John Adams Leisure - Juego de mesa, de 2 a 4 jugadores (10140) (importado) [Juguete]
Sea el primero a "Rummikub" ir a ganar,Diversión para toda la familia
El Rummikub original reúne gente ofrece horas de diversión. Cada juego es tan diferente como las combinaciones de jugadas que decide jugar.
Burlar a sus opositores con estrategia genial y agudo se mueve, el trepidante juego de manipulación del azulejo.Apto para 2-4 jugadores.Edad 7 +
Caja contiene: Â x 104 números azulejos, Â 2 joker azulejos y 4 estantes del azulejo.
John Adams Ideal Rummikub Classic [Toy]
The numbers strategy game that's never the same!,The fast-paced game of tile manipulation.,Place all your tiles from your rack on the table.,Be the first to go "Rummikub" to win.,Suitable for 2-4 players
With brilliant simplicity, Rummikub provides hours of amusement. Each game is as different as the combinations of moves you choose to play. Be the first player to go 'Rummikub' by using all your tiles in 'runs or 'group' and by accumulation the highest score. Outwit your opponents with cool strategy and sharp moves. Be the first to lay down all your tiles and cry 'Rummikub!'.
Rummikub - Gioco da tavolo classico [Lingua Inglese] [Giocattolo]
Essere Il Primo Ad Andare "rummikub" Per Vincere,Buon Divertimento Per Tutta La Famiglia
Il Rummikub originale riunisce persone offre ore di divertimento. Ogni gioco è tanto diversa quanto le combinazioni di mosse che si sceglie di giocare.
Superare in astuzia i tuoi avversari con strategia fresco e tagliente si muove, il frenetico gioco di manipolazione delle mattonelle.Adatto per 2-4 giocatori.Età 7 +
Box Contains:  104 x numero,  2 joker pavimenti and 4 mattonelle rack.
Rummikub Classic – Jeu de Société – Rami des Chiffres Version Anglaise [Toy]
Soyez Le Premier à Aller « Rummikub » à Gagner,Bon Amusement Pour Toute La Famille
Crée un maximum de combinaisons pour gagner la partie de Rummikub Version Anglaise. Le jeu Rummikub est la version anglaise du jeu aussi connu sous le nom de Rami des chiffres en France. Veuillez noter que les instructions sont uniquement en anglais. De 2 à 4 joueurs à partir de 7 ans.
John Adams – Rummikub (Englische Sprache) [UK Import] [Toy]
Die erste sein "Rummikub" gehen zu gewinnen,Viel Spaß für die ganze Familie
Das Spiel des Jahres von 1980 - Der Klassiker unter den Kartenspielen & Das meistverkaufte Spiel für die ganze Familie - Rummikub. Stellen Sie Ihre Rommé Fähigkeiten auf die Probe - Sei der Erste, der alle Rummikub-Steine vom Rack auf den Tisch legt um die anderen Spieler zu schlagen. Aber vergiss nicht, Rummikub zu rufen. Ein fantastisches Gesellschaftsspiel für 2-4 Spieler ab 7 Jahren. Was ist in der Box? 106 x -Spielkacheln; 4 x Aufsteller; 1 x Anleitung (in englischer Sprache).
Rummikub Classic Board Game [CE]
104 x number tiles,2 joker tiles,4 tile racks.
Rummikub Classic is the numbers strategy game that's never the same!Played with 106 tiles (1 to 13 in 4 different coloures), the object of the game is go "Rummikub" being the first player to place all the tiles from their rack onto the table.Lay down sets of "groups" (three or four tiles in the same number but different colour) or "runs" (three or more consecutive numbers of the same colour).Bring excitment to your game by "manipulating" the tiles already on the table to a player's advantage, rearrange or add to existing sets in or to use up a tile from their rack! For 2-4 players
The Original Classic Rummikub Game [Toy]
104 x number tiles,2 joker tiles,4 tile racks.
Rummikub Classic is the numbers strategy game that's never the same!
Played with 106 tiles (1 to 13 in 4 different coloures), the object of the game is go "Rummikub" being the first player to place all the tiles from their rack onto the table.
Lay down sets of "groups" (three or four tiles in the same number but different colour) or "runs" (three or more consecutive numbers of the same colour).
Bring excitment to your game by "manipulating" the tiles already on the table to a player's advantage, rearrange or add to existing sets in or to use up a tile from their rack!
For 2-4 players
Ages 7+
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