MojiPops Onepack Serie 1 Figuras coleccionables Color Surtido Magic Box PMP1D824IN00 [Juguete]
Los mojipops son muy especiales: ¡pueden cambiar sus emociones,¿enamorado o divertido? ¿travieso o molón,Les encanta expresar cómo se sienten, por eso cada mojipop tiene una carita con dos emociones; puedes darle la vuelta a la cara o intercambiarla con otros mojipops,Hay 48 personajes para coleccionar en dos colores cada uno (¡un total de 96 mojipops!) y 12 caras diferentes,Descubre a los mojipops deportistas, musicales, viajeros, de naturaleza, del hogar, comida, mascotas ¡y encuentra los 6 exclusivos mojipops con efecto purpurina
MojiPops Onepack Serie 1 Sammlerfigur Farbe Sortiert Magic Box PMP1D824IN00 [Toy]
MojiPops sind ganz besonders: Sie können Ihre Emotionen ändern.,Verliebt oder lustig? Travieso oder Molke?,Sie lieben sich ausdrücken, wie sie sich fühlen, deshalb hat jede MojiPop eine süße Emotion mit zwei Emotionen. Sie können das Gesicht umdrehen oder mit anderen MojiPops austauschen.,Es gibt 48 Charaktere zum Sammeln in zwei Farben (insgesamt 96 MojiPops!) und 12 verschiedene Seiten,Entdecken Sie die MojiPops Sportler, Musik, Reisen, Natur, Zuhause, Essen, Haustier... und finden Sie 6 exklusive MojiPops mit Glitzereffekt!
MojiPops MBXPMP1D824IN00 Onepack Series 1 Collectable Figures, Assorted Colours [Toy]
The MojiPops are very special: they can change their emotions,In love or fun; Naughty or cool,They love expressing how they feel, that's why each MojiPop has a face with two emotions; you can flip the face or exchange it with other MojiPops,There are 48 characters to collect in two colors each (a total of 96 MojiPops) And 12 different faces,Discover the MojiPops sportsmen, musicians, travelers, nature, home, food, pets and find the six MojiPops with glitter effect
Box with 24 envelopes. Each envelope contains 1 MojiPop to collect.
MojiPops Onepack Serie 1 Figure da Collezione Colore Assortito Magic Box PMP1D824IN00 [Giocattolo]
I MojiPops sono molto speciali: possono cambiare le tue emozioni.,Ti innamorati o divertenti? Forse o macinate?,Ai piace esprimere come si sentono, per questo ogni MojiPop ha una faccina con due emozioni. Puoi capovolgerlo o sostituirlo con altri MojiPops.,Ci sono 48 personaggi da collezionare in due colori ciascuno (totale di 96 MojiPops!) e 12 facce diverse.,Scopri i MojiPops sportivi, musicali, viaggiatori, di natura, di casa, cibo, animali domestici... e trova i 6 esclusivi MojiPops con effetto glitterato.
MojiPops Onepack Series 1: Collectable Figures, Assorted Colours [Toy]
The MojiPops are very special: they can change their emotions!,In love or fun? Naughty or cool?,They love expressing how they feel, that's why each MojiPop has a face with two emotions; you can flip the face or exchange it with other MojiPops.,There are 48 characters to collect in two colors each (a total of 96 MojiPops!) And 12 different faces!,Discover the MojiPops sportsmen, musicians, travelers, nature, home, food, pets and find the 6 exclusive MojiPops with glitter effect.
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