SKYJO, de Magilano, - la última tarjeta de juego para niños y adultos. [Juguete]
Su objetivo: Trate de obtener puntos como sea posible mediante el volteo, el comercio y la recopilación de tarjetas en el transcurso de varias rondas. Esto sólo es posible si un jugador no ha descubierto todas sus cartas porque entonces termina una ronda. Así que ten cuidado, no pierdas de vista el juego y ser prudente y cauteloso de las acciones del otro jugador!,Un montón de diversión para la familia y amigos. SKYJO es un entretenido juego de cartas que viene con un montón de diversión para los niños e incluso los entusiastas de juegos antiguos (adultos).,Inicio de juego rápido: Es muy fácil de aprender las reglas de juego! Incluye un breve manual con imágenes. Ideal para un juego corto entre otras actividades y como juego de grapas para emocionantes veladas. Está basado en un juego flexible.,Juegos educativos: Cuenta - suma hasta 100 números de dos dígitos. Calcula - acostumbrarse a las posibilidades. Concéntrate - Siga el curso del juego y a las rondas del otro jugador.,Jugadores: De 2 - 8 jugadores. Edad: a partir de 8 años de edad y más. Duración: 30 minutos aproximadamente. Idiomas: Alemán, Inglés, Francés, Español, Italiano. Contenido: 150 tarjetas de juego, 1 bloc de notas, 1 manual. Fabricado en Alemania.
Este es el nombre del nuevo y emocionante juego de la editorial Magilano, prometiendo diversión y entretenimiento durante muchas veladas. En el juego de tarjeta SKYJO el objetivo es obtener unos puntos como sea posible en el transcurso de varias rondas, después de cada ronda todos los puntos del jugador son contados y sumados a su puntuación. Tan pronto como un jugador alcáncelos 100 puntos o más, el jugador con menos puntos será el ganador. Obtener el menor número de puntos significa buscar números bajo o incluso números negativos. Hay más emoción cuando se agregan varias reglas especiales que, por ejemplo, permiten extraer varias tarjetas (y con ello puntos) desde el juego - esto puede conducir a giros inesperados. Esto promueve decisiones audaces que incluso podría volver a hacerlo perder, si los otros jugadores pueden contrarrestar más rápido de lo esperado.
SKYJO, by Magilano - The ultimate card game for kids and adults. [Toy]
YOUR GOAL: Try to get as few points as possible through flipping, trading and collecting cards over the course of several rounds. This is only possible as long as a player has not uncovered all his cards, because then ends a round. So beware, keep a close eye on the game and be cautious and wary of the other player's actions!,LOTS OF FUN for your friends and family. SKYJO is an entertaining card game that is lots of fun for kids and even older game enthusiasts (adults).,FAST GAME START: Easy to learn game rules! Includes a short manual with pictures. Ideal for a short game in-between other activities and as staple game for exciting evenings. A turn-based and time flexible game.,EDUCATIONAL GAMING: Count - Adding of up to 100 two-digit numbers. Estimate - Get used to chances. Concentration - Follow the course of the game and other player's turns.,PLAYERS: For 2 - 8 players. AGE: From age 8 and up. GAME DURATION: about 30 minutes. LANGUAGES: German, English, French, Spanish, Italian. CONTENTS: 150 game cards, 1 game notepad, 1 manual. Made in Germany.
Product description:
SKYJO - This is the name of the new and exciting game from the publisher Magilano, promising fun and entertainment for many evenings to come. In card game SKYJO the goal is to collect as few points as possible over the course of several turns as after every round every player's points are counted and added to his score. As soon as a player reaches 100 points or more the player with the fewest points wins. Collecting the fewest points means to look for low or even negative numbers. Further excitement is added by several special rules, which for example make it possible to remove several cards (and with it points) from the game - this can lead to unexpected turns. This motivates daring decisions that might even come back to bite, if the other players can counter faster than expected.
What is needed to play? Enough space for 12 cards in front of each player. A positive side effect: When playing, your hands are free, so you can count points or eat snacks. As the game rules are quite easy, small talk during your turns is no problem.
