Asmodee - LIBQUFR - Edición Española - Loony Quest by Asmodee [Juguete]
Age range: 8 and up / Number of players: 2 to 5 / Play time: 20,Manufacturer: Asmodee North America
Une mécanique innovante basée sur l'orientation spatiale et le dessin;Des rÚgles simples et différents niveaux de difficulté;Des illustrations originales et humoristiques, inspirées des jeux vidéo;Des parties renouvelées grâce àdes objectifs variés : relier, entourer, pointer
Libellud Loony Quest Game [Toy]
Age range: 8 and up / Number of players: 2 to 5 / Play time: 20,Manufacturer: Asmodee North America
In the wonderful land of Arkadia, a very old king has no heir. He organizes a tournament to offer his throne to the bravest adventurer of the kingdom. Up to five finalists will wander seven worlds full of surprises...In the drawing game Loony Quest, players study challenging level cards, then try to replicate the outline to meet targets and avoid obstacles on their tracing sheets. Once finished, players place their sheets on top of the level card to see whether the drawings line up with the targets they meant to hit or avoid. Largely inspired by video games, Loony Quest players discover various worlds, play with 3D and 2D levels, run into loony monsters Loonies and big bosses, trigger special stages, collect bonuses, use penalties on opponents, and gather as many Xperience points as possible to win.Loony Quest features the same basic gameplay as in Doodle Quest, but has been developed differently by the publisher.
Libellud Loony Quest Game [Giocattolo]
Asmodee - LIBQUFR - Jeu d'ambiance - Loony Quest [Toy]
Une mécanique innovante basée sur l'orientation spatiale et le dessin,Des règles simples et différents niveaux de difficulté,Des illustrations originales et humoristiques, inspirées des jeux vidéo,Des parties renouvelées grâce à des objectifs variés : relier, entourer, pointer
Un jeu d'adresse original inspiré de l'univers des jeux de plateforme ! Parcourez les mondes surprenants du royaume d'Arkadia, réussissez vos quêtes et remportez la couronne du vieux roi Fedoor ! Équipé d'un feutre et d'une feuille transparente, réalisez le meilleur tracé possible et accumulez un maximum de points d'Expérience. Prenez garde aux Loonies, ces créatures délirantes et bagarreuses qui peuplent Arkadia. Collectez les bonus mais esquivez les malus et autres coups tordus de vos adversaires ! Le plus de Loony Quest : des parties sans cesse renouvelées grâce aux 42 niveaux de jeu et aux objectifs variés (relier, entourer, pointer...) Ce jeu a reçu le Prix du Jury de l'As d'Or lors du Festival International des Jeux de Cannes en 2015, ainsi que le Grand Prix du Jouet 2017 dans la catégorie Jeux Famille. Nombre de joueurs : 2 à 5. Durée moyenne d'une partie : 20 minutes. Matériel de jeu : - 21 feuilles de niveaux recto verso - 52 jetons Bonus/Malus - 5 feuilles transparentes - 5 plaquettes de support - 5 feutres effaçables - 5 marqueurs Score - 5 jetons Personnages - 1 Console de jeu avec piste de score - 1 sablier de 30 secondes - 1 poster du Royaume d'Arkadia - 1 livret de règles Dimensions de la boîte : 23.5 x 23.5 x 7 cm.
Asmodee – Gesellschaftsspiel – Loony Quest [Toy]
Age range: 8 and up / Number of players: 2 to 5 / Play time: 20,Manufacturer: Asmodee North America
PLEASE NOTE: This game is in English and MAY NOT contain a translation into your language. In the wonderful land of Arkadia, a very old king has no heir. He organizes a tournament to offer his throne to the bravest adventurer of the kingdom. Up to five finalists will wander seven worlds full of surprises...In the drawing game Loony Quest, players study challenging level cards, then try to replicate the outline to meet targets and avoid obstacles on their tracing sheets. Once finished, players place their sheets on top of the level card to see whether the drawings line up with the targets they meant to hit or avoid. Largely inspired by video games, Loony Quest players discover various worlds, play with 3D and 2D levels, run into loony monsters Loonies and big bosses, trigger special stages, collect bonuses, use penalties on opponents, and gather as many Xperience points as possible to win.Loony Quest features the same basic gameplay as in Doodle Quest, but has been developed differently by the publisher.
Loony Quest [Toy]
Fun and frantic play perfect for families and parties,Includes 5 erasable marker pens and 42 levels of varying difficulty for near limitless play,Big BOSS battles increase the challenge for every player,Fantastical art style to delight players of all ages
The kingdom of Arkadia has long flourished under the rule of old king Fedoor, but as the aged king's rule comes to a close, he needs a worthy successor. A tournament has been opened to all adventurers to see who can best manage the realm's dangerous Loonies and lay claim to the throne. The race for the rule of Arkadia is fierce, and the champions will try to trip each other up at every turn. Whoever can best navigate their competition and the realms inhabited by these crazy creatures will win the crown!
In Loony Quest, players try to earn as much experience as they can by completing missions and quests. On their own transparent screen, each player has 30 seconds to draw a path navigating each level's obstacles and their opponent's traps. When the time is up, each player's screen is placed on top of the game board, and the drawings are evaluated to see how close each Champion has gotten to Fedoor's throne!
Loony Quest [Toy]
Fun and frantic play perfect for families and parties,Includes 5 erasable marker pens and 42 levels of varying difficulty for near limitless play,Big BOSS battles increase the challenge for every player,Fantastical art style to delight players of all ages
Loony quest is the European hit family game of frantic trail chasing through a map of devious dangers. Heavily inspired from video games, each player in loony quest attempts to trace a path through a level on their own transparent sheet, dodging obstacles and achieving objectives as best they can. At the end of the second round, each player places their sheet over the level to see how it matches up with the various paths through the level. Based on whether or not they successfully hit objectives or run into the crazy creatures and treacherous traps determines how much experience each player receives. Whoever obtains the most experience at the end of the game is crowned King of arkadia!
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