miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015

Orchard Toys Tell The Time - Juego educativo para aprender la hora (importado de Reino Unido)

Orchard Toys Tell The Time - Juego educativo para aprender la hora (importado de Reino Unido)
Orchard Toys Tell The Time - Juego educativo para aprender la hora (importado de Reino Unido) [Juguete]

Hacer aprender a decir divertido rato con este juego de lotería interactiva,Aprender y desarrollar habilidades con analógico y tiempos digitales,Alienta a la capacidad de observación y de idioma,Desarrolla las habilidades personales y sociales,Hecho en el Reino Unido - Todos los tableros de juego y embalajes están hechos de 100% de productos reciclados y reciclables

A simple game based on 'lotto' which will help children learn to tell the time. It is suitable for children aged 5 to 9, and for 2 to 4 players. Each player chooses a game board while all the cards are placed face-down on the table. Players take it in turns to pick a card from the table and must say the time out loud. The other players have to try to match the time with one of the fun and familiar activities illustrated on their game board. What time do you eat ice cream? When do you ride a bike? What time do you go on a school trip? Helps children to learn both analogue and digital times, concentrating on 15 minute increments - 'quarter past', 'half past', 'quarter to' and 'o'clock'. It can also be played just using the pictures for very young children. The attractive illustrations can be used to develop many further topics of conversation. The game's play value can be extended by using in conjunction with the Penguin Clock Face. The game helps with maths and literacy skills, and an educational guide on the back of the box shows how the game contributes to your child's education. The game is made with sturdy, durable, wipe-clean board. All Orchard Toys games are developed and designed by our own in-house team, and are tested by local playgroup and junior school children to ensure they are having fun as well as learning.

Orchard Toys Tell The Time [Toy]

Box Age: 5 - 9 years,Players: 2-4,Contents: 4 x game boards, 24 lotto cards,HWD: 14.2 x 19.3 x 5cm,Maths, Telling the time, social skills

Orchard Toys - Che ore sono? (Tell The Time), Gioco da tavolo educativo [Lingua inglese] [Giocattolo]

Questa semplice tombola aiuta i bambini a imparare a leggere l'ora,Con orologi digitali e analogici,Fascia d'età: 5-9 anni,Numerose attività illustrate di cui parlare,Per 2-4 giocatori

A simple game based on 'lotto' which will help children learn to tell the time. It is suitable for children aged 5 to 9, and for 2 to 4 players. Each player chooses a game board while all the cards are placed face-down on the table. Players take it in turns to pick a card from the table and must say the time out loud. The other players have to try to match the time with one of the fun and familiar activities illustrated on their game board. What time do you eat ice cream? When do you ride a bike? What time do you go on a school trip? Helps children to learn both analogue and digital times, concentrating on 15 minute increments - 'quarter past', 'half past', 'quarter to' and 'o'clock'. It can also be played just using the pictures for very young children. The attractive illustrations can be used to develop many further topics of conversation. The game's play value can be extended by using in conjunction with the Penguin Clock Face. The game helps with maths and literacy skills, and an educational guide on the back of the box shows how the game contributes to your child's education. The game is made with sturdy, durable, wipe-clean board. All Orchard Toys games are developed and designed by our own in-house team, and are tested by local playgroup and junior school children to ensure they are having fun as well as learning.

Orchard Toys - Loto de Dites le temps "Tell the Time Lotto" - langue anglaise - Langue: anglais [Toy]

Age minimum : 3 ans

Dites le temps à haute voix et essayez de faire un match sur votre conseil jouant. Les enfants apprennent et développent des adresses avec les temps analogiques et numériques.

Orchard Toys Die Uhrzeit Ablesen Spiel "Tell The Time Lotto" [Toy]

5-9 Jahre,2-4 Spieler,Anleitungen in deutscher Sprache liegen bei

Mit diesem lustigen Lotteriespiel kannst du lernen, die Uhrzeit abzulesen.

Tell The Time Game [Toy] [Toy]

Develops personal and social skills

Say the time out loud and try to make a match on your action packed playing board. Children learn and develop skills with analogue and digital times. Play value may also be extended by using the penguin clock face. For 2 - 4 Players 5 - 9 years

Tell The Time Game [Toy]

Make learning to tell time fun with this interactive Lotto game,Learn and develop skills with analog and digital times,Encourages observation and language skills,Develops personal and social skills,Made in the United Kingdom - All game boards and packaging are made from 100% recycled and recyclable products

Say the time out loud and try to make a match on your action packed playing board. Children learn and develop skills with analogue and digital times. Play value may also be extended by using the penguin clock face. For 2 - 4 Players 5 - 9 years

Ravensburger 212880 - Juego de tablero (Multi)

Ravensburger 212880 - Juego de tablero (Multi)
Ravensburger 212880 - Juego de tablero (Multi) [Juguete]

Instrucciones de Idiomas : DE

Ravensburger 212880 - Juego de tablero (Multi)

- Instrucciones de Idiomas : DE

Plitsch-Platsch Pinguin [German Version] [Toy]

Plitsch Platsch Pinguoin (Import Allemagne),Ravensburger - 21288

Plitsch-Platsch Pinguin [German Version]

- Plitsch Platsch Pinguoin (Import Allemagne)
- Ravensburger - 21288

Ravensburger 21288 - Gioco da tavolo con pinguini [lingua tedesca] [Giocattolo]

Ravensburger 21288 - Gioco da tavolo con pinguini [lingua tedesca]

Ravensburger - 21288 - Jeux de Société Allemand - Plitsch Platsch Pinguoin [Toy]

Country: Germany's manual: German,It is with the manual of Japanese,Size: 26.5 x 26.5 x 11.2 cm 803 g,:1-6 Number of people 5 years old age,Not suitable for children under 36 months: Warning

Ravensburger Plitsch-Platsch Pinguin. ein spannendes Geschicklichkeitsspiel in dem man viel Fingerspitzengefühl braucht um für seine drolligen Kerlchen ein sicheres Plätzchen zu finden. für 1 bis 6 Spieler ab 5 Jahren.

Ravensburger 21288 - Plitsch-Platsch Pinguin [Toy]

Spieldauer: kurz bis 15 Min,Sprache Spielanleitung: DE

Achtung: Nicht fr Kinder unter 36

Plitsch-Platsch Pinguin (japan import) [Toy]

Country: Germany's manual: German,It is with the manual of Japanese,Size: 26.5 x 26.5 x 11.2 cm 803 g,:1-6 Number of people 5 years old age,Not suitable for children under 36 months: Warning

Ravensburger Penguin game! ! I'm looking for a place that can be relieved of the iceberg penguin small fluctuates World: Ravensburger! ! Quickly, if you do not let me climb the iceberg penguins!

Plitsch-Platsch Pinguin [Toy]

Country: Germany's manual: German,It is with the manual of Japanese,Size: 26.5 x 26.5 x 11.2 cm 803 g,:1-6 Number of people 5 years old age,Not suitable for children under 36 months: Warning

Ravensburger Penguin game! ! I'm looking for a place that can be relieved of the iceberg penguin small fluctuates World: Ravensburger! ! Quickly, if you do not let me climb the iceberg penguins!

Destiny - Standard Edition [Importación Francesa]

Destiny - Standard Edition [Importación Francesa]
Destiny - Standard Edition [Importación Francesa] [Videojuegos]

Idioma:Alemán,Género:Tirador protagonista,Plataforma:Sony PlayStation 4

Editor:Activision, N° máximo de jugadores:1, Calificación ESRB:Pendiente de valoración, Valoración PEGI:16, Fecha de puesta a la venta:9 Septiembre 2014, Multijugador:Internet, Programador:Bungie

Destiny - Sony PlayStation 4 [Video Games]

Language:German,Platform:Sony PlayStation 4,Genre:First person shooter

Developer:Bungie, Publisher:Activision, ESRB Rating:Rating Pending, PEGI Rating:16, Release Date:9 September 2014, Max Number of Players:1, Multiplayer:Internet

Activision Destiny, PS4 [Videogioco]

Destiny - Standard Edition [import allemand] [Video Games]

Langue:Allemand,Plate-forme:Sony PlayStation 4,Genre:Tireur en vue subjective

Concepteur:Bungie, Éditeur:Activision, Muli-joueurs:Internet, Nombre maximum de joueurs:1, Classement PEGI:16, Classement ESRB:Indice en attente, Date de publication:9 septembre 2014

Destiny - Standard Edition - [PlayStation 4] [Video Games]

Die Schöpfer von Halo und der Publisher von Call of Duty präsentieren Destiny.,Eine unvergessliche Geschichte vor der Kulisse eines völlig neuen, zusammenhängenden Universums voller Action und Abenteuer.,Ein bisher unerreichtes Spektrum an FPS-Gameplay.

martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015

FIFA 15 [Importación Francesa]

FIFA 15 [Importación Francesa]
FIFA 15 [Importación Francesa] [Videojuegos]

Sony - Fifa 15 Occasion [PS4] - 5030939112388 [Video Games]

Fifa 15 [Videogioco]

Fifa 15 [Video Games]

Jeu PS4

Sony - Fifa 15 Occasion [PS4] - 5030939112388 [Video Games]

Sony - Fifa 15 Occasion [PS4] - 5030939112388 [Video Games]

Sony - Fifa 15 Occasion [PS4] - 5030939112388 [Video Games]

Caca de perro falso

Caca de perro falso
Caca de perro falso [Juguete]

Smells better than it looks - fake dog shit.,He'd still be blaming the dog if I hadn't given it away by laughing too much.,Revolting!,Brilliant!