- Educational Gaming: Train arithmetic and concentration skills
- No directly competitive game: Every player plays for himself and there is no way to directly "harm" other players
- Hands free: The cards stay on the table and do not need to kept in one's hands
● Suitable as family, adult, kids, travel and holiday game as well as birthday and Christmas present
● At least two players or more, the more players the more fun the game is
● Especially suited for children:
SKYJO, di Magilano – L'intrattenente gioco per grandi e piccini. È il gioco di societá ideale per divertenti e piacevoli serate tra amici e parenti. [Giocattolo]
IL TUO OBIETTIVO: nel corso di più turni devi cercare di sbarazzarti il piú rapidamente possibile del maggior numero di carte dal punteggio alto scoprendole, scambiandole e raccogliendole. Tuttavia puoi provarci solo fino a quando un altro giocatore non ha scoperto tutte le sue carte. In questo caso infatti finisce la partita. Quindi attenzione, tieni d'occhio il gioco ed i giocatori!,GRANDE DIVERTIMENTO per i tuoi amici e familiari. SKYJO è un intrattenente gioco di carte che è molto divertente sia per i piú piccoli (bambini), che per i grandi amanti dei giochi (adulti).,INIZIO DEL GIOCO VELOCE. Il gioco é semplice e facile da capire! Brevi istruzioni con immagini di esempio. Ideale per una breve partita per passare il tempo o come gioco di base per divertenti ed emozionanti serate di gioco. Il gioco di carte è a turni e può essere giocato in modo abbastanza flessibile.,IMPARARE GIOCANDO: Calcolare- Impara a sommare fino a 100 numeri a due cifre. Stimare- sviluppare il senso di probabilità. Concentrazione - Seguire i passaggi del gioco ed osservare gli altri giocatori e le loro azioni.,NUMERO DI GIOCATORI: da 2 a 8 giocatori. ETA': A partire da 8 anni. Tempo di gioco: circa 30 minuti. Lingue: inglese, tedesco, francese, spagnolo, italiano. MATERIALE: 150 carte, 1 blocchetto dei punti, 1 libretto di istruzioni. MADE IN GERMANY.
Descrizione del prodotto:
SKYJO - Questo é il nome dell'emozionante nuovo gioco di carte di Magilano che promette tanto divertimento per le vostre serate in compagnia. Lo scopo del gioco di carte SKYJO é di fare il minor numero di punti possibile su più turni. Alla fine di ogni turno, i punti sono contati e aggiunti al punteggio precedente di ciascun giocatore. Una volta che un giocatore raggiunge 100 o più punti, il gioco finisce e il giocatore con il punteggio più basso vince la partita. Raccogliere punti bassi significa collezionare carte con il numero più basso possibile e, se possibile, addirittura negativi. Il gioco diventa piú interessante grazie ad alcune regole speciali, per le quali, per esempio, diverse carte (e punti) possono essere rimossi in una sola mossa - portando a svolte sorprendenti durante la partita. Questo spinge ad intraprendere manovre avventate, che possono anche andare storte se un altro giocatore riesce a scoprire le sue carte più velocemente del previsto.
Per giocare ci vuole spazio a sufficienza per disporre in file 12 carte per ogni giocatore. Un effetto collaterale positivo: quando si gioca le mani sono libere e possono essere utilizzate per sgranocchiare qualcosa o contare i punti. Dal momento che il gioco è relativamente semplice, conversazioni casuali possono essere condotte durante le partite.
- apprendimento giocoso: la pratica aritmetica e la concentrazione spingono a non giocare in maniera
- "concorrenziale": ogni giocatore gioca per se stesso e non può infliggere danni mirati agli altri giocatori.
