![Top Trumps DC Universe: Heroes & Villains [Toy] Top Trumps DC Universe: Heroes & Villains [Toy]](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51vBBOE6qCL.jpg)
Top Trumps DC Universe: Heroes & Villains [Toy] [Juguete]
juego de cartas coleccionable,atención este juego está en idioma Inglés solamente!
Top Trumps fue el ganador indiscutible de la Copa del Mundo Cargado de juegos y que no se puede discutir con eso. Para los adultos hasta los hombres de cierta edad, Top Trumps juego fueron los juegos de su elección. Ahora están haciendo una reaparición grande con todos los nuevos temas, sigue utilizando el método de "una superioridad 'de juego. Elija una estadística en su primera carta que crees que va a batir los de otras cartas de arriba - simple, y muy adictivo. Hay un montón de diferentes sabores para elegir, en tres gamas diferentes que abarcan el mundo de Top Trumps.
Top Trumps DC Universe: Heroes & Villains [Toy]
Top Trumps Towers,Suitable for ages 3 years +
Here at Top Trumps Towers we've spent entire days wondering who'd trump who in a match-up between Superman and Batman, but the only thing we all agreed on is that it would be awesome. So, we've made DC UNIVERSE Top Trumps as a way to settle it. Batman trumps Superman on Fighting Skills, by the way. Did you know that Superman once fought Muhammad Ali - and lost? Sure, it was in a comic book, but they all count. There, that's settled it once and for all. Although Superman beats Batman wins on Strength. And Speed. Arggghhh... back to the drawing board. Suitable for ages 3+ Safety Information: Warning. Not suitable for Children under 3 years.
DC Superheroes Top Trumps [Libro]
Top Trumps was the undisputed winner of the Loaded World Cup of Games and we can't argue with that. For grown-up males of a certain age, Top Trumps were the playground game of choice. Now they're making a grand comeback with all-new subjects, still using the 'one-upmanship' method of play. Choose a statistic on your top card which you think will beat those on other top cards - simple, and very addictive. There are lots of different flavours to choose from, across three different ranges covering the World of Top Trumps.
DC Superheroes Top Trumps [Book]
Contient 30 cartes,Convient pour les adultes et les enfants,Convient aux enfants de plus de 3 ans,Idéal Jeu Voyage
Jeu de cartes Top Trumps (texte en anglais), sous licence officielle!
DC Superheroes Top Trumps [Book]
Enthält 30 Karten,Geeignet für Erwachsene und Kinder,Geeignet für Kinder ab 3 Jahren,Ideal Travel Spiel
Die Green Lantern trifft Kinoleinwände in diesem Jahr, und welchen besseren Weg, um Ihre Scheibe des Comic-Buchaktion, dass mit Top Trumps erhalten: DC Helden. Neben der galaktischen Friedensstifter, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman und Marian Manhunter gehen Kopf an Kopf mit dem Pinguin, der Vogelscheuche und Bane, von den Reichen und fantastische Welt von DC Comics.
Top Trumps DC Universe: Heroes & Villains [Toy]
Contains 30 cards,Suitable for adults and children,Suitable for children over the age of 3,Ideal Travel Game
The Green Lantern hits cinema screens this year, and what better way to get your slice of comicbook action that with Top Trumps: DC Heroes. Alongside the galactic peacekeeper, Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman and Marian Manhunter go head to head with the Penguin, the Scarecrow and Bane, from the rich and fantastical world of DC comics.
Top Trumps DC Universe Heroes & Villains [Toy]
Contains 30 cards,Suitable for adults and children,Suitable for children over the age of 3,Ideal Travel Game
Jeu de cartes Top Trumps (texte en anglais), sous licence officielle!
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