Andux Juego de ajedrez Completo Tablero Plegable Casillas QPXQ-01 (42x42cm) [Juguete]
Tamaño: 42cmx42cm.,Tablero de ajedrez estándar del torneo Hecho de vinilo resistente a la rotura.,32 chess pieces with black felt padded bottoms, 2.95 inch king and 1.37inch bonus queens. The chess pieces feature a full 2.95" King with a stable base of 1.8" diameter.,Tournament vinyl chess board features 1.81 inch squares and algebraic notation.,El tablero de ajedrez es un tablero de ajedrez negro, liviano y enrollable, fácil de llevar a torneos, clubes o al vecino.
Andux Jeu D'échec Tournament Chess Jeu Set-Chess Jeu de société avec des pièces d'échecs Naturelles et Roll-up Black Board QPXQ-02 (42x42cm) [Toy]
Taille:42cmx42cm.,Échiquier standard de tournoi Fabriqué à partir de vinyle résistant à la déchirure.,32 chess pieces with black felt padded bottoms, 2.95 inch king and 1.37inch bonus queens. The chess pieces feature a full 2.95" King with a stable base of 1.8" diameter.,Tournament vinyl chess board features 1.81 inch squares and algebraic notation.,L'échiquier est un échiquier noir léger et enroulable, facile à prendre pour les tournois, les clubs ou à côté.
Andux Turnier Schachspiel Set-Schach Brettspiel mit natürlichen Schachfiguren und Roll-up Black Board QPXQ-01 (42x42cm) [Toy]
Größe:42cmx42cm.,Turnier Standard Schachbrett Aus reißfestem Vinyl.,32 chess pieces with black felt padded bottoms, 2.95 inch king and 1.37inch bonus queens. The chess pieces feature a full 2.95" King with a stable base of 1.8" diameter.,Tournament vinyl chess board features 1.81 inch squares and algebraic notation.,Das Schachbrett ist ein leichtes, aufrollbares schwarz Schachbrett, das man leicht zu Turnieren, Clubs oder nebenan mitnehmen kann.
Andux Scacchiera da Viaggio Scacchi Torneo Gioco da Scacchi Set-Scacchi con Pezzi di Scacchi Naturali e tavola avvolgibile QPXQ-02 (42x42cm) [Giocattolo]
Dimensioni:42cmx42cm.,Scacchiera standard per tornei Realizzata in vinile antistrappo.,34 chess pieces with black felt padded bottoms, 2.95 inch king and 1.37inch bonus queens. The chess pieces feature a full 2.95" King with a stable base of 1.8" diameter.,Tournament vinyl chess board features 1.81 inch squares and algebraic notation.,La scacchiera è una scacchiera leggera e avvolgibile, facile da portare a tornei, club o alla porta accanto.
Andux Tournament Chess Game Set-Chess Board Game with Natural Chess Pieces and Roll-up Black Board QPXQ-02 (42x42cm) [Toy]
Size:42cmx42cm.,Tournament standard chess board Made from tear resistant vinyl.,32 chess pieces with black felt padded bottoms, 2.95 inch king and 1.37inch bonus queens. The chess pieces feature a full 2.95" King with a stable base of 1.8" diameter.,Tournament vinyl chess board features 1.81 inch squares and algebraic notation.,The chess board is a lightweight, roll-up black chessboard,easy to take to tournaments, clubs, or next door.
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