- le mani sono libere: le carte sono in tavola e non possono essere tenute in mano
● Adatto per famiglie, adulti e bambini, svago in viaggio e vacanza, idea-regalo per compleanni e Natale
● particolarmente adatto per i bambini:
SKYJO, de Magilano - Le tout nouveau jeu de cartes pour les petits et les grands. Un jeu de société idéal pour se divertir et passer des soirées amusantes avec des amis et en famille. [Toy]
VOTRE OBJECTIF : Essayez d'obtenir le moins de points en inversant, négociant et recueillant des cartes tout au long de la partie, composée de plusieurs tours. Ceci est uniquement possible tant qu'un joueur n'a pas découvert toutes ses cartes, car sinon le tour s'achève. Donc prenez garde, gardez un œil sur le jeu, soyez prudent et attentif aux actions des autres joueurs !,TRÈS DIVERTISSANT pour jouer entre amis et en famille. SKYJO est un jeu de cartes divertissant pour les enfants et même pour les amateurs de jeux plus âgés (les adultes).,COMMENCEZ À JOUER RAPIDEMENT : Les règles sont très simples ! Un petit manuel avec des images est inclut. Il est parfait pour jouer une petite partie entre deux activités et comme jeu de société pour des soirées amusantes. Un jeu adaptable qui se joue tour à tour.,JEU ÉDUCATIF : Compter - Ajouter jusqu'à 100 numéros à deux chiffres. Estimer - S'habituer aux opportunités. Concentration - Suivre le cours du jeu et les tours des autres joueurs.,JOUEURS : De 2 à 8 joueurs. ÂGE : À partir de 8 ans et plus. DURÉE DU JEU : Environ 30 minutes. LANGUES : allemand, anglais, français, espagnol et italien. CONTENUS : 150 cartes à jouer, 1 carnet, 1 manuel. Fabriqué en Allemagne.
Description du produit :
SKYJO - Est le nom d'un nouveau jeu passionnant de l'éditeur Magilano, qui promet de nombreuses soirées de divertissement. L'objectif du jeu de carte SKYJO est de recueillir le moins de points tout au long de la partie, composée de plusieurs tours. Après chaque tour tous les points de chaque joueur sont comptés et ajoutés à son score. Dès qu'un joueur a atteint les 100 points ou plus, le joueur qui a le moins de points gagne. Recueillir le moins de points signifie qu'il faut tenter d'obtenir des nombres faibles ou même négatifs. Pour des parties plus passionnantes, il existe plusieurs règles spéciales qui, par exemple, rendent possible le fait de retirer plusieurs cartes (et donc des points) du jeu - ceci peut offrir des parties très inattendues, et encourage les joueurs à prendre des décisions audacieuses, pouvant même les faire revenir à l'attaque, si les autres joueurs peuvent compter plus vite que prévu.
Quels éléments sont nécessaires pour jouer ? Suffisamment d'espace pour 12 cartes en face de chaque joueur. Point positif : Au moment du jeu vos mains sont libres, ainsi vous pouvez compter vos cartes ou prendre un encas. Comme les règles du jeu sont assez simples, vous pouvez également converser sans problème pendant la partie.
- Jeu éducatif : Apprend à compte et permet de travailler la concentration
- Jeu non-compétitif : Chaque joueur joue pour lui et il n'est pas possible de "nuire" directement aux autres joueurs
- Mains libres : Les cartes restent sur la table et n'ont pas besoin d'être tenues dans une main
Recommandations :
- Adapté aux familles, adultes et enfants pour jouer en voyage et pendant les vacances. C'est un excellent cadeau d'anniversaire ou de Noël.
- Au moins deux joueurs ou plus. Plus il y a de joueurs, plus le jeu est divertissant.
