Zombicide: Black Plague Bosses: Abomination Pack [Juguete]
Age range: 10 and up,Manufacturer: CoolMiniOrNotInc.,Abominotaur, Abominatroll, Ablobination
caja especial con tres abominaciones jefe. Abominotaur. Se puede romper a travs de paredes y puertas cerradas! Al inicio de la etapa de activacin de la fase de los zombis, establecer la zona objetivo del Abominotaur antes de moverlo, haciendo caso omiso de las puertas y las paredes (pero no Vault puertas y murallas) cerrados. Si un Abominotaur tiene que pasar por una puerta cerrada o en la pared, poner en primer lugar una ficha de and quot;pared rota and quot; para vincular sus zonas de partida y de destino, y eliminar cualquier smbolo puerta cerrada que podra estar en el camino. La pared rota se considera como una puerta abierta, y por lo tanto puede generar un engendro del zombi en un edificio cerrado previamente. Actores ahora pueden cruzar las Zonas. Despus de eso, contine con el movimiento de todos los dems zombis (como la ruta de los Zombis and #39;puede ser redefinido por la destruccin de la pared). Abominatroll. Es grande, muy grande, pero tambin increblemente estpida. Ser vagar sin rumbo hasta que se ve a un superviviente. Pero cuando se te ve, se ir mental y correr a destrozarte! El Abominatroll normalmente slo tiene 1 Accin por activacin. Sin embargo, si se activa con la lnea de visin a cualquier sobreviviente, ser a continuacin, obtener 3 Recurso de que la activacin! Ocultar lejos de este monstruo, y es posible evadirlo. Quedar atrapados en el abierto y se le bien y verdaderamente controlada! Ablobination. Es enorme y muy difcil de matar, pero lo que realmente lo distingue es su monstruosamente enorme y poderoso brazo, y el sorprendente ferocidad con la que se acerca flails, creando una franja de destruccin a su alrededor! Cada vez que el Ablobination activa con la lnea de visin hacia los sobrevivientes en el rango de 0-1. Se llevar a cabo un ataque contr
Zombicide Black Plague : Bosses Abomination Pack [Toy]
Age range: 10 and up,Manufacturer: CoolMiniOrNotInc.,Abominotaur, Abominatroll, Ablobination
The zombie plague reached the far corners of the world, up to the remote places the monsters of old used to hide from human eyes. And then these nightmares are back, turned into war machines of infected omen. You can run, but you can't hide: they are faster, kill everyone in a large swipe, and will even smash through walls to get to you. If you had a plan, think again! The Zombie Bosses - Abomination Pack comes with 3 miniatures, including 1 Abominotaur, 1 Ablobination, and 1 Abominatroll. It also includes 10 Broken Wall cardboard tokens, 12 spawn cards, and a rules flyer.
Zombicide: Black Plague - Abomination Pack - Multilingual [Giocattolo]
Espansione per "Zombicide - Black Plague"
Contenuto: - 1 miniatura Ablobminio - 1 miniatura Abominatroll - 1 miniatura Abominotauro - 12 carte Zombie - 10 segnalini parete sfondata - 1 foglio delle regole È RICHIESTA UNA SCATOLA BASE DI ZOMBICIDE BLACK PLAGUE PER POTER GIOCARE CON QUESTA ESPANSIONE.
Zombicide: Black Plague - Abomination Pack - Multilingual [Toy]
Black Plague The Zombie Bosses - Abomination Pack multilingual deutsch [Toy]
Black Plague The Zombie Bosses - Abomination Pack multilingual deutsch
The Zombie Bosses - Abomination Pack comes with 3 miniatures, including 1 Abominotaur, 1 Ablobination, and 1 Abominatroll. It also includes 10 Broken Wall cardboard tokens, 12 spawn cards, and a rules flyer.
Zombicide: Black Plague Zombie Bosses - Abomination Board Game Pack [Toy]
Age range: 10 and up,Manufacturer: CoolMiniOrNotInc.,Abominotaur, Abominatroll, Ablobination
The Zombie bosses: abomination pack contains three horrible Zombie box miniatures that are actually quite large. The abominotaur will be running through the labyrinths of players' minds long after the game is over. The ablobination is fat and disgusting and swings a massive arm causing maximum damage. Finally, the abominatroll is very big , but very stupid. Normal weapons won't work on this beast, forcing players to use a bit more strategy and Dragon fire. This pack also includes 10 broken wall tokes and 12 spawn cards.
Zombicide: Black Plague Zombie Bosses - Abomination Board Game Pack [Toy]
Expansion. Zombicide: black plague is required to play,Contains: 3 miniatures, 12 zombie spawn cards, 10 broken wall tokens, 1 rules flyer,Adds depth and complexity
The Zombie bosses: abomination pack contains three horrible Zombie box miniatures that are actually quite large. The abominotaur will be running through the labyrinths of players' minds long after the game is over. The ablobination is fat and disgusting and swings a massive arm causing maximum damage. Finally, the abominatroll is very big , but very stupid. Normal weapons won't work on this beast, forcing players to use a bit more strategy and Dragon fire. This pack also includes 10 broken wall tokes and 12 spawn cards.
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