Caca de perro falso

Tobar Classic Jokes Range Fake Dog Poo Toy [Toy]

Fake dog poo, 5cm

Fake dog poo, 5cm

cane puh [Giocattolo]

Blagues gamme classique Faux Dog Poo Turd: Réaliste Squidgy Faux Mound Prank Gag [Toy]

Fausse Crotte de Chien, de 5 cm,Douce et spongieux

Un petit monticule d'inquiétant réaliste, fausse poo squidgy au choc et le dégoût une malheureuse victime. Emballé sur une carte blister, qui permet aux clients de pousser le caca et de l'expérience de sa texture gélatineuse (protégé par un film plastique pour l'hygiène). Un avant-goût des prochaines blagues gamme classique.

Falsche Hundekacke [Toy]

Falscher Hundehaufen, riecht besser als er aussieht,Hätte ich mich nicht durch zuviel Lachen verraten, würde er immer noch dem Hund die Schuld geben,Eckelig!,Brilliant!

Ein kleiner Haufen beunruhigend realistisch, squidgy falschen poo gegen Schock und Ekel eine unglückliche Opfer. Auf einer Blisterkarte, die Kunden, die poo prod und erleben Sie die geleeartige Textur ermöglicht verpackt (mit Kunststofffolie für Hygiene geschützt). Ein Vorgeschmack auf die kommenden klassischen Witze reichen.

Fake Dog Poo [Toy]

Smells better than it looks - fake dog shit.,He'd still be blaming the dog if I hadn't given it away by laughing too much.,Revolting!,Brilliant!

Fake dog poo

Smells better than it looks - fake dog shit.

He'd still be blaming the dog if I hadn't given it away by laughing too



Tobar Fake Dog Poo [Toy]

Smells better than it looks - fake dog shit.,He'd still be blaming the dog if I hadn't given it away by laughing too much.,Revolting!,Brilliant!

A little mound of disturbingly realistic, squidgy false poo to shock and disgust an unfortunate victim. Packaged on a blister card, which allows customers to prod the poo and experience its jelly-like texture (protected by plastic film for hygiene). A taster of the forthcoming classic jokes range.

Nintendo - Figura Amiibo Splatoon Boy

Nintendo - Figura Amiibo Splatoon Boy
Nintendo - Figura Amiibo Splatoon Boy [Videojuegos]

Nintendo - Figura Amiibo Splatoon Boy

amiibo Splatoon Boy (Nintendo Wii U/3DS) [Video Games]

amiibo Splatoon Boy (Nintendo Wii U/3DS)

Amiibo Splatoon Boy Figurina [Videogioco]

Amiibo Splatoon Boy Figurina

Amiibo 'Splatoon' - Splatoon Boy [Video Games]

Amiibo 'Splatoon' - Splatoon Boy

amiibo Splatoon Inkling-Junge [Video Games]

Berühren, betrachten und mit Spielen verbinden

Mit amiibo kannst du eine brandneue Möglichkeit entdecken,
mit deinen Lieblings-Charakteren und Spielen von Nintendo
zu interagieren. Wenn du mit einer solchen Figur den
NFC-Kontaktpunkt deines Wii U GamePads berührst, während
du bestimmte Spiele spielst, werden die auf dem Chip
befindlichen Daten in das jeweilige Spiel übertragen und
auf verschiedenste Weise genutzt. Außerdem werden die
Daten deiner Figur beim Spielen aktualisiert. So wird dein
amiibo einzigartig!

Medienanzahl: 1

Achtung: Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet.

amiibo Splatoon Inkling-Junge [Video Games]


lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2015

LEGO Star Wars - Juego de construcción (75097)

LEGO Star Wars - Juego de construcción (75097)
LEGO Star Wars - Juego de construcción (75097) [Juguete]

Viaja por la galaxia esta Navidad con el Calendario de Adviento de LEGO Star Wars,Abre los 24 compartimentos para descubrir divertidos regalos sobre temas como Tatooine, Endor, Hoth, el espacio o la Navidad,Con las minifiguras, las naves estelares, los vehículos y el resto de regalos, además de un fantástico tapete de juego plegable, la Navidad llegará antes de que puedas decir "que la Fuerza te acompañe"

75097 STAR WARS® Calendario dell'avvento
Prodotto spedito entro 24 ore dalla ricezione dellâ€ÂTMordine con corriere espresso

LEGO Star Wars 75097: Advent Calendar [Toy]

5 minifigures and 2 holiday-themed Droids,24 different LEGO Star Wars themed gifts,Enjoy the countdown to Christmas!,Open each panel for a LEGO star wars surprise!

Take a journey through the galaxy this holiday season with the LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar! Open each of the 24 doors to reveal a fun Tatooine, Endor, Hoth, Space or Christmas-themed gift. With minifigures, starships, vehicles and more to discover, as well as a great fold-out playmat, Christmas will arrive faster than you can say "May the Force be with you!" Open a window every day to reveal 24 different LEGO Star Wars themed gifts Features 5 minifigures and 2 holiday-themed Droids Vehicles include Jabbas Sail Barge, Sandcrawler, Star Destroyer, Millennium Falcon, AT-AT, A-wing Starfighter and a sleigh Also features an Ewok weapon rack, catapult, gun turret, blaster rack and Hoth command post Play out fun LEGO Star Wars scenes on the fold-out playmat Makes a great festive gift for humans and Sith Lords everywhere! Suitable for ages 5 years +

LEGO Star Wars TM 75097 - Calendario dell'Avvento [Giocattolo]

75097 STAR WARS® Calendario dell'avvento
Prodotto spedito entro 24 ore dalla ricezione dellâ€ÂTMordine con corriere espresso

Lego Star Warstm - 75097 - Jeu De Construction - Calendrier De L'avent [Toy]

Descriptif produit: Fais un voyage dans la galaxie pendant les fêtes avec le calendrier de l'Avent LEGO® Star Wars ! Ouvre chacune des 24 portes pour révéler un cadeau amusant sur le thème de Tatooine, Endor, Hoth, l'espace ou Noël. Avec des figurines, des vaisseaux, des véhicules, et plus encore à découvrir, ainsi qu'un tapis de jeu qui se déplie, Noël va arriver avant que tu ne puisses dire "Que la Force soit avec toi !",Age minimum : 6 ans

Fais un voyage dans la galaxie pendant les fêtes avec le calendrier de l'Avent Lego Star Wars. Ouvre chacune des 24 portes pour révéler un cadeau amusant sur le thème de Tatooine, Endor, Hoth, l'espace ou Noël. Avec des figurines, des vaisseaux, des véhicules, et plus encore à découvrir, ainsi qu'un tapis de jeu qui se déplie, Noël va arriver avant que tu ne puisses dire "Que la Force soit avec toi!". Contient une figurine exclusive de C-3PO et R2-D2 sur le thème des fêtes) A partir de 6 ans.

Lego 75097 - Star Wars Adventskalender [Toy]

Begib dich auf eine Reise durch die Star Wars Galaxie, während du Weihnachten entgegenfieberst. Hinter den 24 Türen des LEGO Star Wars Adventskalenders samt ausklappbarer Spielmatte verbergen sich u. a. Minifiguren, Raumschiffe und Fahrzeuge. Ein tolles Geschenkfür alle Menschen und Sith Lords - Geeignet für Kinder ab 6 Jahren. Die perfekte Ergänzung jeder LEGO Star Wars Kollektion.

