IMC Toys - Treasure Detector (95182) [Juguete]
Encuentra las llaves y tesoros para ganar el juego,Características psicopedagógicas: comportamiento social, habilidad manual, imaginación y creatividad,Se puede elegir entre dos modos de juego diferentes: cuenta atrás o gana el equipo más rápido,Para añadir un paso adicional para el juego, se incluyen las tarjetas de desafío,Edad mínima recomendada: +7 años
¡Vamos en busca del tesoro! Un equipo esconde el tesoro y el otro equipo tiene que encontrarlo. En primer lugar, el equipo de búsqueda debe localizar las dos llaves para desbloquear el tesoro ¡Utiliza el detector para ayudarte! te avisa cuando estás a menos de un metro del tesoro ¡Date prisa ... que se acaba el tiempo! Además el juego contiene 20 pruebas de acción o preguntas para hacer el juego más divertido. Edad recomendada a partir de 7 años.Funciona con pilas 4 AAA y 2 AA NO incluidas.Pesos y medidas:- Peso: 0,50
Play Fun 95182 Jouet détecteur de trésor [Toy]
Trouver les clés et le trésor pour gagner la partie,Les barres sur le détecteur indiques si vous vous rapprochez,Choix entre deux modes de jeu différents, compte à rebours ou l'équipe la plus rapide à remporter la partie,Pour ajouter une étape au jeu, des cartes défi sont incluses
Lets go on a treasure hunt! One team hides the treasure and the other team has to find it. First, the search team must locate both keys to unlock the treasure. Use the detector to help you! Bars shown on the detector will increase as you get closer, when youre less than a meter away the detector will start to beep! Dont stop youre so close! Clip on the keys to rebuild the detector and now youre ready to find the treasure! Before the countdown runs out you must take the diamond out of the treasure chest and slot into the detector! Hurry up the clock is running out!
IMC Toys 95182IM Spiel [Toy]
Eine spannende Schatzsuche für 2 Spieler oder Teams,Der elektronische Detektor führt zum versteckten Schatz,Wer gewinnt den Wettlauf gegen die Zeit?,Ab 7 Jahren geeignet, 4 LR03 (AAA) + 2 LR6(AA) Batterien werden benötigt (nicht enthalten)
Treasure Detector - Teamspiel
Lasst uns auf Schatzsuche gehen! Wer findet am schnellsten den versteckten Diamanten?
Mach' dich mit dem Schatz-Detektor auf die Suche, finde die versteckten Schlüssel und damit den wertvollen Diamanten. Gespielt wird in Teams: Ein Team versteckt Schüssel und Diamant und das gegnerische Team versucht anschließend beides so schnell wie möglich wiederzufinden. Dabei gibt der elektronische Detektor Hinweise, ob man auf der richtigen Fährte ist. Doch Achtung: Die Uhr tickt und das schnellere Entdecker-Team gewinnt. Außerdem erschweren 20 Zusatzkarten die Suche und bringen noch mehr Action ins Spiel.
Worauf wartest du?
Entdecke den Schatzjäger in dir!
Das Set enthält
- 2 Schlüssel
- 1 Schatz
- 1 elektronischen Schatz-Detektor
- 20 Zusatzkarten
Batterien benötigt: 4 LR03 (AAA) + 2 LR6(AA) (nicht enthalten)
Ab 7 Jahre
IMC Play Fun - Treasure Detector [Toy]
Find the keys and treasure to win the game,Bars on the detector show if you are getting close,Choose from two different game modes, countdown or fastest team wins,To add an extra step to the game, challenge cards are included
Let's go on a treasure hunt! One team hides the treasure and the other team has to find it. First, the search team must locate both keys to unlock the treasure. Use the detector to help you! Bars shown on the detector will increase as you get closer, when you're less than a meter away the detector will start to beep! Don't stop you're so close! Clip on the keys to rebuild the detector and now you're ready to find the treasure! Before the countdown runs out you must take the diamond out of the treasure chest and slot into the detector! Hurry up… the clock is running out!
Play Fun 95182 Treasure Detector Toy by Play Fun [Toy]
Play Fun - Treasure Detector
Let's go on a treasure hunt! One team hides the treasure and the other team has to find it. First, the search team must locate both keys to unlock the treasure. Use the detector to help you! Bars shown on the detector will increase as you get closer, when you're less than a meter away the detector will start to beep! Don't stop you're so close! Clip on the keys to rebuild the detector and now you're ready to find the treasure! Before the countdown runs out you must take the diamond out of the treasure chest and slot into the detector! Hurry up... the clock is running out! Find the keys and treasure to win the game Bars on the detector show if you are getting close Choose from two different game modes, countdown or fastest team wins To add an extra step to the game, challenge cards are included
Play Fun 95182 Gioco Treasure Detector [Giocattolo]
Trova le chiavi e il tesoro per vincere la partita.,Le barre sul rilevatore ti mostrano se ti stai avvicinando.,Scegli tra due diverse modalità di gioco, conto alla rovescia o il Team più veloce vince.,Per aggiungere un ulteriore fase di gioco, sono incluse delle carte sfida.
Tessere di sfida in : spagnolo, inglese, tedesco e portoghese. Trova il tesoro prima che sia troppo tardi! Acquista questo divertentissimo gioco che mettere alla prova la tua immaginazione e il tuo potere di detrazione. Per divertirti devi solo chiedere a qualcuno che ti nasconda le chiavi e il gran tesoro nei vari angoli della casa e utilizzare il detector elettronico per scoprire, se sarai vicino o meno al tesoro. Prima dovrai trovare le chiavi del tesoro, i segnali del display del detector ti indicheranno se il tuo obiettivo è vicino o meno, quando il display segnerà i segnali tutti pieni, devi stare attento. Non perdere neanche un secondo o sarà troppo tardi, il tempo del detector gioca contro di te! Utilizza le tessere di sfida, per attribuire un aspetto più divertente e complicato. Potrai sfidare i tuoi amici e familiari. Il detector raggiunge fino a 30 metri di distanza, per detettare il tesoro! Età consigliata: + 7 anni. Per 1 giocatore.
IMC Play Fun - Treasure Detector [Toy]
Find the keys and treasure to win the game,Bars on the detector show if you are getting close,Choose from two different game modes, countdown or fastest team wins,To add an extra step to the game, challenge cards are included
Lets go on a treasure hunt! One team hides the treasure and the other team has to find it. First, the search team must locate both keys to unlock the treasure. Use the detector to help you! Bars shown on the detector will increase as you get closer, when youre less than a meter away the detector will start to beep! Dont stop youre so close! Clip on the keys to rebuild the detector and now youre ready to find the treasure! Before the countdown runs out you must take the diamond out of the treasure chest and slot into the detector! Hurry up the clock is running out!
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