sábado, 9 de febrero de 2019

Orchard_Toys Pop to the Shops - Juego sobre las compras (importado de Reino Unido)

Orchard_Toys Pop to the Shops - Juego sobre las compras (importado de Reino Unido)
Orchard_Toys Pop to the Shops - Juego sobre las compras (importado de Reino Unido) [Juguete]

Aprenda sobre el manejo de dinero y dar cambio,Juego de aprendizaje Diversión para 2 -4 jugadores,Utilizar el dinero de plástico para comprar a diferentes tiendas,Alienta a las habilidades de conteo,Mejor juego más vendido

This best-selling shopping game will help children learn about social skills as well as handling money and giving change.The game will teach them to distinguish between different coins, and to work out the value of their money. Every player takes on the role of both shopper and shopkeeper, so it also encourages role playing and polite conversation. Each player is given the same amount of plastic money, including 50p, 20p and 10p coins. Players move around the 'village' by rolling the die. Each time a player passes the Bank, they collect another 20p. The first player starts by picking a card from the table - this will determine what item the player must buy first, and therefore which shop they will need to aim for. Visit the different shops on the jigged playing board - the Mini Market, the bakery, the newsagent or the greengrocer - to buy familiar items from the other shopkeepers. Don't forget to ask politely. Players learn to work out the correct coins to use for payment, and have to work out how to give the correct change as well. An educational guide on the box shows how the game is suited to your child's education. A bright, colourful and fun shopping game, suitable for 2 to 4 players aged from 5 to 9 years.

Orchard Toys - Allez aux Magasins Pop to the Shops - Langue: anglais [Toy]

Descriptif produit: Apprends ce que c'est que de dépenser de l'argent et de donner la monnaie. Un jeu ludique amusant, de 2 à 4 joueurs . Utilise l'argent en plastique pour acheter dans différents magasins. Encourage l'apprentissage numérique. Un best-seller en Angleterre. Ce jeu aide les enfants à apprendre à avoir de l'argent et comment donner l'appoint en jouant à faire du shopping. Déplace-toi de magasin en magasin sur le plateau et utilise ton argent en plastique pour acheter plein de choses différentes.

Aidez les enfants à apprendre un peu la manipulation de l'argent et donner de a monnaie en jouant ce jeu amusant de courses. Faite le tour du tableau, de magasin à magasin en utilisant de l'argent en plastique pour acheter des articles différents. Pour 2 - 4 joueurs.

Orchard Toys Einkaufsbummel Spiel Pop To The Shops - Englische Sprache [Toy]

5-9 Jahre,2-4 Spieler,Anleitungen in deutscher Sprache liegen bei

A fun game with a British play money. Speed in the four different shops to serve shopping to do.

Orchard Toys - Gioco da tavola educativo Un salto in negozio, 2-4 giocatori, 5-9 anni [Lingua inglese] [Giocattolo]

Per imparare a usare il denaro, pagare e dare il resto,Divertentissimo gioco educativo per 2 -4 giocatori,I giocatori usano monetine di plastica per fare acquisti in giro per negozi,Allena le capacità di calcolo dei bambini,Gioco da tavolo molto popolare e campione di vendite

I giocattoli di Orchard Toys vengono fabbricati nel Regno Unito utilizzando cartone riciclato e sono poi rifiniti con cura, garantendo così anni e anni di divertimento. Questa serie di prodotti viene sviluppata, progettata e illustrata dal nostro team interno e in seguito testata in gruppi di gioco, nelle scuole e a casa da insegnanti e genitori. Questo procedimento assicura che i nostri giochi e puzzle innovativi stimolino davvero le giovani menti e rendano l'apprendimento divertente.

Orchard Toys Pop to the Shops Game [Toy]

Learn about handling money and giving change,Use plastic money to buy items from different shops,Encourages counting skills,Suitable for ages 5-9,Fun educational game for 2-4 players

Help children learn how to count money by playing this fun Pop to the Shops  game. Go round the board from shop to shop using plastic money to buy lots of different items.  Suitable for two to four players  aged five and up, this silver award winning game  links with National Curriculum maths.

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