LEGO Star Wars 75097 Advent Calendar [Toy]

LEGO Star Wars 75097 Advent Calendar

LEGO Star Wars 75097 Advent Calendar

Chunky Madera Castañuelas animales Kids Childrens bebé Educación Temprana Musicales Juguetes Instrumentos

Chunky Madera Castañuelas animales Kids Childrens bebé Educación Temprana Musicales Juguetes Instrumentos
Chunky Madera Castañuelas animales Kids Childrens bebé Educación Temprana Musicales Juguetes Instrumentos [Juguete]

SKU:G417480011,Chunky Madera Castañuelas animales Kids Childrens bebé Educación Temprana Musicales Juguetes Instrumentos,Todo probado, embalado cuidadosamente,Entrega Rapida

Chunky Madera Castañuelas animales Kids Childrens bebé Educación Temprana Musicales Juguetes Instrumentos
Todo probado, embalado cuidadosamente
Entrega Rapida
Estado: Nuevo
Cantidad: 1

Chunky Wooden Animal Castanets Kids Childrens Baby Early Education Musical Toys Instruments [Toy]

Castanets, a traditional percussion, voice sonorous, can stimulate the baby's sound perception and nurture your baby's grip lift capacity,Suitable for children over three years of age,Material:wood + child safety water paint,There are many colors, we will send the color in ramdom

Castanets, a traditional percussion, voice sonorous, can stimulate the baby's sound perception and nurture your baby's grip lift capacity
Suitable for children over three years of age
Material:wood + child safety water paint
There are many colors, we will send the color in ramdom
package:1 x Castanets

Chunky legno Nacchere animali bambini bambini bambino prima educazione musicale Giocattoli Instruments [Giocattolo]

Chunky legno Nacchere animali bambini bambini bambino prima educazione musicale Giocattoli Instruments

  • SKU:G417480011
  • Chunky legno Nacchere animali bambini bambini bambino prima educazione musicale Giocattoli Instruments
  • Tutti testati, imballati con cura
  • Trasporto veloce
  • Condizioni: nuovo
  • Quantità: 1

    Chunky Castagnettes animaux en bois enfants enfants bébé Early Education Jouets musicaux Instruments [Toy]

    Chunky Castagnettes animaux en bois enfants enfants bébé Early Education Jouets musicaux Instruments

  • SKU:G417480011
  • Chunky Castagnettes animaux en bois enfants enfants bébé Early Education Jouets musicaux Instruments
  • Tous Teste, soigneusement emballes
  • Rapide de livraison
  • Condition: Nouveau
  • Quantite: 1

    Chunky Holztier Kastagnetten Kids Kinder Baby Early Education Musical Instruments Spielzeug [Toy]

    Chunky Holztier Kastagnetten Kids Kinder Baby Early Education Musical Instruments Spielzeug

  • SKU:G417480011
  • Chunky Holztier Kastagnetten Kids Kinder Baby Early Education Musical Instruments Spielzeug
  • Alle gepruft, sorgfaltig verpackt
  • Schnelle Lieferung
  • Zustand: neu
  • Menge: 1

    Chunky Wooden Animal Castanets Kids Childrens Baby Early Education Musical Toys Instruments [Toy]

    Castanets, a traditional percussion, voice sonorous,It can stimulate the baby's sound perception and nurture your baby's grip lift capacity,Suitable for children over three years of age,There are many colors,we will send the color in ramdom,Material: wood + child safety water paint; Package:1 x Castanets

    Chunky Wooden Animal Castanets Childrens Baby Early Education Musical Toys Instruments  
    Castanets, a traditional percussion, voice sonorous, can stimulate the baby's sound perception and nurture your baby's grip lift capacity
    Suitable for children over three years of age
    Size:as the picture shows
    Material: wood + child safety water paint
    we will send the color in ramdom
    package:1 x Castanets

  • Star Wars - Juego diseño Angry Birds (Jenga Darth Vader Hasbro A4805E24)

    Star Wars - Juego diseño Angry Birds (Jenga Darth Vader Hasbro A4805E24)
    Star Wars - Juego diseño Angry Birds (Jenga Darth Vader Hasbro A4805E24) [Juguete]

    Destruye a los cerdos imperiales ocultos en la silueta del casco de Darth Vader,País de origen: China,Tipo: modelo compacto

    Altersempfehlung: ab 8 Jahre :: Spieleranzahl 1 - 2 :: mit Launcher, Steinen und Charakteren

    Star Wars Angry Birds Jenga Rise of Darth Vader [Toy]

    Ages 8 and up,For 1 to 2 players,Adult assembly required

    Keep the Dark Side at bay one brick at a time with the Star Wars Angry Birds Jenga Rise of Darth Vader set. Based on the hit mobile phone game, this set features eight Star Wars characters as high-flying Angry Birds and villainous pigs, including: Darth Vader Darth Maul General Grievous Luke Skywalker Emperor Palpatine Yoda Obi-Wan Kenobi Count Dooku Build the Jenga Darth Vader helmet then join forces with a friend to take on Darth Vader and his porky pals in an epic intergalactic battle. Load your lightsaber launcher with your bird figures and fire them at the Sith Lord.

    Suitable for ages 8 years +

    Safety Information:
    Warning. Not suitable for Children under 3 years.

    Hasbro Angry Birds Star Wars - Jenga Darth Vader [Giocattolo]

    Lancia gli uccelli alla massima velocità verso il blocco realizzato in stile Jenga e i maiali ispirati al gioco the Rise of Darth Vader,Vince chi colpisce il maggior numero di maiali,Gli uccelli vengono lanciati con una fionda laser,6 dei personaggi presenti nella confezione sono stati creati esclusivamente per questo gioco,Ispirato all'applicazione per cellulari più scaricata al mondo

    Hasbro Angry Birds Star Wars - Jenga Darth Vader

    Hasbro - A4805E240 - Jeu de Société - AB Jenga Darth Vader Game [Toy]

    Age Minimum: 8 ans^Description du produit: Dégomme les cochons Stormtrooper avec la catapulte sabre laser .^Nécessite des piles: Non

    Hasbro A4805E24 - Angry Birds Star Wars Jenga Rise of Darth Vader Spiel [Toy]

    17 schwarze Jenga-Bausteine,1 zweiteiligen schwarzen Rahmen,8 Spielfiguren,1 Lichtschwert-Katapult,1 Set-up Card,1 Gutschein zur Freischaltung von Inhalten in der Angry Birds Star Wars II App,ohne iPad oder Smartphone spielen

    Hasbro - A4805E240 - Jeu de SociÇžtÇž - AB Jenga Darth Vader Game [Toy]

    Game includes left half of Darth Vader head, with bottom left connector piece, right half of Darth Vader head, with bottom right connector piece, base, 17 Jenga blocks, Obi Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker and Yoda bird figures, Darth Vader, General Grievous, Darth Maul, Count Dooku and Emperor Palpatine pig figures, Lightsaber launcher, setup card with instructions, label sheet with block numbers and Special Value card.

    Star Wars - Angry Birds - Jenga Darth Vader Game [Toy]

    Star Wars - Angry Birds - Jenga Darth Vader Game

    domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2015

    Munchkin, Seguridad Baño Pato, 0 + meses

    Munchkin, Seguridad Baño Pato, 0 + meses
    Munchkin, Seguridad Baño Pato, 0 + meses [Producto para bebé]

    Blanco = caliente - Evita Quemaduras La hora del baño

    Un Pato de Baño con un indicador de seguridad en la parte inferior - lo que sólo el Ducky debe informarle cuando su base está demasiado caliente. Son las pequeñas cosas.

    Safety Bath Ducky, 0+ Months [Baby Product]

    • Bronze Practical Parenting & Pregnancy Awards 2010/2011
    • 2010/2011 Bizzie Baby Award

      Munchkin Ducky Hot Safety Bath [Baby]

      Munchkin 31001 Ducky Hot Safety Bath [Baby Product]

      White Hot Safety Disc reveals the word ?HOT? when bath water is too hot for baby,Fun, easy-to-grasp size and shape,Water-tight to prevent sinking, squirting, and mildew

      0+ months. White hot - prevent bath time burns. A Bath Ducky with a safety indicator on the bottom - so only the ducky needs to tell you when its bottom is too hot. Made in China.

