Mattel Games Monos locos, juego de mesa infantil (Mattel 52563) [Juguete]
El juego Monos locos es muy fácil de aprender y muy divertido de jugar para padres e hijos,Después de crear una red de palitos, solo hay que colocar todos los monos dentro del árbol,Luego, se tira el dado por turnos y los jugadores tienen que sacar un palito del color indicado en el dado,No dejes que los monos se caigan del árbol en tu turno o tendrás que añadirlos a tu pila de monos,Gana el jugador a quien le hayan caído menos monos al final de la partida
Mattel Tumblin' Monkeys. Edad recomendada (mín.): 5 año(s), Género recomendado: Niño/niña
-Número mínimo de jugadores: 2
-Número máximo de jugadores: 4
-Edad recomendada (mín.): 5 año(s)
-Género recomendado: Niño/niña
SOS Ouistiti, jeu de société et d'adresse pour enfants, version allemande, 52563 [Toy]
Catégorie/caractéristique : chance, action, dextérité,À partir de 5 ans ; pour 2-4 joueurs,Durée de jeu : 15 minutes,Aucune pile nécessaire,Contenu : un palmier, 30 les singes, 30 baguettes en trois couleurs, un cube
Mattel Tumblin' Monkeys. Age recommandé (min): 5 année(s), Genre recommandé: Garçon/Fille
-Le nombre minimum de joueurs: 2
-Nombre maximum de joueurs: 4
-Age recommandé (min): 5 année(s)
-Genre recommandé: Garçon/Fille
Mattel Games 52563 - S.O.S. Affenalarm, lustiges Spiel geeignet für 2 - 4 Spieler, Spieldauer ca. 30 Minuten, Kinderspiele ab 5 Jahren [Toy]
Mikado war gestern Heute spielt man in der dritten, fantastischen Dimension Und das macht sogar die Affen im Dschungel spielverrückt,Zuerst werden alle farbigen Stäbchen in die Löcher der durchsichtigen Affenpalme gesteckt und die Äffchen darauf platziert,Reihum müssen die Spieler dann würfeln und die Stäbchen der gewürfelten Farbe herausziehen, ohne dass seine Affen dabei herunterfallen,Alle Äffchen, die man in seiner Würfelrunde abstürzen lässt, muss man aufsammeln; Sieger ist, wer am Ende die wenigsten Äffchen abstürzen ließ,Für 2 - 4 Spieler; Ab 5 Jahren
Mattel S.O.S. Affenalarm | 52563
Tumblin' Monkeys [Toy]
A classic game of skill and action that's easy to learn and fun to play,Players place the monkeys in the tree and move the sticks according to the colored die,The player who collects the fewest number of monkeys, wins!,No reading is required, so it's perfect for younger kids,Recommended Age Range 5 and Up
A classic game of skill and action that's easy to learn and fun to play! Players place the monkeys in the tree and move the sticks according to the colored die. The player who collects the fewest number of monkeys, wins! No reading is required, so it's perfect for younger kids. Comes with a tree, 30 monkeys, 30 sticks in three colors and special die. For two to four players.
Tumblin' Monkeys [Toy]
A classic game of skill and action that's easy to learn and fun to play,Players place the monkeys in the tree and move the sticks according to the colored die,The player who collects the fewest number of monkeys, wins!,No reading is required, so it's perfect for younger kids,Recommended Age Range 5 and Up
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Mattel 52563 - Salva le Scimmie Gioco da Tavolo [Giocattolo]
Durata del gioco: ca. 15 minuti,Per 2 - 4 giocatori,A partire dai 5 anni di età
Mattel - gioco di società da tavolo per bimbi SALVA LA SCIMMIA 52563
Mattel 52563, S.O.S.Monkey alarm skill game. [Toy]
A classic game of skill and action that's easy to learn and fun to play,Players place the monkeys in the tree and move the sticks according to the colored die,The player who collects the fewest number of monkeys, wins!,No reading is required, so it's perfect for younger kids
A classic game of skill and action that's easy to learn and fun to play! Players place the monkeys in the tree and move the sticks according to the colored die. The player who collects the fewest number of monkeys, wins! No reading is required, so it's perfect for younger kids. Comes with a tree, 30 monkeys, 30 sticks in three colors and special die. For two to four players.
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