King of Tokyo [Juguete]
2016 Edition,Age range: 8 and up / Number of players: 2 to 6 / Play time: 30,Manufacturer: IELLO
NOTA: Este juego está en Inglés y no puede contener una traducción a su idioma. (PLEASE NOTE: This game is in English and may not contain a translation into your language.) En Rey de Tokio, se juega monstruos mutantes, robots gigantes, y los extranjeros, todos extraos de los cuales estn destruyendo Tokio y whacking entre s con el fin de convertirse en el nico Rey de Tokio. Al comienzo de cada turno, sacas seis dados, que muestran los siguientes seis smbolos: 1, 2, o 3 puntos de victoria, energa, sanar y Ataque. Ms de tres tiros sucesivos, elija si desea conservar o descartar cada dado con el fin de ganar puntos de victoria, ganar energa, restaurar la salud, o atacar a otros jugadores en el entendimiento de que Tokio es tu territorio. El jugador ms feroz ocupar de Tokio, y ganar puntos de victoria adicionales, pero ese jugador no puede curar y debe hacer frente a todos los dems monstruos solo! Inicio este con tarjetas especiales adquiridos con la energa que tienen un efecto permanente o temporal, tales como el cultivo de una segunda cabeza que le otorga un dado adicional, chalecos antibalas, rayo de la muerte nova, y ms .... y es una de las la mayora de los juegos explosivos del ao! Con el fin de ganar el juego, hay que destruir Tokio ya sea mediante la acumulacin de 20 puntos de victoria, o ser el nico monstruo sobrevivir una vez que la lucha ha terminado. .
Iello IEL51314 "King of Tokyo 2016 Edition" Game [Toy]
In King of Tokyo, you play mutant monsters, gigantic robots, and strange aliens-all of whom are destroying Tokyo and whacking each other in order to become the one and only King of Tokyo.,Combine your dice to gather energy, heal your monster or just slap others. Spend your energy to trigger permanent or one-shot special powers!,Stop at nothing to become the King of Tokyo. .. but that's when the real trouble begins for you.,Ages 8+,2 to 6 players, 30 minute playing time
On the 5th anniversary of the release of the best-seller by Richard Garfield, King of Tokyo gets a facelift with a new version, entirely redone by a group of artists* lead by Régis Torres, who previously illustrated the Halloween expansion pack and King of New York. In addition to these exclusive illustrations, this new version will have a new rulebook that was reworked to be clearer, as well as two new monsters: the ever-so-popular Space Penguin (the original version, highly sought-after by players, was only available through tournaments) and Cyber Kitty. The King, Gigazaur, Meka Dragon, and Alienoid, still defending their territory, have also benefitted from a makeover. The changes are purely aesthetic changes: the rules of the game and Power cards remain unchanged In King of Tokyo, you play mutant monsters, gigantic robots, and strange aliens—all of whom are destroying Tokyo and whacking each other in order to become the one and only King of Tokyo. At the start of each turn, you roll six dice, which show the following six symbols: 1, 2, or 3 Victory Points, Energy, Heal, and Attack. Over three successive throws, choose whether to keep or discard each die in order to win victory points, gain energy, restore health, or attack other players into understanding that Tokyo is YOUR territory. The fiercest player will occupy Tokyo, and earn extra victory points, but that player can't heal and must face all the other monsters alone! Top this off with special cards purchased with energy that have a permanent or temporary effect, such as the growing of a second head which grants you an additional die, body armor, nova death ray, and more.... and it's one of the most explosive games of the year! In order to win the game, one must either destroy Tokyo by accumulating 20 victory points, or be the only surviving monster once the fighting has ended.
King of Tokyo 2 - English [Giocattolo]
King of Tokyo 2 - English [Toy]
Iello 51314 - King of Tokyo 2 Brettspiel Englisch [Toy]
King of Tokyo ENGLISH • EDITION 2016
The King is back and he is not happy! Slap around your enemies and become the King of Tokyo! Play mutant monsters, gigantic robots and other monstrous creatures, joyfully whack your opponents, rampage the city and become the one and only King of Tokyo! Combine your dice to gather energy, heal your monster or just slap others. Spend your energy to trigger permanent or one-shot special powers: second head, body armor, nova death ray... Stop at nothing to become the King of Tokyo... but that's when the real trouble begins for you! King of Tokyo is a game for 2 to 6 players where you play as mutant monsters, rampaging robots, or even abominable aliens battling in a fun, chaotic atmosphere. Roll dice and choose your strategy: Will you attack your enemies? Heal your wounds? Improve your Monster? Stomp your path to victory!
King Of Tokyo 2nd Edition [Toy]
2 to 6 players,New edition of the best-seller boasts new artwork, clearer rules, and revamped card abilities,Monsters have a new look, and the coveted Space Penguin character takes his place in Tokyo!
King of Tokyo is a game for 2 to 6 players where you play as mutant monsters, rampaging robots, or even abominable aliens battling in a fun, chaotic atmosphere. Roll dice and choose your strategy: Will you attack your enemies? Heal your wounds? Improve your Monster? Stomp your path to victory! This new edition of the best-seller boasts new artwork, clearer rules, and revamped card abilities. Monsters have a new look, and the coveted Space Penguin character takes his place in Tokyo! - New artwork by Régis Torres, illustrator of King of New York! - Space Penguin included in the box! - Clearer rules and card text for a better gaming experience! Contents: 6 Monster boards 1 Tokyo board 6 black dice & 2 green dice 66 Power cards 6 cardboard figures Energy cubes 28 Tokens 1 rulebook
King of Tokyo: New Edition Board Game [Toy]
For 2-6 players,30 minute playing time,New artwork by Regis Torres, illustrator of King of new York!,Space penguin included in the box!,Clearer rules and card text for a better gaming experience!
This new edition of the best-seller boasts new artwork, clearer rules, and revamped card abilities. Monsters have a new look, and the coveted space penguin character takes his place in Tokyo! King of Tokyo is a game for 2 to 6 players where you play as Mutant monsters, rampaging robots, or even abominable aliens battling in a fun, chaotic atmosphere. Roll dice and choose your strategy: will you attack your enemies? Heal your wounds? improve your monster? Stomp your path to victory.
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