      Munchkin Ducky Hot Safety Bath [Baby Product]

      White Hot Safety Disc reveals the word hot when bath water is too hot for baby,Fun, easy to grasp size and shape,Water tight to prevent sinking, squirting, and mildew,White Hot Safety Disc reveals the word "HOT" when bath water is too hot for baby,Fun, easy-to-grasp size and shape,Water-tight to prevent sinking, squirting, and mildew

      Test the waters with America's #1 Safety Duck. No need to worry that your baby's bath water is too hot to handle. This adorable rubber ducky has our White Hot safety disc at the bottom that tells you when the water is too hot, then let's you know that it's safe to put your baby in. And, it's just the right size for little hands to hold and cuddle.

    The Hare and the Tortoise [Importación alemana]

    The Hare and the Tortoise [Importación alemana]
    The Hare and the Tortoise [Importación alemana] [Juguete]

    The Hare and the Tortoise [Toy]

    The Hare and the Tortoise, originally published as Royal Turtle, is a card-driven betting game about animal racing loosely based on one of Aesop's Fables.   At the start of a race, each player secretly bets on two of four animals: turtle, rabbit, sheep, and duck. One animal is chosen at random for each player, then after receiving a hand of six cards, each player places one of his cards face-down (possibly the same animal) as an additional bet. Players then take turns laying down 1-4 cards, with all cards needing to show the same animal, then refilling the hand to five cards. As soon as seven total cards have been played or four cards of any one animal, the animals move (maybe).   Each animal has a distinct characteristic that players can use to their advantage. The turtle always moves one space, but it moves two if four of its cards were played. The rabbit always moves two spaces — unless four cards are played and it's at the head of the pack, in which case it sleeps and doesn't move. The duck moves as many spaces as the number of cards played. The sheep moves one more space than the number of cards played — but if it reaches grass, it stops moving for the round. (The track consists of eleven road cards, two covered with grass.)   After the animals move, players start a new round of card-playing. A round ends when three of the four animals reach the goal, after which each player scores points based on the ranking of the animals and how he bet. After three rounds, the player with the most points wins.   The original title of Royal Turtle is a homage to Reiner Knizia's Royal Turf, another betting game about animals racing (albeit horses in that game).  
    • Suggested Ages 8
    • Players 2-4
    • Playing Time 15 minutes 

    The Hare and the Tortoise [Edizione: Germania] [Giocattolo]

    Iello - 331595 - Jeu De Cartes - The Hare & The Tortoise [Toy]

    Descriptif produit: The Hare & The Tortoise,Age minimum : 8 ans

    The Hare & The Tortoise - Slow & Steady Sets The Pace! - Board Game - IELLO.
    The Hare and the Tortoise is a card-driven betting game about animal racing loosely based on one of Aesop's Fables.
    At the start of a race, each player secretly bets on two of four animals: turtle, rabbit, sheep, and duck. One animal is chosen at random for each player, then after receiving a hand of six cards, each player places one of his cards face-down (possibly the same animal) as an additional bet.
    Players then take turns laying down 1-4 cards, with all cards needing to show the same animal, then refilling the hand to five cards.
    As soon as seven total cards have been played or four cards of any one animal, the animals move (maybe).
    Style And Colour May Vary.
    Ages 7+

    The Hare and the Tortoise [Toy]

    Der Hase & The Tortoise - Langsame und stetige bestimmt das Tempo!

    iEllo Tales and Games: The Hare and The Tortoise Board Game [Toy]

    For 2-5 players,Takes about 20 minutes to play,Fun family game

    The Hare and the Tortoise, originally published as Royal Turtle, is a card-driven betting game about animal racing loosely based on one of Aesop's Fables.At the start of a race, each player secretly bets on two of four animals: turtle, rabbit, sheep, and duck. One animal is chosen at random for each player, then after receiving a hand of six cards, each player places one of his cards face-down (possibly the same animal) as an additional bet. Players then take turns laying down 1-4 cards, with all cards needing to show the same animal, then refilling the hand to five cards. As soon as seven total cards have been played or four cards of any one animal, the animals move (maybe).Each animal has a distinct characteristic that players can use to their advantage. The turtle always moves one space, but it moves two if four of its cards were played. The rabbit always moves two spaces unless four cards are played and it's at the head of the pack, in which case it sleeps and doesn't move. The duck moves as many spaces as the number of cards played. The sheep moves one more space than the number of cards played but if it reaches grass, it stops moving for the round. (The track consists of eleven road cards, two covered with grass.)After the animals move, players start a new round of card-playing. A round ends when three of the four animals reach the goal, after which each player scores points based on the ranking of the animals and how he bet. After three rounds, the player with the most points wins.The original title of Royal Turtle is a homage to Reiner Knizia's Royal Turf, another betting game about animals racing (albeit horses in that game).

    Tales and Games: The Hare and the Tortoise Board Game [Toy]

    For 2-5 players,Takes about 20 minutes to play,Fun family game

    The tortoise accepted the hare's demand for a rematch, and the news spread throughout the country. The great race was about to commence, and all the participants were finally ready for this big showdown. Who, among the hare, the tortoise, the wolf, the lamb, and the fox, will be celebrated as the fastest runner in the woods? Bet on a good animal, and don't forget: Nothing is served by running; you must leave on time!.

    Pie Face Game

    Pie Face Game
    Pie Face Game [Juguete]

    Pie Face Game

    Pie Face Game [Toy]

    Hilarious Pie Face game might just splat you in the face,Pie-throwing arm could go off at any moment,Score a point every time you turn the handle without getting splatted,The star of this viral sensation with over 80 Million views!,Whipped cream not included

    The exciting Pie Face game is filled with fun and suspense, and somebody's bound to get splatted! Just put some delicious whipped cream from home or the wet sponge on the "hand" of this hilarious game unit and start turning the handles. It could go off at any time, so keep your fingers crossed and hope you're not the one who gets a splat in the face! You score a point for every time you turn the handle without getting pie-faced, and the one who scores 25 points wins. Take some risks and hope for the best in this hilarious Pie Face game! Pie Face, Rocket Games and logo are trademarks of Rocket Games. 2014 Rocket Games. Hasbro and all related terms are trademarks of Hasbro.

    Torta Faccia Gioco [Giocattolo]

    Pie Face Game [Toy]

    Hilarious Pie Face game might just splat you in the face,Pie-throwing arm could go off at any moment,Score a point every time you turn the handle without getting splatted,The star of this viral sensation with over 80 Million views!,Whipped cream not included

    Pie Face Game

    Pie Vorderseite Spiel [Toy]

    Hilarious Pie Face game might just splat you in the face,Pie-throwing arm could go off at any moment,Score a point every time you turn the handle without getting splatted,The star of this viral sensation with over 80 Million views!,Whipped cream not included

    The exciting Pie Face game is filled with fun and suspense and somebody s bound to get splatted Just put some delicious whipped cream from home or the wet sponge on the hand of this hilarious game unit and start turning the handles It could go off at any time so keep your fingers crossed and hope you re not the one who gets a splat in the face You score a point for every time you turn the handle without getting pie faced and the one who scores 25 points wins Take some risks and hope for the best in this hilarious Pie Face game

    Pie Face Game [Toy]

    Hilarious Pie Face game might just splat you in the face Pie-throwing arm could go off at any moment Score a point every time you turn the handle without getting splatted The star of this viral sensation with over 80 Million views! Whipped cream not included The exciting Pie Face game is filled with fun and suspense, and somebody's bound to get splatted! Just put some delicious whipped cream from home or the wet sponge on the "hand" of this hilarious game unit and start turning the handles. It could go off at any time, so keep your fingers crossed and hope you're not the one who gets a splat in the face! You score a point for every time you turn the handle without getting pie-faced, and the one who scores 25 points wins. Take some risks and hope for the best in this hilarious Pie Face game! Pie Face, Rocket Games and logo are trademarks of Rocket Games. 2014 Rocket Games. Hasbro and all related terms are trademarks of Hasbro.

    sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2015

    Cards Against Humanity: Fifth Expansion

    Cards Against Humanity: Fifth Expansion
    Cards Against Humanity: Fifth Expansion [Juguete]

    100 totalmente nuevas tarjetas (75 tarjetas blancas y 25 cartas negras),12 de bonificación tarjetas en blanco (8 tarjetas en blanco y 4 cartas negras en blanco),Profesionalmente impreso en cartas premium (100% compatible con tarjetas de lesa humanidad),Primera, Segunda, Tercera, y Cuarta Expansiones no obligados a jugar, aunque muy recomendado.

