Sablon - Figuras del juego Minecraft [Juguete]
Steve & Workbench,Elige Hacha & Sword,Cama y Pecho
Ahora usted puede crear, construir y personalizar su propio mundo de Minecraft con esta figura de acción de Survival Pack con todo, Steve necesita para sobrevivir en el entorno hostil Minecraft.
Minecraft Core Player Survival Pack [Toy]
Recreates scenes from the video game Minecraft,Highly detailed & fully articulated,3-inch scale figure and accessory pack,Includes Steve action figure,,With wooden Pickaxe, Sword, Bed and Chest
Now you can create, build and customise your own world of Minecraft with this action figure Survival Pack featuring everything Steve needs to survive in the hostile Minecraft environment. This set includes a 3-inch scale fully articulated Steve action figure, Wooden Pickaxe, Sword, Bed and Chest. Highly capable and customisable, Steve possesses excellent crafting skills. He can also carry a hefty inventory and tame various types of creatures. Suitable for ages 6 years + Safety Information: Warning. Not suitable for Children under 3 years.
Minecraft pacchetto di sopravvivenza [Giocattolo]
Ricrea scene del videogioco di successo, Minecraft,Altamente dettagliata e completamente articolato,Figura scala da 3 pollici e pacchetto accessori,Include Ste,Età 6 anni +
Ora è possibile creare, costruire e personalizzare il proprio mondo di Minecraft con questa action figure pacchetto di sopravvivenza con tutto, Steve ha bisogno per sopravvivere in un ambiente ostile Minecraft.
Minecraft - 16450 - Jeu De Construction - Joueur De Base - Kit De Survie [Toy]
Age minimum: 10 mois,descriptif produit: minecraft est un jeu indépendant mélangeant construction et aventure. il permet à ses joueurs de manipuler un monde en trois dimensions, construit entièrement de blocs à détruire, transformer et reconstruire. jouable en solo ou à plusieurs, minecraft permet d'explorer des cavernes sans fin, combattre divers ennemis, collecter des ressources et surtout bâtir des constructions immenses, parfois artistiques. joue à minecraft avec steve, comme joueur de base, et les accessoires suivants: l'établi, la pioche, l'épée, le lit, le trésor et la torche
Assemble les blocs et créer ton propre monde grâce à l'Overworld Survival Kit de Minecraft. Ce kit de survie Minecraft est parfait pour débuter la construction d'un monde. Ce jouet est inspiré du jeu vidéo en ligne Minecraft. Le blister inclus 1 figurine Steve articulée d'environ 7,5 cm, 1 lit, 1 coffre, 1 établi, 1 épée et 1 pioche. A partir de 6 ans.
Minecraft 16450 - Core Survival Pack, Steve-Figur mit Zubehör [Toy]
Figuren aus der Top Lizenz zum Spielen und Sammeln,Beweglicher Core-Spieler Steve mit Werkbank, Spitzhacke, Schwert, Bett und Schatztruhe,spiele Minecraft in der Realität nach
Es ist immer schwer, eine neue Minecraft Welt ohne Werkzeuge zu erstellen, aber das Minecraft Survival-Figure Pack hat alles, was du brauchst, um loszulegen. Neben einer 7,5 cm großen Steve Action-Figur,beinhaltet dieses Set; Bett, Truhe, Arbeitstisch, Holzschwert und Steinspitzhacke. Das Set eignet sich für Fans ab 6 Jahren.
Jazwares Minecraft, Core Player Survival Pack [Toy]
Minecraft Steve with deluxe accessories,Great for collectors,From the popular Minecraft video game
From the Manufacturer From the hit video game, Minecraft, bring home the Steve action figure pack. Collect all Series #1 Minecraft action figures. Product Description Collect the entire set of series 1 sets. Includes Core Player Survival Pack with Workbench, Pick Axe, Sword, Bed, Chest, Torch with Leather 3" Steve
Minecraft Core Player Survival Pack Action Figure [Toy]
Fully Articulated,Comes with Accessories,Collect them all!,Steve & Workbench,Pick Axe & Sword,Bed & Chest
This Minecraft Player Survival Pack is a must have for any Minecraft fan. It includes a workbench, wood pickaxe, wood sword, bed, chest, and Steve. Collect all Series #1 Minecraft action figures.
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