wenn ein Spieler alle seine Steine abgelegt hat oder kein Spieler mehr ablegen kann; Wer die wenigsten Quadrate übrig hat, hat gewonnen,Für 2-4 Spieler; Ab 7 Jahren
Blokus, das Strategiespiel für die ganze Familie! Leicht verständlich für Anfänger, eine echte Herausforderung für Profis. Mit unzähligen Spielkombinationen. Jeder Spieler wählt
eine Farbe und muss die Steine dieser Farbe von den Ecken des Spielbretts ausgehend ablegen. Alle gleichfarbigen Steine müssen dabei eine direkte Verbindung haben. Sie
dürfen sich immer nur an den Ecken berühren, nie an den Seiten. Das Spiel ist zu Ende, wenn ein Spieler alle seine Steine abgelegt hat oder kein Spieler mehr ablegen kann. Wer die wenigsten Quadrate übrig hat, hat gewonnen.
Blokus Game [Toy]
Blokus is the perfect strategy game for the whole family - less than a minute to learn with the depth to challenge all ages,As players take turns placing their 21 pieces on the board, each piece played must touch another piece of the same color, but only at the corners,Stake your claim and protect your territory by fitting as many of your pieces on the board as you can while you strategically block your opponents,Easy to learn and great for families, Blokus is the fast-paced strategy game that delivers One Rule, Endless Possibilities,Includes 84 total pieces, game board and instructions
Blokus develops logic and spatial perception while kids learn to be tactical. Players take turns placing pieces on their board, each starting from their corner. Each new piece must touch at least one other piece of the same color, but only at the corners. The goal is to get rid of all your pieces. The game ends when all players are blocked from laying down any more of their pieces. Includes one game board with 400 squares, 84 game pieces in four bright translucent colors, and an instruction guide.
Blokus Strategy Game [Toy]
Perfect strategy game for the whole family - less than a minute to learn with fun challenges for all ages!,Players take turns placing their 21 pieces on the board: each piece must touch another of the same color, but only at the corners!,Stake your claim and protect your territory by fitting as many of your pieces on the board as possible while strategically blocking your opponents!,The game ends when no more pieces can be placed down, and the player with the lowest number remaining wins!,Great gift for Blokus fans!
Stake your claim and protect your territory with the Blokus game! It takes less than a minute to learn, but offers endless strategy and fun challenges for the whole family. Each player gets a set of 21 pieces – in red, blue, green, or yellow – then takes turns placing them on the board. There's just one rule: each piece you play must touch at least one other piece of the same color, but only at the corners! The goal is to fit the most pieces on the board. The game ends when no more pieces can be placed down, and the player with the lowest number remaining wins!
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