    ¡Cierra la puerta! Es la quinta expansión oficial para las tarjetas de Lesa Humanidad, con 75 tarjetas flamantes blancos, 25 flamantes tarjetas negras y tarjetas en blanco para que usted agregue a la perfección sus propias bromas al juego.

    Cards Against Humanity: Fifth Expansion [Toy]

    100 completely NEW cards (75 white cards and 25 black cards),12 bonus blank cards (8 blank white cards and 4 blank black cards),Professionally printed on premium playing cards (100% compatible with Cards Against Humanity),First, Second, Third, and Fourth Expansions not required to play, though heartily recommended.,You won't believe it's not butter.

    Shut the front door! It's the fifth official expansion for Cards Against Humanity, featuring 75 brand-new white cards, 25 brand-new black cards, and blank cards for you to seamlessly add your own inside jokes to the game.

    Please note: The creators of CAH were too fat and lazy to Anglicise the expansions.
    Suck on that lolly.

    Cards Against Humanity: Fifth Expansion [Giocattolo]

    12 bonus carte bianche (8 carte bianche vuote e 4 carte bianco blank),Professionalmente stampati su carte da gioco premio (100% compatibile con schede contro l'umanità),Prima, Seconda, Terza, Quarta e Espansioni non tenuti a giocare, anche se vivamente consigliato.,100 completamente nuove carte (75 carte bianche e 25 carte nere) 12 bonus carte bianche (8 carte bianche vuote e 4 carte bianco blank) Professionalmente stampati su carte da gioco premio (100% compatibile con schede contro l'umanità) Prima, Seconda, Terza, Quarta e Espansioni non tenuti a giocare, anche se vivamente consigliato. Chiudere la porta di casa! E 'la quinta espansione ufficiale per le carte contro l'umanità, con 75 carte inedite bianco, 25 carte nere nuovissime, e le schede in bianco per voi di aggiungere senza problemi i propri scherzi all'interno del gioco.

    Chiudere la porta di casa! E 'la quinta espansione ufficiale per le carte contro l'umanità, con 75 carte inedite bianco, 25 carte nere nuovissime, e le schede in bianco per voi di aggiungere senza problemi i propri scherzi all'interno del gioco.

    Cards Against Humanity: Fifth Expansion [Toy]

    100 complètement nouvelles cartes (75 cartes blanches et 25 cartes noires),12 cartes vierges gratuites (8 cartes blanches vierges et quatre cartes noires vierges),Professionnellement imprimé sur les cartes premium de jeu (100% compatible avec les cartes contre l'humanité),Première, deuxième, troisième, et quatrième Expansions pas tenus de jouer, bien recommandé de bon cœur.

    Fermez la porte! Ce est la cinquième extension officielle pour les cartes contre l'humanité, avec 75 cartes inédites blancs, 25 cartes de marque nouvelle noirs, et des cartes vierges pour que vous ajoutiez vos propres blagues de façon transparente à l'intérieur du jeu.

    Cards Against Humanity: Fifth Expansion [Toy]

    100 völlig neue Karten (75 weiße Karten und 25 schwarze Karten),12 Bonus Blankokarten (8 leeren weißen Karten und 4 leere schwarze Karten),Professionell auf Premium Spielkarten gedruckt (100% kompatibel mit Karten gegen die Menschlichkeit),Erste, Zweite, Dritte und Vierte Erweiterungen nicht erforderlich, um zu spielen, aber von Herzen empfehlen.

    Schließen Sie die Haustür! Es ist der fünfte offizielle Erweiterung für Karten gegen die Menschlichkeit, mit 75 brandneuen weißen Karten, 25 brandneue schwarze Karten und Blankokarten für die nahtlose eigenen Insider-Witze zum Spiel hinzufügen.

    Cards Against Humanity: Fifth Expansion [Toy]

    100 completely NEW cards (75 white cards and 25 black cards),12 bonus blank cards (8 blank white cards and 4 blank black cards),Professionally printed on premium playing cards (100-Percent compatible with Cards Against Humanity),First, Second, Third, and Fourth Expansions not required to play, though heartily recommended,You won't believe it's not butter

    Cards Against Humanity: Fifth Expansion [Toy]

    Adult only party game,12 bonus blank cards (8 blank white cards and 4 blank black cards),Professionally printed on premium playing cards (100% compatible with Cards Against Humanity),First, Second, Third, and Fourth Expansions not required to play, though heartily recommended.,100 completely NEW cards (75 white cards and 25 black cards)

    Shut the front door! It's the fifth official expansion for Cards Against Humanity, featuring 75 brand-new white cards, 25 brand-new black cards, and blank cards for you to seamlessly add your own inside jokes to the game.

    Reviews of Cards Against Humanity:

    "Pretty amazing." - The Onion AV Club
    "Best. Game. EVER." - Wil Wheaton
    "An incredible game." - Mike "Gabe" Krahulik, Penny Arcade
    "Uncontrollable laughter." - Kill Screen Magazine
    "The game your party deserves." - Thrillist
    "A game." - The Daily Beast

    Fournier 175020 - Baraja De Naipes Monster High

    Fournier 175020 - Baraja De Naipes Monster High
    Fournier 175020 - Baraja De Naipes Monster High [Juguete]

    Edad recomendada: de 5 a 11 años

    Monster High [Toy]

    Monster High [Giocattolo]

    Monster High [Toy]

    Monster High [Toy]

    Lego City - 60099 - Juego de construcción - Desde Calendario de Adviento

    Lego City - 60099 - Juego de construcción - Desde Calendario de Adviento
    Lego City - 60099 - Juego de construcción - Desde Calendario de Adviento [Juguete]

    Lego City Advent Calendar 2015,Juguete de construcción,278 Piezas

    Lego City 60099 Advent Calendar

    - Lego City Advent Calendar 2015
    - Juguete de construcción
    - 278 Piezas

    LEGO City Advent Calendar [Toy]

    Includes 6 minifigures with assorted accessories,Santa, policeman, crook, girl and 2 boys,Enjoy the countdown to Christmas!,Open each panel for a LEGO City surprise!,Police, space, arctic and Christmas themes!

    Enjoy the countdown to Christmas with the LEGO City Advent Calendar, featuring 24 awesome gifts that will make each day a special day! You can meet Santa, decorate the Christmas tree, build a snowman or blast off into space aboard the shuttle. Its just like Christmas day! Help the police catch a cook, take a cool remote-controlled car for a spin or cook marshmallows on a festive log fire! This awesome set also includes an array of LEGO minifigures and models that can be integrated with your favorite sets. There's a town clock, snow scooter, ice skate stand, airplane, bulldozer and more! What an exciting calendar! Includes 6 minifigures: Santa, policeman, crook, girl and 2 boys. Includes 6 minifigures with assorted accessories: Santa, policeman, crook, girl and 2 boys Features 2 mini-cars with remote-control elements, ice skate stand, hot chocolate stand, airplane, bulldozer, streetlight, Santas chair, Christmas tree, town clock, gifts, train with wagon, police scooter, dog, snowman, log fire with marshmallows, and a space shuttle with rockets Accessory elements include a pretzel, camera, ice skates, pie, tablets, handcuffs, megaphone, bowl and bone, cake and Santas backpack Enjoy the countdown to Christmas! Open each panel for a LEGO City surprise! Police, space, arctic and Christmas themes! Suitable for ages 5 years +

    LEGO City Town 60099 - Calendario dell'Avvento [Giocattolo]

    LEGO City Town 60099 - Calendario dell'Avvento

    Lego City - 60099 - Jeu De Construction - Le Calendrier De L'avent [Toy]

    Age minimum : 5 ans,Descriptif produit: Le compte à rebours est lancé avant Noël avec le super calendrier de l'Avent LEGO® City comprenant 24 super surprises qui te feront patienter jusqu'au grand jour ! Tu peux rencontrer le Père Noël, décorer le sapin, construire un bonhomme de neige ou t'envoler dans l'espace à bord de la navette ! Aide la police à attraper un voleur, va faire un tour avec une voiture télécommandée super cool ou fais griller de la guimauve sur un joli feu ! Cet ensemble génial comprend aussi un ensemble de figurines et de modèles LEGO qui peuvent être intégrés avec tes modèles préférés. Il y a une horloge, un scooter des neiges, un stand de patin à glace, un avion, un bulldozer et plus encore ! Comprend 6 figurines : Le Père Noël, un policier, un voleur, une fille et 2 garçons.