- Surtout adapté aux enfants :
SKYJO, von Magilano - Das unterhaltsame Kartenspiel für Jung und Alt. Das ideale Gesellschaftsspiel für spaßige und amüsante Spieleabende im Freundes- und Familienkreis. [Toy]
DEIN ZIEL: Versuche über mehrere Spielrunden so schnell wie möglich durch geschicktes Aufdecken, Tauschen und Sammeln von Spielkarten, so wenige Punkte wie möglich zu sammeln. Das geht aber nur solange ein Mitspieler nicht alle seine Karten aufgedeckt hat, da sonst die Spielrunde endet. Also Vorsicht, behalte das Spiel und die Mitspieler genau im Auge!,GROSSER SPIELSPASS für deine Freunde und Familie. SKYJO ist ein unterhaltsames Kartenspiel, das Kindern und auch großen Spielfreunden (Erwachsenen) sehr viel Spaß macht. Das Kartenspiel eignet sich sehr gut für kurze Spiele zwischendurch und ist ebenso eine Bereicherung für einen geselligen und schönen Spieleabend.,SPIELERISCH LERNEN: Rechnen - Bis 100 zweistellige Zahlen addieren lernen. Schätzen - Ein Gefühl für Wahrscheinlichkeiten bekommen. Konzentration - Spielablauf verfolgen und Mitspieler und ihre Handlungen beobachten.,SCHNELLER SPIELSTART. Einfaches leicht zu verstehendes Spielprinzip! Kurze Spielanleitung mit Bildern. Ideal für ein kurzes Spiel zwischendurch sowie als Basisspiel für lustige und spannende Spielabende. Das Spiel ist rundenbasiert und kann zeitlich flexibel gespielt werden.,SPIELERANZAHL: Für 2 bis 8 Spieler. ALTER: Ab 8 Jahren. SPIELDAUER: ca. 30 Minuten. SPRACHEN: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Italienisch. MATERIAL: 150 Spielkarten, 1 Spielblock, 1 Spielanleitung. MADE IN GERMANY.
SKYJO - So heißt das neue spannende Kartenspiel aus dem Hause Magilano, das spaßige Unterhaltung für viele Spieleabende verspricht. Beim Kartenspiel SKYJO geht es darum, über mehrere Spielrunden möglichst wenige Punkte zu sammeln. Denn am Ende jeder Spielrunde werden bei jedem Spieler die Punkte gezählt und zu seinem bisherigen Punktestand hinzuaddiert. Sobald ein Spieler 100 oder mehr Punkte erreicht hat, endet das Spiel und der Spieler mit der niedrigsten Punktezahl gewinnt das Spiel. Wenig Punkte zu sammeln bedeutet, Ausschau nach Karten mit möglichst kleinen und wenn möglich sogar negativen Zahlen zu halten. Weitere Spannung kommt in das Spiel durch einige Sonderregeln, durch die zum Beispiel gleich mehrere Karten (und damit Punkte) entfernt werden können - dies kann zu überraschenden Wendungen führen. Dies motiviert zu waghalsigen Manövern, die auch schon mal nach hinten losgehen können, wenn andere Mitspieler ihre Karten schneller als geplant aufdecken können.
Was zum Spielen gebraucht wird, ist genug Platz zum Auslegen von 12 Karten für jeden Mitspieler. Positiver Nebeneffekt: beim Spielen bleiben die Hände frei und können zum Naschen oder zum Punktezählen genutzt werden. Da das Spielprinzip relativ einfach ist, können beim Spielen lockere Unterhaltungen geführt werden.
- spielerisches Lernen: Rechnen üben und Konzentration trainieren
- kein direktes "Konkurrenz-Spielen": jeder Mitspieler spielt für sich und kann anderen Mitspielern nicht gezielt Schaden zufügen
- die Hände bleiben frei: die Karten liegen aus und müssen nicht gehalten werden
- zu zweit und auch in großer Runde spielbar, wobei mit steigender Spieleranzahl der Spielspaß erfahrungsgemäß zunimmt
- geeignet als Familien-, Erwachsenen- und Kinderspiel, Urlaubsspiel, Geburtstags- und Weihnachtsgeschenk
- sehr gut für Kinder geeignet:
SKYJO - Magilano - Card Game - Game by Magilano [Toy]
YOUR GOAL: Try to get as few points as possible through flipping, trading and collecting cards over the course of several rounds. This is only possible as long as a player has not uncovered all his cards, because then ends a round. So beware, keep a close eye on the game and be cautious and wary of the other player's actions!,LOTS OF FUN for your friends and family. SKYJO is an entertaining card game that is lots of fun for kids and even older game enthusiasts (adults).,FAST GAME START: Easy to learn game rules! Includes a short manual with pictures. Ideal for a short game in-between other activities and as staple game for exciting evenings. A turn-based and time flexible game.,EDUCATIONAL GAMING: Count - Adding of up to 100 two-digit numbers. Estimate - Get used to chances. Concentration - Follow the course of the game and other player's turns.,PLAYERS: For 2 - 8 players. AGE: From age 8 and up. GAME DURATION: about 30 minutes. LANGUAGES: English, Spanish, German, French, Italian. CONTENTS: 150 game cards, 1 game notepad, 1 manual. Made in Germany.
