AmScope 25pc polimorfonuclear espécimen de la colección de cristal para cable de cascos microscopio diapositivas con funda [Fotografía]
AmScope 25pc Assorted Specimen Collection of Glass Prepared Microscope Slides with Storage Case [Photography]
25pc prepared slides of plants, insects and animal tissues,Dimensions: 1 x 3 (25mm x 75mm),Sample name is marked on each slide.,One wooden box for slide storage included
The AmScope PS25 microscope slide set includes 25 prepared slides of a variety of specimens including plants, insects, and animal tissues used in basic biology education. The samples are preserved in cedar wood oil and sealed with a coverslip to preserve specimens and prevent contamination. Labeling on each slide identifies specimens. Slides are composed of optical glass for clear viewing and are 3 x 1 x 0.4 inches/75 x 25 x 1mm (H x W x D, where H is height, the vertical distance from the lowest to highest point; W is width, the horizontal distance from left to right; D is depth, the horizontal distance from front to back.) The set comes in a fitted wooden case to prevent breakage and ease handling.Slide specimens include coprimus mushroom (cross section), dense connective tissue (section), dog cardiac muscle (longitudinal section), dog esophagus (cross section), dog skeletal muscle (longitudinal section and cross section), dog stomach (section), honeybee worker leg-composite (whole mount), house bee mouth parts (whole mount), human blood (smear), hydra (longitudinal section), Hydrilla verticillata leaf (whole mount), Lilium anther (cross section), Lilium ovary (cross section), nymphaea of apustio stem (cross section), onion epidermis (whole mount), pig motor nerve (section mount), pine leaf (cross section), pine stem (cross section), pumpkin stem (cross section), rabbit spinal cord (cross section), rabbit testis (section), sunflower stem (cross section), Tilia stem (cross section), young root of broad bean (cross section), Zea stem (cross section). Microscopes are instruments used to enhance the resolution of an object or image. Types include compound, stereo, or digital. Compound microscopes use a compound optical system with an objective lens and an eyepiece. Stereo microscopes show object depth in a three-dimensional image. Digital microscopes are used to display an image on a monitor, rather than looking through a lens. Microscopes can have monocular
AmScope 25 pezzi in colori assortiti modello di raccolta del vetro microscopio con custodia porta [Fotografia]
Set di 25 vetrini preparati, compresi i vegetali, insetti, e tessuti animali, per uso biologico Istruzione,Etichettatura per l'identificazione del campione,I campioni sono conservati in legno di cedro per olio e sigillati con una coverslip per conservare i campioni e prevenire la contaminazione ►,Scorre sono costituiti da vetro ottico per una visione, colore: trasparente
AmScope PS25 il microscopio set di 25 Vetrini preparati di una varietà di piante, insetti e analogiche tessuti animali utilizzati in base di biologia education. i campioni sono conservati in olio per legno di cedro e sigillato con una coverslip per conservare i campioni e prevenire contamination. etichettatura su ogni identifica specimens. Slide scivoli sono costituiti da vetro ottico per una visione trasparente e 3 sono x 2,54 x 1,02 cm (1") 0,4 x, 75 x 25 x 1 mm (altezza x larghezza x profondità, quando H è l'altezza, la distanza verticale tra il punto più alto e più basso; W è larghezza, la distanza orizzontale tra profondità sinistra destra; D è la distanza orizzontale arretrata da fronte a), la confezione include un con custodia in legno, per evitare danni o rotture e facilità handling.Slide campioni comprendono coprimus a sezione trasversale, dense), del tessuto connettivo (cane), sezione muscolatura cardiaca (cane), sezione longitudinale esophagus (sezione trasversale), cane muscoli scheletrici (sezione longitudinale sezione trasversale stomaco (cane), sezione a), forma di ape dei lavoratori, in materiale composito, a gamba intera, Casetta per api bocca Parti (supporto), sangue intero umano (smear), hydra (sezione longitudinale