Barbie - Muñeca bailarina, giros mágicos (Mattel CKB21) [Juguete]
Muñeca Barbie,Luce un corpiño de color con pequeños brillantes incrustados, una falda tutú a juego y una diadema de princesa.,La falda es la de una auténtica bailarina.
Muñeca Bailarina que hace giros mágicos. Sin pilas Incluye mango de soporte.
Barbie Twirling Ballerina Doll [Toy]
from princess to prima ballerina,You control the choreography,Simple and magical, the mechanism is easy to work.,A sparkling blue and pink ombre bodice,pink toe shoes complete the gorgeous look.
Dance the day away with this Barbie twirling ballerina doll that brings performance and possibilities to life! You control the choreography, choosing when the beautiful prima ballerina spins. Simple and magical, the mechanism is easy to work. Clip the pink wand, adorned with a fairytale icon, to the waist of the doll, and press down -- Barbie doll bends into a classic pliŽ, and her body spins gracefully, causing her skirt to float and flow. Designed with a layer of blue and a sheer pink overlay with blue glittery sparkles, the effect is show-stopping! A sparkling blue and pink ombre bodice and pink toe shoes complete the gorgeous look. A removable tiara takes this dancer from rehearsal to performance, from princess to prima ballerina and everywhere in between because with Barbie, anything is possible! Includes doll wearing fashion (non-removable), tiara and twirl-activating wand. Suitable for ages 3 years +
Barbie - Ballerina Danza e Ruota [Giocattolo]
Le bambine si divertiranno tantissimo a danzare insieme alla Ballerina Danza e Ruota Basta agganciare la bacchetta rosa alla vita della bambola e premere verso il basso. Barbie Danza e Ruota si esibisce in un plié classico e il suo corpo gira con grazia.
Barbie - Ckb21 - Poupée Mannequin - Danseuse Magique [Toy]
Age minimum : 3 ans,Descriptif produit: Elle s'inspire de la magie de Noël, cette ballerine reine des pirouettes tourne sur elle-même comme un flocon de neige aux couleurs éclatantes. Une baguette magique vient enserrer sa taille et la ballerine pivote et virevolte sur la pointe des pieds. Une légère pression de bas en haut sur la jambe droite de la poupée libère les pirouettes ! La ballerine porte un long tutu bleu ciel rehaussé par un voile de tulle scintillant rose et un bustier incrusté sur son corps. Bras en couronne, cheveux courts blonds et diadème rose, autant de détails et d'accessoires pour cette poupée qui enchanteront les fillettes.
Elle s'inspire de la magie de Noël, cette ballerine reine des pirouettes tourne sur elle-même comme un flocon de neige aux couleurs éclatantes.
Une baguette magique vient enserrer sa taille et la ballerine pivote et virevolte sur la pointe des pieds.
Une légère pression de bas en haut sur la jambe droite de la poupée libère les pirouettes !
La ballerine porte un long tutu bleu ciel rehaussé par un voile de tulle scintillant rose et un bustier incrusté sur son corps.
Bras en couronne, cheveux courts blonds et diadème rose, autant de détails et d'accessoires pour cette poupée qui enchanteront les fillettes.
Mattel CKB21 Barbie - Bezaubernde Ballerina Puppe [Toy]
Mit Bezaubernde Ballerina Barbie können sich Mädchen die eigene Choreografie ausdenken,Mithilfe eines Zauberstabs tanzt Barbie wie von Zauberhand geführt die schönsten Pirouetten,Barbie trägt ein bezauberndes, nicht abnehmbares Ballettkostüm und Spitzenschuhe,Das Diadem ist abnehmbar, so kann die Ballerina in verschiedene Rollen schlüpfen,Ab 3 Jahren
Diese Barbie-Ballerina möchte den ganzen Tag lang nichts als tanzen! Das Mädchen kann ihre Choreografie selbst bestimmen, indem es mithilfe eines leicht zu bedienenden Mechanismus entscheidet, wann sich die wunderschöne Primaballerina drehen soll. Achtung: Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet. Kleinteile und/oder abreißbare Kleinteile enthalten, die z. B. verschluckt werden könnten. Erstickungsgefahr.
Mattel Barbie Dance and Spin Ballerina Doll [Toy]
Dance playtime away with this Barbie twirling ballerina doll that lets girls control the choreography,Clip the wand to Barbie doll's waist and push down,Barbie doll bends into a classic pile, and her body spins gracefully, causing her skirt to twirl,Barbie doll's gown is sparkling blue and pink hombre bodice with full skirt with layers of blue and a sheer pink,Sculpted pink toe shoes complete the gorgeous look
Barbie Twirling Ballerina Doll
Barbie Dance & Spin Ballerina Doll [Toy]
Dance playtime away with this Barbie twirling ballerina doll that lets girls control the choreography!,Clip the wand to Barbie doll's waist and push down,Barbie doll bends into a classic plie, and her body spins gracefully, causing her skirt to twirl,Barbie doll's gown is sparkling blue and pink ombre bodice with full skirt with layers of blue and a sheer pink!,Sculpted pink toe shoes complete the gorgeous look
Dance the day away with this Barbie twirling ballerina doll that brings performance and possibilities to life! Girls control the choreography, choosing when the beautiful prima ballerina spins. Simple and magical, the mechanism is easy to work. Clip the pink wand, adorned with a fairytale icon, to the waist of the doll, and press down -- Barbie doll bends into a classic plie, and her body spins gracefully, causing her skirt to float and flow. Designed with a layer of blue and a sheer pink overlay with blue glittery sparkles, the effect is show-stopping! A sparkling blue and pink ombre bodice and pink toe shoes complete the gorgeous look. A removable tiara lets girls take this dancer from rehearsal to performance, from princess to prima ballerina and everywhere in between because with Barbie, anything is possible! Includes doll wearing fashion (non-removable), tiara and twirl-activating wand.
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