Starlink - Battle For Atlas, Pack Piloto Levi [Videojuegos]
Mejora tu aventura y alcanza la victoria con el pack del piloto Levi McCray y su habilidad de piloto Danger Zone,Conviértete en alguien invencible durante un tiempo limitado gracias a este luchador temerario,Levi McCray es un temerario de la costa oeste, un atleta de deportes extremos y una estrella de internet,No tiene límites y siempre busca ser el centro de atención. Estando en la Tierra se coló en la Equinox para buscar fama, sin darse cuenta de hasta donde le llevaría esa decisión,Conecta los juguetes modulares al soporte y verás al instante cómo cobran vida en el juego. Diseña tu propia nave a partir de tu arsenal de alas, cascos, armas y pilotos, y adáptate a cualquier desafío al que te enfrentes en tiempo real
Enhance your adventure and achieve victory with the with the Levi McCray pilot pack and his Pilot Ability: Danger Zone. Become temporarily invincible with this daredevil.;Levi McCray is a West Coast daredevil, extreme sports athlete, and internet star. He has no boundaries and always has to be the center of attention. He snuck on board the Equinox back on Earth in search of fame, not realizing how far that choice would take him.
Starlink Battle pour Atlas Pilot Pack Levi (Jeux électroniques) [Video Games]
Le Pack de Démarrage Starlink Battle for Atlas est requis pour jouer avec les autres packs d'armes, de pilotes et de vaisseaux. Tous les jouets modulaires Starlink fonctionnent uniquement avec le jeu Starlink Battle for Atlas et un support de manette PS4, Nintendo Switch ou Xbox One,Optimisez votre aventure et assurez-vous la victoire avec le pilote Levi McCray et sa capacité spéciale : Zone Dangereuse. Devenez temporairement invincible avec ce pilote casse-cou,Levi McCray est un casse-cou de la Côte Ouest et athlète de sports extrêmes, mais surtout une star d'Internet. Il ne connaît aucune limite et cherche toujours à être le centre de l'attention. En quête de notoriété, il s'est glissé furtivement à bord de l'Equinox lorsque le vaisseau est retourné sur Terre, sans réaliser les conséquences qu'entraînerait une telle action,Comment utiliser les jouets modulaires ? Connectez vos jouets modulaires au support de votre manette et regardez-les prendre vie dans le jeu de manière instantanée ! Fabriquez votre propre vaisseau en choisissant les armes, le pilote, les ailes et la coque qui composeront votre engin spatial. Changez à volonté votre équipement en temps réel pour faire face à tous les défis
Starlink Pilot Pack - Levi [Video Games]
Bitte beachten: Um dieses Produkt benutzen zu können, benötigen Sie das Starlink Starter Pack.
Erweitere dein Abenteuer und erziele den Sieg mit dem Levi
McCray Pilot Pack und seiner Pilotenfähigkeit:
Gefahrenzone. Werde mit diesem Draufgänger vorübergehend
Das Starlink: Battle for Atlas Starter-Pack ist
erforderlich, um mit Starship, Piloten- und Waffen Packs zu
spielen. Alle Starlink modularen Toys funktionieren nur
mit dem Starlink: Battle for Atlas-Videospiel und der
Controller-Halterung für PS4, Nintendo Switch und Xbox One.
Medienanzahl: 1
Achtung: Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet.
Starlink Battle For Atlas Pilot Pack Levi (Electronic Games) [Video Games]
The Starlink: Battle for Atlas starter pack is required to play with Starship, Pilot and Weapons packs. All Starlink modular toys only work with Starlink: Battle for Atlas video game and controller mount on PS4, Nintendo Switch and Xbox One.,Lead a heroic team of interstellar pilots to free the Atlas star system from the Forgotten Legion,Innovative modular toys allow you to build unique starships which can be customized on the fly for a new way to play as you adapt to overcome any challenge you encounter in this epic open world adventure.,Connect your modular toys to your controller mount and see them come to life in real time in the game!,Craft your own starship loadout from your arsenal of wings, hulls, weapons, and pilots. Adapt to any challenges you face in real time.
Enhance your adventure and achieve victory with the with the Levi McCray pilot pack and his Pilot Ability: Danger Zone. Become temporarily invincible with this daredevil.;Levi McCray is a West Coast daredevil, extreme sports athlete, and internet star. He has no boundaries and always has to be the center of attention. He snuck on board the Equinox back on Earth in search of fame, not realizing how far that choice would take him.
Ubisoft Starlink Pilot Pack, Nessuna Piattaforma Specifica, Levi [Videogioco]
Pacchetto pilota Levi McCray con la sua abilità pilota: Pericolo Puro,È richiesto lo starter pack di Starlink: Battle for Atlas per giocare con i pacchetti di Navi, Piloti e Armi,Età consigliata: 8 anni e più
Enhance your adventure and achieve victory with the with the Levi McCray pilot pack and his Pilot Ability: Danger Zone. Become temporarily invincible with this daredevil.;Levi McCray is a West Coast daredevil, extreme sports athlete, and internet star. He has no boundaries and always has to be the center of attention. He snuck on board the Equinox back on Earth in search of fame, not realizing how far that choice would take him.
Starlink Battle For Atlas Pilot Pack Levi (Electronic Games) [Video Games]
The Starlink: Battle for Atlas starter pack is required to play with Starship, Pilot and Weapons packs. All Starlink modular toys only work with Starlink: Battle for Atlas video game and controller mount on PS4, Nintendo Switch and Xbox One.,Lead a heroic team of interstellar pilots to free the Atlas star system from the Forgotten Legion,Innovative modular toys allow you to build unique starships which can be customized on the fly for a new way to play as you adapt to overcome any challenge you encounter in this epic open world adventure.,Connect your modular toys to your controller mount and see them come to life in real time in the game!,Craft your own starship loadout from your arsenal of wings, hulls, weapons, and pilots. Adapt to any challenges you face in real time.
Enhance your adventure and achieve victory with the with the Levi McCray pilot pack and his Pilot Ability: Danger Zone. Become temporarily invincible with this daredevil.;Levi McCray is a West Coast daredevil, extreme sports athlete, and internet star. He has no boundaries and always has to be the center of attention. He snuck on board the Equinox back on Earth in search of fame, not realizing how far that choice would take him.
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