Monopoly - Gru, Mi villano favorito (Hasbro A2574) (versión en inglés) [Juguete]
Monopoly - Gru, Mi villano favorito (Hasbro A2574) (versión en inglés)
Monopoly Despicable Me 2 Board Game [Toy]
This Despicable Me 2 version of Monopoly is mischevious property trading fun,Buy and sell properties,Collect Banana Bucks,Includes exclusive minions,50 minions to collect (each sold separately)
It's the classic fast-dealing property trading game of Monopoly, now with multitudes of hilarious minions. Gru is back with another evil plan and it's up to you to collect Banana Bucks and own all of your own favourite properties before he succeeds. Spin the Minion Spinner to move your minion around the board and wheel and deal to win the most mischevious Monopoly game ever. Contents include: 4 x Minion tokens, spinner pod with Nom Nom Tom Minion, game track, game tray, 16 x cupcake tokens, 8 x ice cream sundae tokens, 16 x property cards, 16 x chance cards, banana bucks and game guide. With exclusive Minion characters, this quick and easy fun-filled game is perfect for 2-4 players over the age of five years.
Monopoly Despicable Me 2 Gioco da tavolo (versione in Inglese) [Giocattolo]
Questo Despicable Me 2 versione di Monopoly è malizioso divertimento trading immobiliare,Comprare e vendere le proprietà,Raccogliere Bucks Banana,Include tirapiedi esclusivi,50 scagnozzi per raccogliere (ciascuno venduto separatamente)
E 'il fast-dealing classico gioco di compravendita di immobili di Monopoli, ora con una moltitudine di servitori. Gru è tornato con un altro piano il male e tocca a voi per raccogliere Bucks Banana e possedere tutti i propri immobili preferiti prima ci riesce. Gira la Minion Spinner per spostare il vostro servitore intorno al bordo e la ruota e affrontare per vincere il gioco del Monopoli più malizioso mai. Montaggio Adult richiesta
Hasbro - A2574 - Monopoly Despicable Me 2 - Version Anglaise (Import Royaume-Uni) [Toy]
Age : 5 ans,Jeu comprend 4 minion jetons spinner pod avec Nom, Nom minion Tom de jeu, jeux, Plateau + 2), 16, clips 8 pions cupcakes Ice Cream Sundae jetons de propriété, 16 cartes et 16 cartes et Chance banane Bucks guide de jeux.,Pour 2 à 4 joueurs.,Dimensions : 40 x 26,7 x 5 cm,Doit être monté par un adulte.
Retrouve les Minions de Gru dans cette version déjantée du Monopoly grâce au Monopoly Despicable Me 2 version anglaise. Lance la toupie Minion Nom Nom Tom pour savoir de combien de case tu avances et achète les propriétés avec des Banana Bucks. Ce jeu est inspiré du film Moi, Moche et Méchant 2. Le coffret contient le plateau de jeu en relief, 4 pions Minion, une toupie avec le Minion Nom Nom Tom, 16 cupcakes, 8 glaces sundae, 16 cartes propriété, 16 cartes chance, l'argent Banana Bucks. Veuillez noter que les instructions et le jeu sont en anglais uniquement. A partir de 5 ans.
Monopoly Despicable Me 2 Brettspiel (English Version) [Toy]
Diese Despicable Me 2-Version von Monopoly ist mischevious Immobilienhandel Spaß,Kaufen und verkaufen Immobilien,Sammeln Banana Bucks,Enthält exklusive Schergen,50 Schergen zu sammeln (jeweils separat erhältlich)
Achtung: Englische Anleitung. Der klassische, schnelle Immobilienhandel des Monopoly-Spiels -- jetzt mit den Minions von Ich Einfach Unverbesserlich! Gru ist mit einem weiteren bösen Plan zurück und es ist an euch, Banana Dollar zu sammeln und alle eure Lieblings-Immobilien zu besitzen, bevor Gru erfolgreich ist. Dreht das Minion Spinner-Rad, um eure Minions auf dem Brett zu bewegen und vielleicht das schelmischste Monopoly-Spiel aller Zeiten zu gewinnen. Kauft und verkauft eure Immobilien, sammelt Banana Dollar - geanau wie beim Original! Das Set enthält: 4 Minion-Token, Spinner Pod mit Nom Nom Tom, Spielbrett, Spielfach (plus 2 Clips), 16 Cupcake-Token, 8 Eisbecher-Token, 16 Immobilienkarten, 16 Ereigniskarten, Banana Dollar und Spielanleitung auf Englischer Sprache. Ab 5 Jahren und für 2 bis 4 Spieler geeignet.
Monopoly Despicable Me 2 Game [Toy]
This Despicable Me 2 version of Monopoly is mischievous property-trading fun. Buy and sell properties. Collect Banana Bucks,Game includes 4 minion tokens, spinner pod with Nom Nom Tom minion, game track, game tray (plus 2 clips),16 Cupcake tokens, 8 Ice-Cream Sundae tokens, 16 Property cards, 16 Chance cards, Banana Bucks and game guide,Includes exclusive minions. 50 minions to collect. Each sold separately
BY HASBRO INC. It's the classic fast-dealing property trading game of Monopoly, now with multitudes of minions! Gru is back with another evil plan and it's up to you to collect Banana Bucks and own all of your favorite properties before he succeeds. Spin the Minion Spinner to move your minion around the board and wheel and deal to win the most mischievious Monopoly game ever! Monopoly and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro.
Monopoly Game Despicable Me Edition [Toy]
High quality toys for children all ages,Made using safe materials,Tested for quality and durability,Classic property trading game has a Despicable Me twist,Fun properties, Chance Cards, and Cupcake and Ice Cream Sundae tokens,Includes exclusive Minions,Nom Nom Tom spinner,The player with the most Banana Bucks wins
What makes the classic fast-trading property game even better? Minions, of course! Gru is back with a villainous plan to take over the game of Monopoly, and it's up to you to collect as many Banana Bucks as you can! The game includes exclusive Minions you can add to your collection – there are 50 to collect! (Other Minions sold separately with other Despicable Me games.) Spin the wheel with Nom Nom Tom and buy your favorite Despicable Me properties with your Banana Bucks. If you're the one with the most Banana Bucks at the end, you're Gru's favorite Minion – and you win!
Despicable Me, Minion Made and all related marks and characters are trademarks and copyrights of Universal Studios. Licensed by Universal Studios Licensing LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Monopoly and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro.
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