Product description:
SKYJO - This is the name of the new and exciting game from the publisher Magilano, promising fun and entertainment for many evenings to come. In card game SKYJO the goal is to collect as few points as possible over the course of several turns as after every round every player's points are counted and added to his score. As soon as a player reaches 100 points or more the player with the fewest points wins. Collecting the fewest points means to look for low or even negative numbers. Further excitement is added by several special rules, which for example make it possible to remove several cards (and with it points) from the game - this can lead to unexpected turns. This motivates daring decisions that might even come back to bite, if the other players can counter faster than expected.
What is needed to play? Enough space for 12 cards in front of each player. A positive side effect: When playing, your hands are free, so you can count points or eat snacks. As the game rules are quite easy, small talk during your turns is no problem.
? Suitable as family, adult, kids, travel and holiday game as well as birthday present and easter gift
? At least two players or more, the more players the more fun the game is
? Especially suited for children:
* Educational Gaming: Train arithmetic and concentration skills
* No directly competitive game: Every player plays for himself and there is no way to directly "harm" other players
* Hands free: The cards stay on the table and do not need to kept in one's hands
SKYJO, by Magilano – The ultimate card game for kids and adults. The ideal board game for funny, entertaining and exciting playing hours with friends and family. [Toy]
YOUR GOAL: Try to get as few points as possible through flipping, trading and collecting cards over the course of several rounds. This is only possible as long as a player has not uncovered all his cards, because then ends a round. So beware, keep a close eye on the game and be cautious and wary of the other player's actions!,LOTS OF FUN for your friends and family. SKYJO is an entertaining card game that is lots of fun for kids and even older game enthusiasts (adults).,FAST GAME START: Easy to learn game rules! Includes a short manual with pictures. Ideal for a short game in-between other activities and as staple game for exciting evenings. A turn-based and time flexible game.,EDUCATIONAL GAMING: Count - Adding of up to 100 two-digit numbers. Estimate - Get used to chances. Concentration - Follow the course of the game and other player's turns.,PLAYERS: For 2 - 8 players. AGE: From age 8 and up. GAME DURATION: about 30 minutes. LANGUAGES: English, Spanish, German, French, Italian. CONTENTS: 150 game cards, 1 game notepad, 1 manual. Made in Germany.
Product description:
SKYJO - This is the name of the new and exciting game from the publisher Magilano, promising fun and entertainment for many evenings to come. In card game SKYJO the goal is to collect as few points as possible over the course of several turns as after every round every player's points are counted and added to his score. As soon as a player reaches 100 points or more the player with the fewest points wins. Collecting the fewest points means to look for low or even negative numbers. Further excitement is added by several special rules, which for example make it possible to remove several cards (and with it points) from the game - this can lead to unexpected turns. This motivates daring decisions that might even come back to bite, if the other players can counter faster than expected.
What is needed to play? Enough space for 12 cards in front of each player. A positive side effect: When playing, your hands are free, so you can count points or eat snacks. As the game rules are quite easy, small talk during your turns is no problem.
- Educational Gaming: Train arithmetic and concentration skills
- No directly competitive game: Every player plays for himself and there is no way to directly "harm" other players
- Hands free: The cards stay on the table and do not need to kept in one's hands
● Suitable as family, adult, kids, travel and holiday game as well as birthday present and easter gift
● At least two players or more, the more players the more fun the game is
● Especially suited for children:
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