Panini Copa Mundial De La FIFA 2018 Adrenalyn XL Multipack [Juguete]
Contains 5 Packets
Panini FIFA World Cup 2018 Adrenalyn XL Multipack [Toy]
Contains 5 Packets,Kick-start your World Cup collection with a Multipack,468 cards to collect,Collect all 32 teams featuring eye popping graphics and amazing images of the World's soccer superstars,Look out for different cards including Team Mates, Fan's Favourites, Top Masters, the rare icons, extra rare invincible plus
Every four years, football takes centre-stage as 32 nations compete for the ultimate sporting prize: the FIFA WORLD CUPTM. This year things really heat up as the world's footballing elite head to Russia in hope that they will be the ones to raise the trophy. Panini are proud to bring you the only official licensed trading card collection for this celebrated event. This stunning collection features all 32 teams presented with eye-popping graphics and amazing images of the world's soccer superstars. Team Mates, Fans' Favourites, Top Masters, the rare Icons and the extra rare Invincible card. PLUS look out for extra special LIMITED EDITION cards! There are 468 cards to collect. x5 Packs + Limited Edition
Coppa del mondo FIFA 2018 Adrenalyn XL Multipack + Limited Edition Card (Inviato da UK) [Giocattolo]
x5 Packs + Limited Edition,FIFA World Cup 2018
Ogni quattro anni, il calcio occupa il centro della scena in cui 32 nazioni competono per il premio sportivo definitivo: la FIFA WORLD CUPTM.
Quest'anno le cose si surriscaldano mentre l'élite calcistica mondiale si reca in Russia sperando che saranno loro a raccogliere il trofeo.
Panini è orgogliosa di offrirti l'unica collezione ufficiale di carte collezionabili con licenza per questo evento celebrato.
Questa straordinaria collezione presenta tutte le 32 squadre presentate con grafica strabiliante e immagini incredibili delle superstar del calcio del mondo.
Compagni di squadra, preferiti dei fan, migliori maestri, le rare icone e la carta Invincibile più rara.
INOLTRE cerca carte speciali EDIZIONI LIMITATE! Ci sono 468 carte da collezionare.
Coupe du monde 2018 TCG Blister 4 pochettes - version française [Toy]
Ce blister contient 4 pochettes TCG,mixte - fans de foot - livré à l'unité,Un évènement mondial très attendu! Coupe du monde de la FIFA, Russie 2018
Tous les quatre ans, le football occupe le devant de la scène puisque 32 nations se disputent le prix sportif ultime: le FIFA WORLD CUPTM.
Cette année, les choses vont vraiment devenir l'élite mondiale du football en Russie, dans l'espoir qu'ils seront les premiers à remporter le trophée.
Panini est fier de vous apporter la seule collection de cartes à collectionner officielle pour cet événement célèbre.
Cette superbe collection présente les 32 équipes présentées avec des graphismes époustouflants et des images étonnantes des superstars du football mondial.
Team Mates, Favoris des Fans, Top Masters, les icônes rares et la carte Invincible extra rare.
PLUS attention aux cartes spéciales EDITION LIMITÉE! Il y a 468 cartes à collecter.
Adrenalyn XL 2018 FIFA World Cup ™ Offizielle Kollektion Trading Card [Toy]
Es gibt 468 Karten zu sammeln,Jedes Paket enthält 9 zufällige Karten (Duplikate können vorkommen),Dies ist für 5 versiegelte Pakete + eine limitierte Auflage,45 zufällige Sammelkarten - Duplikate können vorkommen
Alle vier Jahre steht der Fußball im Mittelpunkt, denn 32 Nationen kämpfen um den ultimativen Sportpreis: den FIFA WORLD CUP TM. In diesem Jahr geht es heiß her, als die Fußballelite der Welt nach Russland geht, in der Hoffnung, dass sie die Trophäe holen werden. Panini ist stolz, Ihnen die einzige offiziell lizensierte Sammelkartensammlung für dieses gefeierte Event anbieten zu können. Diese beeindruckende Sammlung bietet alle 32 Teams mit atemberaubenden Grafiken und fantastischen Bildern der Fußball-Superstars der Welt. Teamkameraden, Fans Favoriten, Top Masters, die seltenen Icons und die extra seltene Invincible-Karte. PLUS achten Sie auf spezielle LIMITIERTE Karten! Es gibt 468 Karten zu sammeln. Diese tolle Multipack enthält 5 zufällige versiegelte Pakete (45 Karten) plus eine limitierte Editionskarte.
FIFA World Cup 2018 Adrenalyn XL Multipack + Limited Edition Card (Dispatched From UK) [Toy]
FIFA World Cup 2018,x5 Packs + Limited Edition,Trading Cards,Suitable from ages 3 +,Collect them all!
Every four years, football takes centre-stage as 32 nations compete for the ultimate sporting prize: the FIFA WORLD CUPTM.
This year things really heat up as the world's footballing elite head to Russia in hope that they will be the ones to raise the trophy.
Panini are proud to bring you the only official licensed trading card collection for this celebrated event.
This stunning collection features all 32 teams presented with eye-popping graphics and amazing images of the world's soccer superstars.
Team Mates, Fans' Favourites, Top Masters, the rare Icons and the extra rare Invincible card.
PLUS look out for extra special LIMITED EDITION cards! There are 468 cards to collect.
FIFA World Cup 2018 Adrenalyn XL Multipack + Limited Edition Card (Dispatched From UK) [Toy]
x5 Packs + Limited Edition
Every four years, football takes centre-stage as 32 nations compete for the ultimate sporting prize: the FIFA WORLD CUPTM.
This year things really heat up as the world's footballing elite head to Russia in hope that they will be the ones to raise the trophy.
Panini are proud to bring you the only official licensed trading card collection for this celebrated event.
This stunning collection features all 32 teams presented with eye-popping graphics and amazing images of the world's soccer superstars.
Team Mates, Fans' Favourites, Top Masters, the rare Icons and the extra rare Invincible card.
PLUS look out for extra special LIMITED EDITION cards! There are 468 cards to collect.
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