Crayola - Marker Marker, material de pintura (74-7054) [Importado] [Juguete]
Rotuladores.,Para desarrollar la creatividad y la imaginación de los niños.,Crea tus propios rotuladores.,Con este set por fin podrás fabricar tus propios rotuladores de los colores que quieras. Sigue la guía de mezcla de color o invéntate la tuya propia.,Sigue los pasos indicados para crearlos. Colorea la caja para meterlos. Y comienza a usarlos. Ponles el nombre que tú quieras.,Con este set por fin podrás fabricar tus propios rotuladores de los colores que quieras. Sigue la guía de mezcla de color o invéntate la tuya propia,Sigue los pasos indicados para crearlos. Colorea la caja para meterlos. Y comienza a usarlos. Ponles el nombre que tú quieras,Podrás seguir fabricando más rotuladores con el repuesto (74-7055)
Crayola - Marker Marker, material de pintura (74-7054)
Crayola Marker Maker [Toy]
Create up to 16 customized markers,All the tools needed to create customized colored markers,Create your own colors use the mixing guide or make your very own color,Dip the marker core to absorb your custom ink,Compact design with built in storage
Create your own custom markers with the Marker Maker from Crayola. This interactive kit provides everything you need to make 16 markers. Whether you experiment with colors or keep things simple, this kit guides you through every step of the process. Designed for ages 8 and up, the Marker Maker includes three ink bottles, two marker boxes, two measuring tubes, mixing chart, tweezers, and enough parts to make 16 one-of-a-kind markers. Create Markers with Custom Colors You'll be the lead scientist of your very own color laboratory with the Marker Maker. The mixing guide helps you decide what colors you'll create--or you can make up your own. The factory puts your custom color into a unique marker that you can then click together and show off as your own one-of-a-kind creation. Easy to Use In just a few easy steps, you can create a unique and colorful marker. Once you've chosen which inks to use, mix the ink colors together and dip the marker reservoir into the measuring tube. Watch as the marker core appears to magically fill with the ink. To complete the process, use the tweezers to remove the core from the tube and then assemble the marker with a cap, tip, and plug. To complete the marker, attach your own personalized label.
Crayola 74-7054 - Laboratorio dei Pennarelli [Giocattolo]
Crea fino a 16 pennarelli personalizzati con gli strumenti inclusi nella confezione,Crea i tuoi pennarelli come un vero scienziato,Scegli il colore oppure inventane uno nuovo, immergi il filtro e assembla il tuo pennarello!,Design compatto con spazioso vano porta accessori,Il prodotto può avere confezione e libretto di istruzioni non in italiano
Crayola - Crayola Laboratorio Dei Pennarelli
Crayola - 74-7054-e-000 - Kit De Loisirs Créatifs - Marker Maker - Fabrique de feutres [Toy]
Deviens un vrai créateur de feutres !,Mélange les différentes couleurs pour créer ton propre coloris,Imbibe le filtre avec la couleur que tu as créée et insère-le dans le corps du feutre. Ajoute l'embout puis clippe: ton feutre est terminé !,Inscris le nom de ta couleur sur l'étiquette pour la touche finale: chaque feutre est unique !,Contient : 1 Marker Maker, 16 feutres (corps du feutre, filtre, bouchons, étiquettes.), 3 Bouteilles d'encre (bleu, rouge, jaune), 2boîtes de feutres, 2 tubes de mesure, Charte de mélange et pinces,Dès 6 ans,Recharge existante (vendue séparément)
Crée tes propres feutres grâce au set Marker Maker de Crayola. Installe ton atelier sur du papier journal ou une autre protection et utilise de guide de mélange de couleur pour mixer les couleurs. Coloris la boite avec les marqueurs que tu as fabriqués. Ce coffret comprend l'atelier, 3 pots d'encre, 2 boites de rangement, 2 tubes a mélange, 16 feutres à fabriquer et un guide. A partir de 6 ans.
Crayola 74-7054-E-000 - Filzstift-Designer, sortiert [Toy]
Achtung! Nicht für Kinder unter 3 Jahren geeignet, da Kleinteile enthalten sind und verschluckt werden können. Erstickungsgefahr.
Kreiere deine eigenen farbigen Filzstifte mit dem Crayola Marker Maker Set von Crayola. Es ist superleicht und im Set sind genügend Utensilien um 16 verschieden farbige Stifte zu designen. Folge einfach Schritt für Schritt der Bedienungsanleitung und experimentiere mit den verschiedenen Farben herum. Der Mixing Guide hilft dir beim Mischen der Farben aber natürlich kannst du auch deine ganz eigenen kreieren. Mische deine Lieblingsfarbe, stelle einen frischen Faserstab in die Mischung und sieh zu wie er sich mit Farbe füllt. Danach lege ihn in den vorbereitete lehre Stifthülle. Verschließe dann den Stift wie beschrieben und schreibe dein eigenes Label. Im Lieferumfang enthalten sind 3x verschiedenfarbige Tinten, 2x Stiftkartons, 2x Messbecher, 1x Mixtabelle, 1x Pinzette, genügend Zubehör für die Herstellung von 16 Stiften. Größe: 20cm x41cm x 26cm. Ein ideales Geschenk im Alter ab 6 Jahren. Bei diesem Artikel handelt es sich um einen englischen Import, wobei die Anleitung in Englischer Sprache ist.
Marker Maker Kit- [Office Product]
Create up to 16 customized markers,All the tools needed to create customized colored markers,Create your own colors use the mixing guide or make your very own color,Dip the marker core to absorb your custom ink,Compact design with built in storage
Crayola Marker Maker-
Crayola Marker Maker [Office Product]
Create up to 16 customized markers,All the tools needed to create customized colored markers,Create your own colors use the mixing guide or make your very own color,Dip the marker core to absorb your custom ink,Compact design with built in storage

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Create your own custom markers with the Marker Maker from Crayola. This interactive kit provides everything you need to make 16 markers. Whether you experiment with colors or keep things simple, this kit guides you through every step of the process. Designed for ages 8 and up, the Marker Maker includes three ink bottles, two marker boxes, two measuring tubes, mixing chart, tweezers, and enough parts to make 16 one-of-a-kind markers.
Create Markers with Custom Colors
You'll be the lead scientist of your very own color laboratory with the Marker Maker. The mixing guide helps you decide what colors you'll create--or you can make up your own. The factory puts your custom color into a unique marker that you can then click together and show off as your own one-of-a-kind creation.
Easy to Use
In just a few easy steps, you can create a unique and colorful marker. Once you've chosen which inks to use, mix the ink colors together and dip the marker reservoir into the measuring tube. Watch as the marker core appears to magically fill with the ink. To complete the process, use the tweezers to remove the core from the tube and then assemble the marker with a cap, tip, and plug. To complete the marker, attach your own personalized label.
- Create 16 customized color markers
- Mixing guide helps you choose your colors
- Interactive and easy to use
- Includes barrels, caps, tips, plugs, and labels
- Complete the markers with personalized labels
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