Sony - Mando Dualshock 4, Color Azul (PS4) [Videojuegos]
Interfaz del dispositivo: Bluetooth
El mando DualShock®4 cuenta con nuevas innovaciones que ofrecen experiencias de juego más envolventes, entre ellas un sensor de seis ejes altamente sensible o el panel táctil en la parte superior que ofrece formas totalmente nuevas de jugar e interactuar con los videojuegos. El nuevo botón SHARE te permite retransmitir y compartir vídeos con solo una pulsación.
Sony PlayStation DualShock 4 - Wave Blue (PS4) [Video Games]
Welcome the next evolution in game control for the PlayStation 4, with the DualShock 4.
The DualShock 4 features an integrated touch screen and a unique Share button, which enables you to capture and share your gameplay with friends, family and other gamers. This clever little button also allows you to record and upload in real-time using the PS4's streaming services.
The new DualShock 4 controller incorporates a new six-axis sensor, as well as a light bar with coloured LEDs that illuminate to match what is going on on screen. The light bar can also give you critical game information such as damage, XP and more.
For the gamer that loves it loud, the controller also comes with a headset jack, allowing you to communicate, listen and chat to other gamers.
PlayStation 4 - Controller Dualshock 4 Wireless, Blue per PS4 [Videogioco]
Sony Dual Shock 4 - Gamepad - drahtlos - Bluetooth - Wave Blue - für Sony PlayStation 4, Sony PlayStation Vita TV (PS Vita TV) 1000 series
Il controller DualShock®4 vanta innovazioni che offrono esperienze di gioco ancora più coinvolgenti, incluso un sensore a sei assi a elevata sensibilità e un touch pad situato nella parte superiore del controller che offre nuovi modi per giocare e interagire con i contenuti. Con il nuovo tasto SHARE, invece, riproduzione in streaming di video e opzioni di condivisione sono sempre a portata di dito.
Manette PS4 Dual Shock 4 - bleue [Video Games]
PlayStation 4 - DualShock 4 Wireless Controller, blau [Video Games]
Der Playstation - DUALSHOCK 4 Wireless Controller verfügt über innovative Funktionen für ein ultimatives Spielerlebnis. Dazu gehören ein hochsensibler Sechs-Achsen-Sensor und ein Touchpad oben auf dem Controller, die völlig neue Spiel- und Interaktionsmöglichkeiten eröffnen. Mit der neuen SHARE-Taste sind das Streamen und Teilen von Videos nur eine Handbewegung entfernt. Dank eines neuartigen Designs kann man noch bequemer die Kontrolle übernehmen, während verbesserte Analog-Sticks und -Tasten ein noch höheres Maß an Präzision ermöglichen. Personalisiertes Gaming - Dank vier Farb-LEDs können Spieler einfach identifiziert und nützliche Spielinformationen angezeigt werden, wie z. B. welche Spielfigur gerade am meisten einstecken muss.
Sony PlayStation 4 Dualshock 4 Wireless Controller (Wave Blue) [Video Games]
The DualShock controller features new innovations to deliver more immersive gaming experiences, including a highly sensitive six-axis sensor as well as a touch pad located on the top of the controller which offers completely new ways to play and interact with games.,New multi-touch and touch pad opens up new gameplay possibilities.,LEDs create a rainbow of colours that work with the PlayStation Camera.,Built-in speaker and stereo headset jack.
Sony's much-loved controller under goes a transformation for PlayStation 4 as the Dualshock 3 evolves into the Dualshock 4 Utilizing a similar design as the popular Wireless Controller for PlayStation 3(DUALSHOCK 3), DUALSHOCK 4 features new innovations to deliver better gaming experiences. DUALSHOCK 4 incorporates a new highly sensitive six-axis sensor, as well as a touch pad located on the front of the controller, which offers gamers completely new ways to play and interact with games. DUALSHOCK 4 features a light bar on the top with three colour LEDs that illuminate in various colours. The light bar illuminates to match the colour of characters in a game to offer a simpler, friendlier way to identify players, even when playing side by side. The light bar also changes patterns during gameplay to provide useful information to gamers, such as when a character is critically low on health or has taken major damage. In addition, DUALSHOCK 4 will come with a built-in speaker and stereo headset jack, enabling PS4 users to enjoy high-fidelity sound effects of games from both the TV and also from the controller. Combined with the Mono Headset that will be bundled with PS4, gamers will also be able to chat with friends playing online, while hearing sound effects from the controller in hand. While integrating "SELECT" and "START" buttons on DUALSHOCK 3 Wireless controller into a new "OPTIONS button", DUALSHOCK 4 is newly equipped with a "SHARE button" to further enhance PS4's social capabilities. The "SHARE button" allows gamers to easily broadcast their gameplay in real-time to friends through internet streaming services such as Ustream. Users can also share their triumphs and accomplishments by uploading video gameplay to Facebook with the "SHARE button". Unlike streaming content via PC, users no longer have to convert
Dualshock 4 Wireless Controller blau - Zubehör Spielekonsolen [Video Games]
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