    Lego City - 60099 - Jeu De Construction - Le Calendrier De L'avent

    - Age minimum : 5 ans
    - Descriptif produit: Le compte à rebours est lancé avant Noël avec le super calendrier de l'Avent LEGO® City comprenant 24 super surprises qui te feront patienter jusqu'au grand jour ! Tu peux rencontrer le Père Noël, décorer le sapin, construire un bonhomme de neige ou t'envoler dans l'espace à bord de la navette ! Aide la police à attraper un voleur, va faire un tour avec une voiture télécommandée super cool ou fais griller de la guimauve sur un joli feu ! Cet ensemble génial comprend...

    Lego 60099 - City Adventskalender [Toy]

    LEGO 60099 Adventskalender City

    Mit dem LEGO® City Adventskalender macht es richtig viel Spaß, die Dezembertage bis zur Bescherung herunterzuzählen, denn er enthält 24 tolle Geschenke, die jeden Tag zu etwas ganz Besonderem machen! Du triffst den Weihnachtsmann, schmückst den Weihnachtsbaum, baust einen Schneemann und düst an Bord des Spaceshuttles in den Weltraum. Das ist genau wie Weihnachten! Hilf der Polizei, einen Gauner zu schnappen, dreh eine Runde mit einem ferngesteuerten Auto oder röste Marshmallows über einem gemütlichen Lagerfeuer. Dieses grandiose Set enthält auch eine ganze Reihe von LEGO Minifiguren und Modellen, die perfekt zu den deinen Lieblingssets passen. Es gibt eine Standuhr, ein Schneemobil, einen Schlittschuhstand, ein Flugzeug, eine Planierraupe und vieles mehr! Was für ein aufregender Kalender!Enthält 6 Minifiguren: Weihnachtsmann, Polizist, Gauner, Mädchen und 2 Jungen. Achtung. Nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 36 Monate. Enthält verschluckbare Kleinteile.

    Lego City LEGO (R) City Advent Calendar 60099 [Toy]

    Enjoy the countdown to Christmas with the LEGO City Advent Calendar, featuring 24 awesome gifts that will make each day a special day! You can meet Santa, decorate the Christmas tree, build a snowman or blast off into space aboard the shuttle.,It's just like Christmas day! Help the police catch a cook, take a cool remote-controlled car for a spin or cook marshmallows on a festive log fire!,This awesome set also includes an array of LEGO minifigures and models that can be integrated with your favorite sets. There's a town clock, snow scooter, ice skate stand, airplane, bulldozer and more!,What an exciting calendar! Includes 6 minifigures: Santa, policeman, crook, girl and 2 boys.,Ages 5 to 12.

    Enjoy the countdown to Christmas with the LEGO City Advent Calendar, featuring 24 awesome gifts that will make each day a special day! You can meet Santa, decorate the Christmas tree, build a snowman or blast off into space aboard the shuttle. It's just like Christmas day! Help the police catch a cook, take a cool remote-controlled car for a spin or cook marshmallows on a festive log fire! This awesome set also includes an array of LEGO minifigures and models that can be integrated with your favorite sets. There's a town clock, snow scooter, ice skate stand, airplane, bulldozer and more! What an exciting calendar! Includes 6 minifigures: Santa, policeman, crook, girl and 2 boys. Ages 5 to 12.

    viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2015

    Just Dance Kids

    Just Dance Kids
    Just Dance Kids [Videojuegos]

    A los niños les encanta bailar, tienen sus propios gustos musicales, por eso ¡ahora tienen su propio juego de baile! Basado en una mecánica de juego sencilla, fácil de asimilar y de jugar, con coreografías divertidas de sus éxitos favoritos, Just Dance Kids ofrece a los niños una experiencia de baile personalizada.

    Euro Truck Simulator 2 [Importación alemana]

    Euro Truck Simulator 2 [Importación alemana]
    Euro Truck Simulator 2 [Importación alemana] [Videojuegos]

    EURO TRUCK SIMULATOR 2 - PC [Video Games]

    Europa - wir kommen! Ob Norden, Süden, Osten oder Westen - wo auch immer in Europa Waren, Maschinen oder sonstige Güter gebraucht werden, die Trucker von Euro Truck Simulator 2 machen die Lieferung möglich. FEATURES: - Fahren Sie mit sieben verschiedenen, teils original gebrandeten Zugmaschinen von realen Herstellern. - Fahren Sie in mehr als 60 Städte in ganz Europa - Erleben Sie original Truck-Tuning mit real existierenden Zubehörteilen - Bauen sie eine eigene Spedition auf - Stellen Sie Fahrer ein, kaufen Sie weitere Trucks und werden Sie der König auf Europas Straßen

    Euro Truck Simulator 2 [Edizione: Germania] [Videogioco]

    Euro Truck Simulator 2 [import allemand] [Video Games]

    Europa - wir kommen! Ob Norden, Süden, Osten oder Westen - wo auch immer in Europa Waren, Maschinen oder sonstige Güter gebraucht werden, die Trucker von Euro Truck Simulator 2 machen die Lieferung möglich. FEATURES: - Fahren Sie mit sieben verschiedenen, teils original gebrandeten Zugmaschinen von realen Herstellern. - Fahren Sie in mehr als 60 Städte in ganz Europa - Erleben Sie original Truck-Tuning mit real existierenden Zubehörteilen - Bauen sie eine eigene Spedition auf - Stellen Sie Fahrer ein, kaufen Sie weitere Trucks und werden Sie der König auf Europas Straßen

    Euro Truck Simulator 2 [Video Games]

    7 verschiedene, teils original gebrandete Zugmaschinen von echten Herstellern,Mehr als 60 Städte in ganz Europa,Original Truck Tuning mit realen Zubehörteilen wie z.B. Motoren, Scheinwerfer, Body Kits u.v.m.,Eigene Spedition aufbauen,Deutsche DVD-ROM für Windows XP/Vista/7

    Truck-Abenteuer auf den Autobahnen quer durch Europa

    Werden Sie zum Trucker und setzen Sie sich ans Steuer originalgetreuer Zugmaschinen.

    Ob Norden, Süden, Osten oder Westen- liefern Sie Ihre Fracht quer durch Europa pünktlich ab.

    Unterschiedliche Fahrzeuge für immer neue Abenteuer stehen für Sie bereit. Detaillierte und hochrealistische Inneneinrichtungen mit allen Anzeigen und Schaltern wie in wirklichen LKWs werden Sie ans Cockpit fesseln. Mit genügend Geld auf dem Konto können Sie Ihren Truck nach Ihrem Geschmack tunen.

    Genießen Sie aufregende Fahrten auf der Autobahn. Aber verlieren Sie den Tacho und die Tankanzeige nicht aus den Augen - sonst kommen Sie eventuell nicht rechtzeitig an.

    Der Statt-Preis EUR 29,99 ist ehem. empf. VK des Lieferanten.

