Hive pocket: Pillbug [Juguete]
Age range: 8 and up / Number of players: 2 / Play time: 20 to 30 minutes,Manufacturer: Gen Four Two Games
NOTA: Este juego está en Inglés y no puede contener una traducción a su idioma. (PLEASE NOTE: This game is in English and may not contain a translation into your language.) Colmena: El Pillbug es un nuevo par de fichas que se pueden agregar a la colmena. El pillbug se mueve como la abeja reina - un espacio a la vez - pero tambin tiene una habilidad especial que se puede utilizar en lugar de moverse. Esta capacidad permite que el pillbug para mover una pieza sin apilar adyacente (ya sea amiga o enemiga) dos espacios: hasta en el propio pillbug, luego hacia abajo en un espacio vaco adyacente al mismo. Algunas excepciones para esta habilidad: El Pillbug no puede mover la pieza ms recientemente movido por el oponente. El Pillbug no puede mover ninguna pieza en una pila de piezas. El Pillbug no puede mover una pieza, si se parte de la colmena (violar la Regla Una colmena). El Pillbug no puede mover una pieza a travs de una brecha demasiado estrecha de piezas apiladas (en violacin de la libertad de moverse Regla). Cualquier pieza que se movi fsicamente (directa o por el pillbug) est inmovilizado por el turno del siguiente jugador; no puede moverse o ser movido, ni usar su habilidad especial. El mosquito puede imitar ya sea el movimiento o habilidad especial de la pillbug, incluso cuando el pillbug que toque se ha rendido inmvil por otro pillbug. .
Hive Pocket - Pillbug Expansion [Toy]
Age range: 8 and up / Number of players: 2 / Play time: 20 to 30 minutes,Manufacturer: Gen Four Two Games
Hive: The Pillbug is a new pair of tiles that can be added to Hive. The pillbug moves like the queen bee one space at a time but it also has a special ability that it may use instead of moving. This ability allows the pillbug to move an adjacent unstacked piece (whether friendly or enemy) two spaces: up onto the pillbug itself, then down into an empty space adjacent to itself. Some exceptions for this ability:The Pillbug may not move the piece most recently moved by the opponent.The Pillbug may not move any piece in a stack of pieces.The Pillbug may not move a piece if it splits the hive (violating the One Hive Rule).The Pillbug may not move a piece through a too-narrow gap of stacked pieces (violating the Freedom to Move Rule).Any piece which physically moved (directly or by the pillbug) is rendered immobile on the next player's turn; it cannot move or be moved, nor use its special ability. The mosquito can mimic either the movement or special ability of the pillbug, even when the pillbug it is touching has been rendered immobile by another pillbug.
Hive pocket: Pillbug [Toy]
Age range: 8 and up / Number of players: 2 / Play time: 20 to 30 minutes,Manufacturer: Gen Four Two Games
Hive: The Pillbug is a new pair of tiles that can be added to Hive. The pillbug moves like the queen bee one space at a time but it also has a special ability that it may use instead of moving. This ability allows the pillbug to move an adjacent unstacked piece (whether friendly or enemy) two spaces: up onto the pillbug itself, then down into an empty space adjacent to itself. Some exceptions for this ability: The Pillbug may not move the piece most recently moved by the opponent. The Pillbug may not move any piece in a stack of pieces. The Pillbug may not move a piece if it splits the hive (violating the One Hive Rule). The Pillbug may not move a piece through a too-narrow gap of stacked pieces (violating the Freedom to Move Rule). Any piece which physically moved (directly or by the pillbug) is rendered immobile on the next player's turn; it cannot move or be moved, nor use its special ability. The mosquito can mimic either the movement or special ability of the pillbug, even when the pillbug it is touching has been rendered immobile by another pillbug.
Hive: Pillbug Pocket Expansion [Toy]
Age range: 8 and up / Number of players: 2 / Play time: 20 to 30 minutes,Manufacturer: Gen Four Two Games
Hive: The Pillbug is a new pair of tiles that can be added to Hive. The pillbug moves like the queen bee one space at a time but it also has a special ability that it may use instead of moving. This ability allows the pillbug to move an adjacent unstacked piece (whether friendly or enemy) two spaces: up onto the pillbug itself, then down into an empty space adjacent to itself. Some exceptions for this ability: The Pillbug may not move the piece most recently moved by the opponent. The Pillbug may not move any piece in a stack of pieces. The Pillbug may not move a piece if it splits the hive (violating the One Hive Rule). The Pillbug may not move a piece through a too-narrow gap of stacked pieces (violating the Freedom to Move Rule). Any piece which physically moved (directly or by the pillbug) is rendered immobile on the next player's turn; it cannot move or be moved, nor use its special ability. The mosquito can mimic either the movement or special ability of the pillbug, even when the pillbug it is touching has been rendered immobile by another pillbug.
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