D&D RPG MONSTER MANUAL HC (Dungeons & Dragons) [Libro]
El manual de monstruos presenta una horda de monstruos clásicos del universo de Dragones y Mazmorras. Incluye dragones, gigantes, despellejadores mentales y espectadores, una clase de monstruos para aquellos Directores de Juego que quieran ponerle un reto a sus jugadores. Los monstruos que aparecen en este manual han sido escogidas de los juegos de Dragones y Mazmorras y modificadas para que sean fáciles de incluir a las partidas y desgarradoras historias que pondrán en marcha tu imaginación.
Monster Manual: A Dungeons & Dragons Core Rulebook (Dungeons & Dragons Core Rulebooks) [Book]
A menagerie of deadly monsters for the world's greatest roleplaying game.,Hardcover with 352 pages full of monster descriptions,The A to Z Fantasy Bestiary,International Standard Book Number: 978-0-7869-6561-8,Printed in USA
The Monster Manual presents a horde of classic Dungeons & Dragons creatures, including dragons, giants, mind flayers, and beholders-a monstrous feast for Dungeon Masters ready to challenge their players and populate their adventures. The monsters contained herein are culled from the D&D game's illustrious history, with easy-to-use game statistics and thrilling stories to feed your imagination. The leader in providing contemporary fantasy entertainment, Dungeons & Dragons is the wellspring for the entire modern game industry, digital as well as analog. This newest edition draws from every prior edition to create a universally compelling play experience, and exemplifies the true spirit of a game that holds captive the hearts and minds of millions of players worldwide.
Monster Manual [Libro]
Marca:Wizards of the CoastDescrizioneManuale base per D&D 5° Edizione in ingleseCartonato, tuttocolore.
Una menagerie di mostri letali per il più grande gioco di ruolo del mondo.
Il Monster Manual presenta un'orda di creature che fanno parte dell'immaginario collettivo di Dungeons & Dragons, tra le quali draghi, giganti, mind flayer e beholder- una collezione di mostri per ogni Dungeon Master con cui sfidare i suoi giocatori e popolare le avventure.
I mostri qui presenti sono tratti dall'illustre storia ludica di the D&D, forniti di statistiche di facile uso e storie avvincenti per nutrire la vostra immaginazione.
Da sempre leader nel settore dell'intrattenimento fantasy contemporaneo, Dungeons & Dragons è un punto di riferimento per tutta l'industria moderna del divertimento, sia digitale che analogica. Questa nuova edizione attinge da tutte le sue precedenti incarnazioni per creare un'esperienza di gioco universalmente interessante, e che esemplifica il vero spirito di un gioco nei cuori e nelle menti di milioni di giocatori nel mondo.
• Il secondo dei tre libri essenziali, questo manuale descrive in dettaglio dozzine di creature che i personaggi possono incontrare nel corso delle loro avventure.
• Una risorsa essenziale per il Dungeon Master da utilizzare per "popolare" ogni tipo di sfida che può concepire per il suo gruppo di avventurieri
• Creato come risultato di una massiccia campagna di playtesting pubblica che ha coinvolto oltre 170.000 fan del gioco
Monster Manual [Book]
Année : 2014,- anglais
Monster Manual
- Année : 2014
- - anglais
Monster Manual (D&D Core Rulebook) [Toy]
Ein Überblick von tötlichen Monstern. Für das weltgrößte Rollenspiel D&D.,Gebundene Ausgabe mit 352 Seiten voller Monsterbeschreibungen.,Die A bis Z Phantasie-Bestien-Auflistung,Englische Ausgabe - ISBN: 978-0-7869-6561-8,In den USA gedruckt
Monster Manual (D&D Core Rulebook)
Monster Manual [Book]
The second of three core rulebooks, this book details all manner of creatures that characters might encounter over the course of their adventures.,The second of three core rulebooks, this book details all manner of creatures that characters might encounter over the course of their adventures.,The second of three core rulebooks, this book details all manner of creatures that characters might encounter over the course of their adventures.
The Monster Manual presents a horde of classic Dungeons & Dragons creatures, including dragons, giants, mind flayers, and beholders-a monstrous feast for Dungeon Masters ready to challenge their players and populate their adventures. The monsters contained herein are culled from the D&D game's illustrious history, with easy-to-use game statistics and thrilling stories to feed your imagination. The leader in providing contemporary fantasy entertainment, Dungeons & Dragons is the wellspring for the entire modern game industry, digital as well as analog. This newest edition draws from every prior edition to create a universally compelling play experience, and exemplifies the true spirit of a game that holds captive the hearts and minds of millions of players worldwide.
Monster Manual (D&D Core Rulebook) [Book]
Product is for use in the Dungeons and Dragons role playing game,Product Number: WOC A92180000,Models and games are supplied unpainted and may require assembly or preparation before play,Any scenery, paint, or glue is not included.
A menagerie of deadly monsters for the world's greatest roleplaying game
The Monster Manual presents a horde of classic Dungeons & Dragons creatures, including dragons, giants, mind flayers, and beholders–a monstrous feast for Dungeon Masters ready to challenge their players and populate their adventures.
The monsters contained herein are culled from the D&D game's illustrious history, with easy-to-use game statistics and thrilling stories to feed your imagination.
The leader in providing contemporary fantasy entertainment, Dungeons & Dragons is the wellspring for the entire modern game industry, digital as well as analog. This newest edition draws from every prior edition to create a universally compelling play experience, and exemplifies the true spirit of a game that holds captive the hearts and minds of millions of players worldwide.
• The second of three core rulebooks, this book details all manner of creatures that characters might encounter over the course of their adventures.
• An essential resource for Dungeon Masters to use in populating any type of challenge they might contrive for their players.
• Created as part of a massive public playtest involving more than 170,000 fans of the game.
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