    Euro Truck Simulator 2, DVD-ROM [Video Games]

    Hasbro A8752 - Juguete (168g, Multi)

    Hasbro A8752 - Juguete (168g, Multi)
    Hasbro A8752 - Juguete (168g, Multi) [Juguete]

    Contenido del paquete: 3 Dosen PLAY-DOH Spielknete à 56 g, 1 Dosen-Kalle, 1 Dosendeckel, 2 Arme, 1 Sockel, 3 Knet-Katapulte, Spielanleitung,Producto: Alle auf Kalle,Tipo de producto: Board Game,Marca de fábrica: Hasbro Gaming,Fabricante: Hasbro

    Hasbro A8752 - Juguete (168g, Multi)

    Alle auf Kalle [Toy]

    Delivery contents: 3 Dosen PLAY-DOH Spielknete à 56 g, 1 Dosen-Kalle, 1 Dosendeckel, 2 Arme, 1 Sockel, 3 Knet-Katapulte, Spielanleitung,Product: Alle auf Kalle,Product type: Board Game,Brand: Hasbro Gaming,Manufacturer: Hasbro

    Alle auf Kalle

    - Delivery contents: 3 Dosen PLAY-DOH Spielknete à 56 g, 1 Dosen-Kalle, 1 Dosendeckel, 2 Arme, 1 Sockel, 3 Knet-Katapulte, Spielanleitung
    - Product: Alle auf Kalle
    - Product type: Board Game
    - Brand: Hasbro Gaming
    - Manufacturer: Hasbro

    Hasbro A8752100 - Gioco d'azione e di abilità con 3 vasetti di plastilina [Giocattolo]

    Contenuto della confezione: 3 Dosen PLAY-DOH Spielknete à 56 g, 1 Dosen-Kalle, 1 Dosendeckel, 2 Arme, 1 Sockel, 3 Knet-Katapulte, Spielanleitung,Prodotto: Alle auf Kalle,Tipo di prodotto: Board Game,Marca: Hasbro Gaming,Produttore: Hasbro

    Hasbro A8752100 - Gioco d'azione e di abilità con 3 vasetti di plastilina

    Alle auf Kalle [Toy]

    Contenu de la livraison: 3 Dosen PLAY-DOH Spielknete à 56 g, 1 Dosen-Kalle, 1 Dosendeckel, 2 Arme, 1 Sockel, 3 Knet-Katapulte, Spielanleitung,Produit: Alle auf Kalle,Type de produit: Board Game,Marque: Hasbro Gaming,Fabricant: Hasbro

    Alle auf Kalle

    - Contenu de la livraison: 3 Dosen PLAY-DOH Spielknete à 56 g, 1 Dosen-Kalle, 1 Dosendeckel, 2 Arme, 1 Sockel, 3 Knet-Katapulte, Spielanleitung
    - Produit: Alle auf Kalle
    - Type de produit: Board Game
    - Marque: Hasbro Gaming
    - Fabricant: Hasbro

    Hasbro A8752100 - Alle auf Kalle, Aktions und Geschicklichkeitsspiel [Toy]

    Von den Machern von Looping Louie,Mit Original Play-Doh Knete,Rotierende Play-Doh Dose,ab 4 Jahren,3 Spieler

    Hasbro A8752100 - all on Kalle, action and skill game [German Version] [Toy]

    Hasbro A8752100 - Alle auf Kalle, Aktions und Geschicklichkeitsspiel [Toy]

    Delivery contents: 3 Dosen PLAY-DOH Spielknete à 56 g, 1 Dosen-Kalle, 1 Dosendeckel, 2 Arme, 1 Sockel, 3 Knet-Katapulte, Spielanleitung,Product: Alle auf Kalle,Product type: Board Game,Brand: Hasbro Gaming,Manufacturer: Hasbro

    Content: 3 Dosen PLAY-DOH Spielknete à 56 g, 1 Dosen-Kalle, 1 Dosendeckel, 2 Arme, 1 Sockel, 3 Knet-Katapulte, Spielanleitung

    Kneten, spielen, lachen. Wem geht Kalle in die Falle? Mit "Alle auf Kalle" kommt Schwung in den Nachmittag. Kalle ist der lustige Dosenwicht, der in der Mitte des Spiels herumwirbelt und versucht, einem Hagel aus bunten Knetkugeln auszuweichen. Hier kommt Bewegung ins Spiel und für Spaß und gute Laune ist bestens gesorgt. Das Spiel ist schnell zusammengebaut. Jeder Spieler sucht sich ein Knet-Katapult und eine Dose Play-Doh aus. Wird Kalle durch Drücken des Schalters aufgeweckt geht's rund. Der witzige Kerl dreht sich im Kreis, wirbelt aufgeregt mit den Armen und hebt seinen Deckel auf und ab. Es gilt, so schnell wie möglich mit Hilfe seines Katapults kleine Kugeln zu formen, auf Kalle zu zielen und im richtigen Moment den Auslöser zu drücken. Doch aufgepasst, denn Kalle geht nicht so leicht in die Falle. Wem es als erstem Spieler schließlich gelingt, 3 Knetkugeln in Kalles Dose zu versenken, gewinnt. "Alle auf Kalle" ist ein pfiffiges Kinderspiel, bei dem Kneten und Spielen auf fröhliche Art kombiniert werden. Indem die Spieler ihr Spielzubehör selbst formen dürfen, wird (ganz nebenbei) die Feinmotorik gefördert und Geschicklichkeit ist gefragt, wenn es gilt, im richtigen Moment den Auslöser zu drücken. Dass hier die bewährte Play-Doh Spielknete zum Einsatz kommt (3 Dosen sind bereits enthalten), wird Kinder und Eltern gleichermaßen begeistern, denn Play-Doh steht für fantasievolles, kreatives und kunterbuntes Knetvergnügen. In den 3 Katapulten befinden sich übrigens lustige Formen für eigene Knetkreationen. So macht Kalle auch dann Spaß, wenn gerade kein Mitspieler in der Nähe ist. Natürlich kann der Knetvorrat jederzeit mit weiterer Play-Doh Spielknete (separat erhältlich) wieder aufgefüllt werden.

    Achtung! Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet.

    jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2015

    Xbox One 500 GB Console With Fifa 16 [Importación Inglesa]

    Xbox One 500 GB Console With Fifa 16 [Importación Inglesa]
    Xbox One 500 GB Console With Fifa 16 [Importación Inglesa] [Videojuegos]

    Al tratarse de un producto importado de Reino Unido, este producto se puede encontrar en inglés.

    There's only one place to play the best exclusives and biggest blockbusters this year, like Halo 5: Guardians, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Forza Motorsport 6. Experience the most advanced multiplayer on Xbox Live, powered by hundreds of thousands of servers that maximize performance. Quickly switch between games, live TV, and apps. And instantly resume your game where you left off.

    Xbox One 500GB Console with FIFA 16 [Video Games]

    Monopoly - Juego de mesa con diseño Frozen (Hasbro HAS02247)

    Monopoly - Juego de mesa con diseño Frozen (Hasbro HAS02247)
    Monopoly - Juego de mesa con diseño Frozen (Hasbro HAS02247) [Juguete]

    Juega y diviértete con las figuras de película,Se juega de forma más rápida y dinámica,Para muchas horas de diversión

    Juego de Monopoly Junior Edición Frozen

    - Como el clasico Monopoly pero mas facil para niños
    - Piezas distintivas de Frozen
    - Las propiedades son divertidas en Arendelle
    - Billetes simples mantienen las transacciones faciles y rapidas
    - Juego de Monopoly con personajes de Frozen

    Monopoly Junior Frozen Edition Board Game [Toy]

    Monopoly Game with characters from frozen,Like classic Monopoly game but easier for kids,Distinctive frozen playing pieces,Properties are fun places in Arendelle,Single banknotes keep the transactions quick and easy

    Thaw the frozen friends in the Disney-themed Monopoly game for kids. The fast-trading property game meets the power of snow and ice in the monopoly junior game. Kids will join Anna, Elsa and Olaf as they travel through Arendelle and buy its most magical locations. Whoever collects the most cash will thaw their freezing heart and win. Start the frozen fun with the super-fun version of Monopoly Junior. For 2 to 3 players. Safety Information: Warning. Not suitable for Children under 3 years.

    Monopoly Junior - Disney Frozen - Il Regno di Ghiaccio in Inglese (Import UK) [Giocattolo]

    Come il classico gioco del Monopoli ma più semplice per i bambini,Con pezzi caratteristici di Frozen,Le proprietà sono dei posti divertenti ad Arendelle,Le banconote singole rendono le transazioni semplici e veloci,Monopoli con personaggi di Frozen

    Monopoly Junior Edizione Frozen Gioco da Tavolo

    - Come il classico gioco del Monopoli ma più semplice per i bambini
    - Con pezzi caratteristici di Frozen
    - Le proprietà sono dei posti divertenti ad Arendelle
    - Le banconote singole rendono le transazioni semplici e veloci
    - Monopoli con personaggi di Frozen

    Monopoly Junior - Disney Frozen Edition Anglaise (Import UK) [Toy]

    Similaire au jeu de Monopoly classique, mais simplifié pour les enfants,Pions distinctifs Frozen (La Reine des Neiges),Achetez les propriétés d'Arendelle,Les billets de banque gardent les transactions rapides et simples,Jeu de Monopoly avec les personnages de Frozen (La Reine des Neiges)

    Achète et vends dans le royaume d'Arendelle grâce au jeu de societé Monopoly Junior Disney Frozen Edition Anglaise. Ce jeu est la version anglaise du Monopoly La reine des Neiges. Veuillez noter que le jeu et ses instructions sont uniquement en anglais. De 2 à 3 joueurs à partir de 5 ans.

