LOL Surprise Pets Series 3 Wave 2 [Juguete]
LOL Surprise - Pets Series 3,Pequeña mascota LOL en una bolita,Siete capas de sorpresas
LOL Surprise - Pets Series 3 (varios modelos), una pequeña mascota LOL en una bolita. Tira de la cremallera dibujada y ¡descubre las sorpresas! Cachorros, gatitos, conejitos y hamsters ultra raros, ¿Cuál de ellos saldrá? Consigue siete capas de diversión en cada bola LOL. A medida que desenvuelves, la bola revelará un nuevo misterio. ¡Y eso no es todo! Alimenta a tu mascota con la botella de agua para averiguar si llora, escupe o hace pipí. ¡O báñala en agua fría para ver si cambia el color! Además, ¡podrás convertir la bola en un pipi-can o un terreno de tierra donde la mascota y tu podréis excavar y encontrar una sorpresa más! Siete capas de sorpresas: Adhesivo de mensaje secreto. Hoja de pegatina de colección. Encanto de botella de agua. Zapatos. Traje. Accesorio. Mascota LOL.
LOL Suprise Pets Serie 3 Wave 2 [Toy]
Discover 7 surprises in each L.O.L. Surprise! Pet!,Feed your L.O.L. Surprise! Pets with the water bottle or bathe them to find out if they cry, spit, tinkle, or colour change!,Now there's a new way to unbox your accessories! Scoop in the litter box for surprises!,35+ Pets to collect!,Mix & Match your L.O.L. Surprise! Pets accessories with your L.O.L. Surprise! Doll and L.O.L. Surprise! Lil Sisters. Styles may vary.
L.O.L. Surprise Pets offers 7 layers of surprise! Each layers unveils a hint of which L.O.L. Surprise Pet you're going to get! Match the pet to the L.O.L. Surprise doll to complete the family. Now there's a new way to unbox your accessories. Scoop in the litter box for prizes! Ball transforms into a purse carrying case, hang out and bath playset. Includes: Secret Message Sticker Collectible Sticker Sheet Water Bottle Charm Scooper Shoes Accessory L.O.L. Surprise Pet with your water surprise collector poster
LOL Surprise Pets Series 3 Wave 2 [Giocattolo]
Lol surprise pets serie 3,piccola bambolina LOL a forma di animaletto in una sfera,7 strati di sorprese
LOL Surprise serie 3 wave 2 vari modelli, una piccola bambolina a forma di animaletto lol in una sfera. Scarta la sfera e scopri la sorpresa! Cani, gatti, coniglietti e criceti ultra rari! Quale tra queste troverai? In ogni lol pets surprise serie 3 ci sono 7 strati di divertimento e sorprese! Dai da bere alla tua Lol pets surprise con la bottiglia e scopri se piagne, fà pipì o spruzza acqua dalla bocca! Immergila in acqua fredda e guarda se cambia colore! 7 strati di sorprese: Adesivo con messaggio segreto Foglio adesivo da collezione scarpe vestitino un accessorio animaletto LOL surprise
LOL Surprise Pets Series 3 Wave 2 [Toy]
Découvre ce que cache la boule LOL Big Surprise PETS en déroulant les différentes couches de l'emballage.,Une boule L.O.L. Surprise PETS inclus 7 niveaux de surprises.
Découvre ce que cache la boule LOL Surprise! PETS en déroulant les différentes couches de l'emballage. Une boule PETS Series 3 Wave 2 inclus 7 niveaux de surprises. Veuillez noter que ce jouet est aléatoire: nous ne pouvons pas vous garantir un modèle ou/et une couleur en particulier à l'intérieur de la boule. Ce jouet L.O.L. Surprise! de MGA est un import du Royaume-Uni, ses instructions sont en Anglais. A partir de 5 ans et plus.
LOL Surprise Pets Series 3 Wave 2 [Toy]
LOL Surprise Pets Series 3 Wave 2 ist ein Spassball - Entdecke, was im LOL Surprise Ball verborgen ist, indem Du die verschiedenen Schichten des Balls abwickelst,Mit jeder der Ebenen, wird eine neue Überraschung enthüllt, bis du zu deinem neuen L.O.L. Überraschungs-Haustier gelangst
SLOL Surprise Pets ist ein Spassball - Entdecke, was im LOL Surprise Ball verborgen ist, indem Du die verschiedenen Schichten des Balls abwickelst. Mit jeder der Ebenen, wird eine neue Überraschung enthüllt, bis du zu deinem neuen L.O.L. Überraschungs-Haustier gelangst. Dieses Spielzeug L.O.L. Überraschung von MGA ist ein Import aus Großbritannien, die Anweisungen sind auf Englisch. Geeignet für Kinder ab 3 Jahren.
L.O.L. Surprise! Pets Series 3 - Wave 2 [Toy]
Unbox 7 layers of surprise! Each layer unveils a hint of which L.O.L. pet you're going to get! Feed or bathe your pet for an additional water surprise!,1. Secret Message Sticker, 2. Collectible Stickers, 3. Bottle Charm,4. Shoes, 5. Small Accessory, 6. Large Accessory, 7. L.O.L. Pet with Water Surprise
SERIES 3 L.O.L. SURPRISE PETS! Discover 7 layers of surprise in each L.O.L. Surprise Pets! As you unbox each layer, a new surprise in unveiled, hinting at which L.O.L. Surprise Pet you're going to get! ! Now there's a new way to unbox your accessories! Scoop in the litter box for surprises! And that's not all! Feed or bathe your pet for an additional water surprise and mix & match your L.O.L. Surprise Pets accessories with your L.O.L. Surprise Tots and L.O.L. Surprise Lil Sisters!
LOL Surprise Pets Season 3 Wave 2 [Toy]
SERIES 3 L.O.L. SURPRISE PETS! Discover 7 layers of surprise in each L.O.L. Surprise Pets! As you unbox each layer a new surprise in unveiled, hinting at which L.O.L. Surprise Pet you're going to get! ! Now theres a new way to unbox your accessories! Scoop in the litter box for surprises! And that's not all feed or bathe your Pet for an additional watersurprise and mix & match your L.O.L. Surprise Pets accessories with your L.O.L. Surprise Tots and L.O.L. Surprise Lil Sisters!
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