Hydrilla), verticillata, intere, di supporto), Lilium anther (sezione trasversale), ovaio Lilium paragrafo, croce di apustio nymphaea), a sezione trasversale (epidermide), (tutto cipolla il supporto) terminazioni nervose maialino, motore (paragrafo montaggio a forma di foglia, in legno di sezione trasversale (pino), con stelo in legno di pino (sezione trasversale), (zucca) a sezione trasversale, coniglio midollo spinale (sezione trasversale, testicolare (coniglio) girasole), sezione a (sezione trasversale, Tilia stelo), sezione trasversale, young) Radice di fava (sezione trasversale), attacco a croce (Zea section); microscopi sono strumenti utilizzati per aumentare la risoluzione di un oggetto o image. tipo comprendono compound, microscopi, Stereo Digital. componente o un componente di un sistema ottico con obiettivo e un eyepiece.-Microscopio show profondità in un oggetto tridimensionale image. sono utilizzati per microscopio digitale per un'immagine su un monitor, piuttosto che sta guardando attraverso un microscopio lens. può avere monoculare
AmScope de 25 clés assortis modèle de Collection en verre préparées pour Microscope avec étui de rangement [Photography]
Large assortiment de spécimen Lamelles en verre de tissus animaux insectes, parties, de pièces, etc. pour les étudiants d'apprentissage de la science,Boîte de rangement inclus pour garder les lames en toute sécurité et sécurisé,Spécimens sont sur 1 "x 3" (25 mm x 75 mm), bonne Lamelles en verre couleur et d'images précise,Permet d'utiliser avec un microscope à la sortie de la boîte,Nom de l'échantillon figurant sur chaque lame, de sorte que vous savez ce que vous cherchez
C'est un très joli lot de 25 microscope préparés slide Set de divers végétaux, les insectes et/ou de tissus animaux; les lames sont coverslipped et conserves à l'huile de bois de cèdre-ils sont de qualité supérieure, précise et lavable en machine Teinte lamelles qui donnent une forte image. toutes les lames sont soigneusement pour facile et étiquetés sont rangés dans un coffret de rangement fine, cette glissière est rare un mélange de 25 lamelles préparées à partir de laquelle les étudiants à trouver a lot of fun. cette slide Set est parfait pour un usage éducatif et est parfait pour tous les niveaux d'étudiant actuellement à l'étude dont la maison, à l'école, il est neuf par le fabricant au lieu de quelques secondes ou salvage. il n'y a aucun risque de contamination par une utilisation précédente sa valeur de détail est $69.
lamelles dans le jeu sont : pin, Coprimus de champignon Motif feuilles de tournesol, tige de fève Young Root épiderme, oignon, Tilia, potence, tige de citrouille Lillium ovaire, Lillium Anther, Zea tige, Nymphaea Apustio de tige, Hydrilla Verticillata feuille pin tige chien Oesophage du sang humain, les muscles squelettiques, porc, chien, lapin Nerf moteur moelle épinière, chien, lapin testicules Muscle cardiaque, tissu conjonctif Dense, Housebee bouche parties, coupe Honeybee Worker Composite Dog Hydra et de l'estomac.
25 Glass Prepared Microscope Slides with Wooden Box [Photography]
25pc Präparate von Pflanzen, Insekten und tierischen Geweben,Abmessungen: 1 "x 3" (25mm x 75mm),Beispielname wird auf jeder Folie markiert.,One wooden box for slide storage included,Hergestellt unter ISO 9001 Qualitätskontrollstandard
Dies ist ein 25-Stück sehr schön Mikroskoppräparate Set von verschiedenen Pflanzen, Insekten und / oder tierischen Geweben. Die Objektträger werden eingedeckt und in Zedernholzöl konserviert. Sie sind erstklassig, genau angefärbt und Maschine gereinigt Folien, die ein scharfes Bild erhalten wird. Alle Folien sind sorgfältig für eine einfache Referenz markiert und werden in einer Holzkiste angeordnet. Dieser Foliensatz ist eine seltene Mischung aus 25 vorbereitet Folien, aus denen die Schüler eine Menge Spaß zu finden. Diese Folien-Set eignet sich hervorragend für Unterrichtszwecke und ist ideal für alle Ebenen der studie einschließlich Heimschulprogramm. Es ist ganz neu vom Hersteller anstelle von Sekunden oder Bergungs. Es besteht keine Gefahr der Verunreinigung der letzten Verwendung. Sein Verkaufswert ist 70 $.
