No Man's Sky [Importación Inglesa] [Videojuegos]
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No Man's Sky (PS4) [Video Games]
Explore a universe of possibilities - With over 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 (18 quintillion) possible planets, No Man's Sky's procedurally generated galaxy gives players an unparalleled opportunity to explore worlds that no one has ever visited before.,Forge your own path to the centre of the galaxy - Whether you consider yourself a trader, an explorer or a fighter, there's no limit to how you play No Man's Sky.,Share your discoveries - Everyone starts No Man's Sky on the outer rim of the same unexplored galaxy.,Space combat on a grand scale - Make enemies and forge alliances by joining battles between the factions that occupy the galaxy.,Trade your way through the galaxy - Violence is not the only route to success.,Prepare yourself for exploration - By upgrading your engines, you can travel further and faster, pushing at the frontiers of the known galaxy.,Discover a social galaxy - The galaxy is a living, breathing place, with trade convoys travelling between stars, pirates, police and military ships ever ready for action, and planets teeming with life.
No Mans Sky Playstation 4 Inspired by classic science-fiction and its overwhelming sense of adventure and imagination, Hello Games presents a game of unprecedented scale and ambition. In No Man's Sky you explore an infinite universe where you will discover unique never-before-seen planets and lifeforms. A mystery lies at the centre of the galaxy, an irresistible pulse that draws you on an epic voyage to discover the true nature of the cosmos. Your journey will be charged with danger, encountering hostile creatures and fierce pirates; in order to survive, you will need to prepare, upgrading your ship, suit and weapons. Whether you choose to fight, trade or explore, every decision you make has consequences, shaping your journey as you travel ever deeper into No Man's Sky. No Man's Sky Features: Explore a universe of possibilities – With over 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 (18 quintillion) possible planets, No Man's Sky's procedurally generated galaxy gives players an unparalleled opportunity to explore worlds that no one has ever visited before. Forge your own path to the centre of the galaxy – Whether you consider yourself a trader, an explorer or a fighter, there's no limit to how you play No Man's Sky. Share your discoveries – Everyone starts No Man's Sky on the outer rim of the same unexplored galaxy. Space combat on a grand scale – Make enemies and forge alliances by joining battles between the factions that occupy the galaxy. Trade your way through the galaxy – Violence is not the only route to success. Prepare yourself for exploration – By upgrading your engines, you can travel further and faster, pushing at the frontiers of the known galaxy. Discover a social galaxy – The galaxy is a living, breathing place, with trade convoys travelling between stars, pirates, police and military ships ever ready for action, and planets teemin
No Man's Sky (PS4) [Video Games]
Version Anglaise - Jeu Jouable en Français
Chaque monde est unique À vous de plonger dans l'infini Voyagez depuis les profondeurs de l'espace pour répondre à l'appel irrésistible d'un mystère situé au centre de la galaxie. Préparez votre voyage à travers un univers vivant sur une échelle jamais vue auparavant, et découvrez de nouveaux mondes parmi les 18 446 744 073 709 551 616 planètes uniques possibles. Rencontrez de nouvelles espèces, récoltez de précieuses ressources et marquez à tout jamais vos royaumes célestes sur la carte galactique pour que d'autres astronautes puissent les visiter. Forgez votre destinée en tant que marchand, explorateur, chasseur de primes, mineur, pirate ou tout autre rôle interstellaire de votre choix, et amassez la fortune nécessaire pour améliorer votre vaisseau et votre équipement. Au fur et à mesure que vous vous rapprocherez de votre objectif, votre voyage deviendra plus dangereux, vous poussant ainsi à participer à des combats spatiaux à grande échelle... et à découvrir la vérité qui se cache au centre du cosmos.
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