Hasbro Gaming - Juego en familia Cluedo (Hasbro 387123480) (versión inglesa) [Juguete]
Un asesinato, seis sospechosos, innumerables combinaciones, pero una sola respuesta,Muévete de una habitación a otra y descubre quién lo hizo, cómo, dónde y con qué arma,Investiga, disimula, acusa y gana,Nueva versión para dos jugadores que añade un nuevo toque de intriga,La carrera para encontrar al culpable ha comenzado
One murder6 suspects. In this suspenseful Cluedo game, players have to find out who's responsible for murdering Dr. Black of Tudor Mansion in his own home. Get the scoop on the mansion's rooms, weapons and guests and start detecting! Was it Plum with the wrench in the library? Or Green with the candlestick in the study? Eliminate information throughout the game in this classic whodunit. The player who correctly accuses Who, What, and Where wins!
Hasbro 387123480 Cluedo the Classic Mystery Board Game [Toy]
Who committed the murder in the mansion?,Eliminate the suspects and discover whodunit, with what and where,Introducing a new character, Dr. Orchid as one of the suspects,2 - 6 players,Suitable for ages 8+
Reclusive millionaire Samuel Black's been murdered in his mansion! Now it's up to you to crack the case! Question everything to unravel the mystery. Who did it? Where? And with what weapon? Ransack the mansion for clues, ask cunning detective questions and leave no card unturned. Solve the murder first to win!
Hasbro, Cluedo 387123480, il classico gioco da tavolo del mistero [Giocattolo]
Chi ha commesso l'omicidio nella villa?,Elimina i sospettati e scopri chi è stato, con cosa e dove.,Con l'introduzione di un nuovo personaggio: la dottoressa Orchid, come uno dei sospettati.
One murder6 suspects. In this suspenseful Cluedo game, players have to find out who's responsible for murdering Dr. Black of Tudor Mansion in his own home. Get the scoop on the mansion's rooms, weapons and guests and start detecting! Was it Plum with the wrench in the library? Or Green with the candlestick in the study? Eliminate information throughout the game in this classic whodunit. The player who correctly accuses Who, What, and Where wins!
Cluedo Le Classique Mystère Jeu (Version Anglais) [Toy]
2-6 joueurs,Qui "committed" le meurtre dans le mansion?,Éliminer les suspects et découvre polar, avec what et où,Présentant une nouveau personnage, Dr. Orchid comme un des suspects,Convient à ages 8 +
Hasbro 387123480 Cluedo classique Mystère Jeu De Société
- 2-6 joueurs
- Qui "committed" le meurtre dans le mansion?
- Éliminer les suspects et découvre polar, avec what et où
- Présentant une nouveau personnage, Dr. Orchid comme un des suspects
- Convient à ages 8 +
Hasbro 387123480 Cluedo, das klassische Detektivspiel, englische Version [Toy]
Wer hat den Mord in der Villa begangen?,Eliminieren Sie die Verdächtigen und finden Sie den Täter, die Tatwaffe und den Tatort.,Mit einer neuen Figur als Verdächtiger: Dr. Orchid.
One murder6 suspects. In this suspenseful Cluedo game, players have to find out who's responsible for murdering Dr. Black of Tudor Mansion in his own home. Get the scoop on the mansion's rooms, weapons and guests and start detecting! Was it Plum with the wrench in the library? Or Green with the candlestick in the study? Eliminate information throughout the game in this classic whodunit. The player who correctly accuses Who, What, and Where wins!
Hasbro Cluedo The Classic Mystery Game by Hasbro [Toy]
Who committed the murder in the mansion?,Eliminate the suspects and discover whodunit, with what and where.,Introducing a new character, dr. Orchid as one of the suspects.,2 - 6 players.,Suitable for ages 8+.
One murder...6 suspects. In this suspenseful Cluedo game, players have to find out who's responsible for murdering Dr. Black of Tudor Mansion in his own home. Get the scoop on the mansion's rooms, weapons and guests and start detecting. Was it Plum with the wrench in the library? Or Green with the candlestick in the study? Eliminate information throughout the game in this classic whodunit. The player who correctly accuses Who, What, and Where wins!
Hasbro Cluedo the Classic Mystery Board Game [Toy]
Who committed the murder in the mansion?,Eliminate the suspects and discover whodunit, with what and where.,Introducing a new character, dr. Orchid as one of the suspects.,2 - 6 players.,Suitable for ages 8+.
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