    Disney Die Eiskönigin - Völlig Unverfroren Monopoly Junior (in englischer Sprache) [UK Import] [Toy]

    Wie das klassische Monopoly Spiel nur einfacher für Kinder.,Spezielle Eiskönigin Spielteile,Die Grundstücke sind schöne Stellen in Arendelle,Einzelne Geldscheine um Bezahlungen einfach und schneller zu gestalten.,Monopoly Spiel mit Figuren vom - Die Eiskönigin - Film

    Der Klassiker unter den Brettspielen wird mit dieser Ausgabe des Monopoly-Spiels zu einem magisch anmutenden Winterwunderland. Diese Ausgabe des weltweit beliebten Spiels wartet mit den Spielfiguren im "Disney-Design" auf, darunter Olaf, Anna und Elsa. Um vor allem Kindern dass Spielen und Addieren zu erleichtern, wurde bei dieser Variante auf Banknoten in Einer Schritten zurückgegriffen. Auch sind die Orte in Anlehnung an die magische Welt der Eiskönigin gewählt. Eine tolle Geschenkidee, welche für 2 - 3 Spieler vorgesehen ist. Spiel und Spaß für Kinder ab der Altersstufe von fünf Jahren. Was ist im Kit enthalten? 1 x Spielbrett; 3 x Charakter Spielfiguren; 24 x Zufallskarten; 36 x Charakter-Marken; 90 x M1-Banknoten; 1 x Würfel; 1 x Anleitung. Achtung UK Version - Sprache des Spiels ist Englisch.

    Monopoly Junior Frozen Edition [Toy]

    Monopoly Junior Frozen Edition Board Game

    Monopoly Junior Frozen Edition [Toy]

    Fast-trading monopoly junior game features characters from frozen,Game is like the classic Monopoly game but easier for kids,Distinctive frozen movers,Properties are fun places in Arendelle,Single banknotes keep the transactions quick and easy

    Thaw the frozen friends in the Disney-themed Monopoly game for kids. The fast-trading property game meets the power of snow and ice in the monopoly junior game. Kids will join Anna, Elsa and Olaf as they travel through Arendelle and buy its most magical locations. Whoever collects the most cash will thaw their freezing heart and win. Start the frozen fun with the super-fun version of Monopoly Junior. For 2 to 3 players. Box Contains Includes game board, 3 character movers, 24 chance cards, 36 character markers, 90 x M1 banknotes, 1 die and instructions

    Ravensburger 605-00-501 juguete para el aprendizaje - juguetes para el aprendizaje (37 cm, 27 cm, 6 cm) Multi

    Ravensburger 605-00-501 juguete para el aprendizaje - juguetes para el aprendizaje (37 cm, 27 cm, 6 cm) Multi
    Ravensburger 605-00-501 juguete para el aprendizaje - juguetes para el aprendizaje (37 cm, 27 cm, 6 cm) Multi [Juguete]

    Autor Juegos: Haferkamp, Kai,Duración: aprox 20 min,Instrucciones de Idiomas : DE,Premios: Premio a la Innovación Juegos Juguete

    Ravensburger 605-00-501 juguete para el aprendizaje - juguetes para el aprendizaje (37 cm, 27 cm, 6 cm) Multi

    - Autor Juegos: Haferkamp, Kai
    - Duración: aprox 20 min
    - Instrucciones de Idiomas : DE
    - Premios: Premio a la Innovación Juegos Juguete

    Starter-Set: Stift & Spiel [German Version] [Toy]

    Starter-Set: Stift & Spiel [German Version]

    Ravensburger 00501 - tiptoi®: Set iniziale con penna e gioco (Lingua tedesca) [Giocattolo]

    Ravensburger 00501 - tiptoi®: Set iniziale con penna e gioco (Lingua tedesca)

    Ravensburger - 00501 tiptoi® - Boîte de démarrage avec livre et crayon [Toy]

    Prix : Toy Innovation Award,Créateur du jeu : Kai Haferkamp,Durée de jeu : env. 20 min,Langue de la notice:allemand

    Ravensburger - 00501 tiptoi® - Boîte de démarrage avec livre et crayon

    - Prix : Toy Innovation Award
    - Créateur du jeu : Kai Haferkamp
    - Durée de jeu : env. 20 min
    - Langue de la notice:allemand

    Ravensburger 00501 - tiptoi®: Starter-Set mit Stift & Spiel [Toy]

    Die Kinder lernen den ersten Englisch-Wortschatz für die Grundschule,Die wichtigsten Alltagsbegriffe werden in Minispielen trainiert,Der tiptoi® Stift liefert die korrekte Aussprache für jedes Wort

    Starter-Set: Stift & Spiel [German Version] [Toy]

    miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015

    Think Fun Zingo - Bingo (en inglés)

    Think Fun Zingo - Bingo (en inglés)
    Think Fun Zingo - Bingo (en inglés) [Juguete]

    Dos niveles de juego,Setenta y dos figuras planas,Seis Zingo tarjetas de doble cara,Enseña imagen y reconocimiento de vocabulario, a juego, la memoria, la concentración y la interacción social,Para edades de entre 4 a 8 años

    Ravensburger - Zingo!

    Think Fun Zingo Bingo [Toy]


    Zingo is Bingo with a zing! Instead of numbers, players match picture tiles with words to their game boards.

    Learning to play is easy. Simply slide the zinger to reveal a picture and word tile. Try to match that image and word to your game board. The first person to fill their board wins!

    Because the tiles contain both pictures and words, it's an ideal game for both non-readers and beginning readers. Designed to teach matching, image and word recognition, as well as concentration skills, Zingo is sure to provide hours of fun entertainment for the whole family.

    Each game includes one Zinger, 72 picture tiles, six double-sided cards, instructions. Zingo is recommended for ages 4 and up. Two to six players can participate.

    Ravensburger 7700 Zingo Bingo - Gioco di società [Lingua inglese] [Giocattolo]

    Descrizione prodotto

    Ravensburger 7700 Zingo Bingo - Gioco di società [Lingua inglese]

    Jeu de Société - Think Fun! - Zingo [Toy]


    Jeu de Bingo avec une différence. Ce jeu merveilleux va amuser les enfants pendant des heures. Les joueurs essayent de remplir leurs cartes Zingo avec les carreaux correspondants du Zingo Zinger. Le premier joueur à remplir leur carte est le vainqueur.

    Zingo [Toy]



    - Zingo

    ThinkFun Zingo [Toy]

    Two levels of play,Seventy-two picture tiles,Eight double-sided Zingo cards,Teaches image and vocabulary recognition, matching, memory, concentration, and social interaction,For ages between 4 to 8 years

    Bingo with a Zing! This creative wonder is sure to entertain kids for hours. Players try to fill their Zingo! cards with matching tiles from the Zingo Zinger. The first player to fill his/her card wins! Rules can be adjusted to favor more or less competition among players, and to vary length of time that each game takes to play. Features: Zingo Zinger tile dispenser, 72 picture tiles, 8 Double-sided Zingo cards; Zingo teaches shape and pattern recognition, as well as observation, and short-term memory.Ages 4 and Up

    ThinkFun Zingo [Toy]

    Two levels of play,Seventy-two picture tiles,Six double-sided Zingo cards,Teaches image and vocabulary recognition, matching, memory, concentration, and social interaction,For ages between 4 to 8 years

    Zingo! - Bingo with a Zing

    Zingo! brings fast-paced excitement and learning to the classic game of Bingo. Slide the Zinger to reveal picture tiles, make a match and fill your card to win. Images with printed words and two levels of play make this the perfect game to grow with.

    step 1
    Slide the Zinger.
    step 2
    Make a match.
    step 3
    Fill your card to win.
    Double-sided Zingo! cards with 2 levels of play: Beginner and Advanced.
    Easy cleanup
    Reload slots and double-sided tiles.

    • 1 Zingo! Zinger
    • 72 Picture Tiles
    • 6 Double-Sided Zingo! Cards
    • Instructions and Parent's Guide
    • ThinkFun's top selling Jr. game
    • Builds language and matching skills through fast paced play
    • Unique Zinger device delights players of all ages