AmScope PS25 Prepared Microscope Slide Set for Basic Biological Science Education, 25 Slides, Includes Fitted Wooden Case [BISS]
Set of 25 prepared slides, including plants, insects, and animal tissues, for use in biological education,Samples preserved in cedar wood oil and sealed with a coverslip to preserve specimens and prevent contamination,Labeling provides specimen identification,Slides are composed of optical glass for clear viewing,Set comes in fitted wooden storage box to prevent breakage and ease handling
The AmScope PS25 microscope slide set includes 25 prepared slides of a variety of specimens including plants, insects, and animal tissues used in basic biology education. The samples are preserved in cedar wood oil and sealed with a coverslip to preserve specimens and prevent contamination. Labeling on each slide identifies specimens. Slides are composed of optical glass for clear viewing and are 3 x 1 x 0.4 inches/75 x 25 x 1mm (H x W x D, where H is height, the vertical distance from the lowest to highest point; W is width, the horizontal distance from left to right; D is depth, the horizontal distance from front to back.) The set comes in a fitted wooden case to prevent breakage and ease handling.Slide specimens include coprimus mushroom (cross section), dense connective tissue (section), dog cardiac muscle (longitudinal section), dog esophagus (cross section), dog skeletal muscle (longitudinal section and cross section), dog stomach (section), honeybee worker leg-composite (whole mount), house bee mouth parts (whole mount), human blood (smear), hydra (longitudinal section), Hydrilla verticillata leaf (whole mount), Lilium anther (cross section), Lilium ovary (cross section), nymphaea of apustio stem (cross section), onion epidermis (whole mount), pig motor nerve (section mount), pine leaf (cross section), pine stem (cross section), pumpkin stem (cross section), rabbit spinal cord (cross section), rabbit testis (section), sunflower stem (cross section), Tilia stem (cross section), young root of broad bean (cross section), Zea stem (cross section). Microscopes are instruments used to enhance the resolution of an object or image. Types include compound, stereo, or digital. Compound microscopes use a compound optical system with an objective lens and an eyepiece. Stereo microscopes show object depth in a three-dimensional image. Digital microscopes are used to display an image on a monitor, rather than looking throug
AmScope PS25 Prepared Microscope Slide Set for Basic Biological Science Education, 25 Slides, Includes Fitted Wooden Case [CE]
Set of 25 prepared slides, including plants, insects, and animal tissues, for use in biological education,Samples preserved in cedar wood oil and sealed with a coverslip to preserve specimens and prevent contamination,Labeling provides specimen identification,Slides are composed of optical glass for clear viewing,Set comes in fitted wooden storage box to prevent breakage and ease handling
The AmScope PS25 microscope slide set includes 25 prepared slides of a variety of specimens including plants, insects, and animal tissues used in basic biology education. The samples are preserved in cedar wood oil and sealed with a coverslip to preserve specimens and prevent contamination. Labeling on each slide identifies specimens. Slides are composed of optical glass for clear viewing and are 3 x 1 x 0.4 inches/75 x 25 x 1mm (H x W x D, where H is height, the vertical distance from the lowest to highest point; W is width, the horizontal distance from left to right; D is depth, the horizontal distance from front to back.) The set comes in a fitted wooden case to prevent breakage and ease handling.
Slide specimens include coprimus mushroom (cross section), dense connective tissue (section), dog cardiac muscle (longitudinal section), dog esophagus (cross section), dog skeletal muscle (longitudinal section and cross section), dog stomach (section), honeybee worker leg-composite (whole mount), house bee mouth parts (whole mount), human blood (smear), hydra (longitudinal section), Hydrilla verticillata leaf (whole mount), Lilium anther (cross section), Lilium ovary (cross section), nymphaea of apustio stem (cross section), onion epidermis (whole mount), pig motor nerve (section mount), pine leaf (cross section), pine stem (cross section), pumpkin stem (cross section), rabbit spinal cord (cross section), rabbit testis (section), sunflower stem (cross section), Tilia stem (cross section), young root of broad bean (cross section), Zea stem (cross section).
Microscopes are instruments used to enhance the resolution of an object or image. Types include compound, stereo, or digital. Compound microscopes use a compound optical system with an objective lens and an eyepiece. Stereo microscopes show object depth in a three-dimensional image. Digital microscopes are used to display an image on a monitor, rather than looking through a lens. Microscopes can have monocular (one), binocular (two), or trinocular (three) eyepieces, with varying magnification abilities. Magnification ability refers to the size of an image. Resolution, also known as resolvant power, refers to the clarity of the image. The interaction between field of view (FOV), numerical aperture (NA), and working distance (WD) determines resolution. Microscopes can control magnification through a fixed focus, or through a range of adjustments. They can also utilize LED, fluorescent, and mirror light sources to help control viewing capabilities. Microscopes are widely used in education, lab research, biology, metallurgy, engineering, chemistry, manufacturing, and in the medical, forensic science, and veterinary industries.
United Scope manufactures microscopy equipment and accessories under the brand name AmScope. The company, founded in 1996, is headquartered in Irvine, CA.
What's in the Box?
- (25) Prepared slides
- Fitted wooden case
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