Cards Against Humanity: Fifth Expansion [Juguete]
100 totalmente nuevas tarjetas (75 tarjetas blancas y 25 cartas negras),12 de bonificación tarjetas en blanco (8 tarjetas en blanco y 4 cartas negras en blanco),Profesionalmente impreso en cartas premium (100% compatible con tarjetas de lesa humanidad),Primera, Segunda, Tercera, y Cuarta Expansiones no obligados a jugar, aunque muy recomendado.
¡Cierra la puerta! Es la quinta expansión oficial para las tarjetas de Lesa Humanidad, con 75 tarjetas flamantes blancos, 25 flamantes tarjetas negras y tarjetas en blanco para que usted agregue a la perfección sus propias bromas al juego.
Cards Against Humanity: Fifth Expansion [Toy]
100 completely NEW cards (75 white cards and 25 black cards),12 bonus blank cards (8 blank white cards and 4 blank black cards),Professionally printed on premium playing cards (100% compatible with Cards Against Humanity),First, Second, Third, and Fourth Expansions not required to play, though heartily recommended.,You won't believe it's not butter.
Shut the front door! It's the fifth official expansion for Cards Against Humanity, featuring 75 brand-new white cards, 25 brand-new black cards, and blank cards for you to seamlessly add your own inside jokes to the game.
Please note: The creators of CAH were too fat and lazy to Anglicise the expansions.
Suck on that lolly.
Cards Against Humanity: Fifth Expansion [Giocattolo]
12 bonus carte bianche (8 carte bianche vuote e 4 carte bianco blank),Professionalmente stampati su carte da gioco premio (100% compatibile con schede contro l'umanità),Prima, Seconda, Terza, Quarta e Espansioni non tenuti a giocare, anche se vivamente consigliato.,100 completamente nuove carte (75 carte bianche e 25 carte nere) 12 bonus carte bianche (8 carte bianche vuote e 4 carte bianco blank) Professionalmente stampati su carte da gioco premio (100% compatibile con schede contro l'umanità) Prima, Seconda, Terza, Quarta e Espansioni non tenuti a giocare, anche se vivamente consigliato. Chiudere la porta di casa! E 'la quinta espansione ufficiale per le carte contro l'umanità, con 75 carte inedite bianco, 25 carte nere nuovissime, e le schede in bianco per voi di aggiungere senza problemi i propri scherzi all'interno del gioco.
Chiudere la porta di casa! E 'la quinta espansione ufficiale per le carte contro l'umanità, con 75 carte inedite bianco, 25 carte nere nuovissime, e le schede in bianco per voi di aggiungere senza problemi i propri scherzi all'interno del gioco.
Cards Against Humanity: Fifth Expansion [Toy]
100 complètement nouvelles cartes (75 cartes blanches et 25 cartes noires),12 cartes vierges gratuites (8 cartes blanches vierges et quatre cartes noires vierges),Professionnellement imprimé sur les cartes premium de jeu (100% compatible avec les cartes contre l'humanité),Première, deuxième, troisième, et quatrième Expansions pas tenus de jouer, bien recommandé de bon cœur.
Fermez la porte! Ce est la cinquième extension officielle pour les cartes contre l'humanité, avec 75 cartes inédites blancs, 25 cartes de marque nouvelle noirs, et des cartes vierges pour que vous ajoutiez vos propres blagues de façon transparente à l'intérieur du jeu.
Cards Against Humanity: Fifth Expansion [Toy]
100 völlig neue Karten (75 weiße Karten und 25 schwarze Karten),12 Bonus Blankokarten (8 leeren weißen Karten und 4 leere schwarze Karten),Professionell auf Premium Spielkarten gedruckt (100% kompatibel mit Karten gegen die Menschlichkeit),Erste, Zweite, Dritte und Vierte Erweiterungen nicht erforderlich, um zu spielen, aber von Herzen empfehlen.
Schließen Sie die Haustür! Es ist der fünfte offizielle Erweiterung für Karten gegen die Menschlichkeit, mit 75 brandneuen weißen Karten, 25 brandneue schwarze Karten und Blankokarten für die nahtlose eigenen Insider-Witze zum Spiel hinzufügen.
Cards Against Humanity: Fifth Expansion [Toy]
100 completely NEW cards (75 white cards and 25 black cards),12 bonus blank cards (8 blank white cards and 4 blank black cards),Professionally printed on premium playing cards (100-Percent compatible with Cards Against Humanity),First, Second, Third, and Fourth Expansions not required to play, though heartily recommended,You won't believe it's not butter
Cards Against Humanity: Fifth Expansion [Toy]
Adult only party game,12 bonus blank cards (8 blank white cards and 4 blank black cards),Professionally printed on premium playing cards (100% compatible with Cards Against Humanity),First, Second, Third, and Fourth Expansions not required to play, though heartily recommended.,100 completely NEW cards (75 white cards and 25 black cards)
Shut the front door! It's the fifth official expansion for Cards Against Humanity, featuring 75 brand-new white cards, 25 brand-new black cards, and blank cards for you to seamlessly add your own inside jokes to the game. Reviews of Cards Against Humanity: "Pretty amazing." - The Onion AV Club "Best. Game. EVER." - Wil Wheaton "An incredible game." - Mike "Gabe" Krahulik, Penny Arcade "Uncontrollable laughter." - Kill Screen Magazine "The game your party deserves." - Thrillist "A game." - The Daily Beast
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