Reusable Sticker Pad Habitats [Libro]
Reusable Sticker Pad Habitats [Book]
Add the pleasure of sticker play to your child's favourite themes.,5 scenes, 150+ reusable stickers,Reposition the stickers again and again!,Filled with exciting nature scenes and animals,Promotes hand-eye coordination, narrative thinking, and creativity.
Melissa and Doug Reusable Sticker Pad
Habitats: Visit a farm, a prehistoric landscape, a desert oasis, a jungle or the deep blue sea, all in this interactive sticker book! The glossy, full-colour backgrounds are ready to be filled with over 150 stickers: Stick a dinosaur by the prehistoric pond and a shark in the ocean or mix them up and make silly scenes! The easy-to-peel vinyl stickers can be lifted off and repositioned again and again, so kids can follow their imaginations fearlessly.
Playhouse: The reusable "stickers" in this set cling securely to the sturdy pages, then peel up easily when you're ready to make a change. Five glossy, full-colour pages feature five rooms to decorate; five coordinating pages of accessories include 175+ stickers to fill them up!
Dress Up: The reusable stickers in this creative activity book cling securely to the sturdy pages, then peel up easily when kids are ready to make a change. Ten glossy, full-colour background pages feature 80 illustrated models to dress in skirts, dresses and every imaginable accessory!
Reusable Sticker Pad Habitats [Libro]
Aggiungete il divertimento di un gioco di adesivi ai temi preferiti del vostro bimbo,5 scene, oltre 150 adesivi riutilizzabili,Gli adesivi sono riposizionabili più volte!,Pieno di stupende scene naturali e di animali,Promuove il coordinamento oculo-manuale, il pensiero narrativo e l'espressione creativa
Visita una fattoria, un paesaggio preistorico, un'oasi del deserto, una giungla o il profondo mare blu, il tutto in questo libro di adesivi interattivo! Gli sfondi colorati e lucidi sono pronti per essere riempiti con oltre 150 adesivi: Appiccica un dinosauro vicino allo stagno preistorico e un pescecane nell'oceano, o mescola il tutto per scenari inverosimili! Gli adesivi in vinile facili da rimuovere possono essere staccati e riposizionati più volte, perciò i bambini possono sbrigliare la loro fantasia senza timori.
Aggiungete il divertimento di un gioco di adesivi ai temi preferiti del vostro bimbo 5 scene, oltre 150 adesivi riutilizzabili Gli adesivi sono riposizionabili più volte! Pieno di stupende scene naturali e di animali Promuove il coordinamento oculo-manuale, il pensiero narrativo e l'espressione creativa
Reusable Sticker Pad Habitats [Book]
Ajoutez le plaisir du jeu d'autocollants aux thèmes favoris de votre enfant.,5 scènes, 150 autocollants réutilisables et plus,Tu peux repositionner les autocollants maintes et maintes fois !,Grande abondance d'animaux et de scène naturelles fascinantes,Favorise la coordination mains-yeux, la pensée narrative et la créativité. für jung & alt
MELISSA & DOUG réutilisables autocollant Pads. Les enfants adoreront créer des scènes fascinantes avec autocollants repositionnables ! Cet autocollant pad images de fond sur le thème des fonctionnalités et une variété d'autocollants réutilisables qui peuvent être placés et remplacé toutefois l'enfant choisit. Images de fond mesurent 11 x 14 po. Ce paquet contient un pad autocollant avec une variété de scènes d'arrière-plan et plus de 150 autocollants. Disponible dans une variété de thèmes (chacun vendu séparément). Nombre d'origines et d'autocollants varie selon le thème. Pièces de petit danger mise en garde-suffocation. Pas pour les enfants de moins de 3 ans. Recommandé pour 3 ans et plus. Importés.
Reusable Sticker Pad Habitats [Book]
Kinder können so ihrer Fantasie freien Lauf lassen.,Sie werden selbst fasziniert sein, wenn Sie sehen, wie Ihr Kind sich beim Stickerspielen in seine Lieblingsmotivevertieft.,5 Szenen, 150+ wiederverwendbare Sticker,Du kannst die Sticker immer wieder abziehen und versetzen!,Besuche einen Bauernhof, eine prähistorische Landschaft, eine Oase in der Wüste, einen Dschungel oder das tiefe blaue Meer, die alle in diesem interaktiven Stickerheft enthalten sind! Der glänzend farbige Hintergrund ist bereit, mit über 150 Stickern gefüllt zu werden: Klebe einen Dinosaurier neben den prähistorischen Teich und einen Haifisch ins Meer - oder mische sie alle und stelle komische Szenen zusammen! Die abziehbaren Vinylsticker lassen sich immer wieder an andere Stellen versetzen. Die
Kreativ und bunt
Melissa & Doug Habitats Reusable Sticker Pad [Toy]
Add the pleasure of sticker play to your child's favorite themes,5 scenes, 150+ reusable stickers,Measures 14" x 11",Contains small parts,For ages 3+ years
Visit A Farm, A Prehistoric Landscape, A Desert Oasis, A Jungle, Or The Deep Blue Sea, All In This Interactive Sticker Book! The Glossy, Full-Color Backgrounds Are Ready To Be Filled With Over 150 Stickers: Stick A Dinosaur By The Prehistoric Pond And A Shark In The Ocean - Or Mix Them Up And Make Silly Scenes! The Easy-To-Peel Vinyl Stickers Can Be Lifted Off And Repositioned Again And Again, So Kids Can Follow Their Imaginations Fearlessly.
Melissa & Doug Habitats Reusable Sticker Pad [Toy]
Add the pleasure of sticker play to your child's favorite themes,5 scenes, 150+ reusable stickers,Measures 14" x 11",Contains small parts,For ages 3+ years
Visit a farm, a prehistoric landscape, a desert oasis, a jungle, or the deep blue sea, all in this interactive sticker book! The glossy, full-color backgrounds are ready to be filled with over 150 stickers: Stick a dinosaur by the prehistoric pond and a shark in the ocean--or mix them up and make silly scenes! The easy-to-peel vinyl stickers can be lifted off and repositioned again and again, so kids can follow their imaginations fearlessly.
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