Disfraz de Batman musculoso para niño Tamaño Pequeño 3-4 años [Juguete]
Niño traje de Batman,Jumpsuit con el pecho muscular y cubrebotas, capa con capucha y cinturón de moldeado,100% Polyester, acabado exclusivo,Tamaño pequeño,Perfecto para disfrazarse
Disfraz oficial de Batman™ gris y azul para niño. El conjunto se compone de una combinación integral con torso musculoso, una capa larga y una máscara que sólo deja entrever la nariz y la boca. Disfraz con licencia oficial de Batman™. Este traje te convertirá en uno de los superhéroes más famosos en fiestas de disfraces, por ejemplo.
Rubies Batman Brave Chest Child (Small) [Toy]
Please Note: GENEROUS Sizing. More realistic ages are : Small 3-5yrs, Medium 6-8yrs, Large 9-12 yrs. Measurements : Toddler (Length from shoulder to ankle 84cm), Small (97cm), Medium (112cm), Large (134cm).,Includes jumpsuit, headpiece, cape and belt,Muscle chest built into jumpsuit,Small fits children size 3-4 years,Spot clean as needed,Officially licensed costume
Official Batman™ costume for boys, in grey and blue. The outfit is composed of a full jumpsuit with a muscled upper body, a long cape and a mask that only leaves the nose and mouth visible. Officially licensed Batman™ costume. This costume will put you in the character of one of the most famous superheros of all time at a fancy dress party or any other party.
Batman costume con muscoli TM per bambini taglia Small / 3-4 anni [Giocattolo]
Jumpsuit with muscle chest and attached boot covers,cape,headpiece and moulded belt. Jumpsuit,cape and headpiece have velcro fastening. Costume 100% Polyester. Belt 100% PVC. Foam 100% Polyurethane. Muscle 100% Polyethaline exclusive
Jumpsuit with muscle chest and attached boot covers, cape, headpiece and moulded belt. Jumpsuit, cape and headpiece have velcro fastening. Costume 100% Polyester. Belt 100% PVC. Foam 100% Polyurethane. Muscle 100% Polyethaline exclusive
Déguisement Batman™ musclé garçon - 3 à 4 ans [Toy]
Jumpsuit with muscle chest and attached boot covers,cape,headpiece and moulded belt. Jumpsuit,cape and headpiece have velcro fastening. Costume 100% Polyester. Belt 100% PVC. Foam 100% Polyurethane. Muscle 100% Polyethaline exclusive
Ce déguisement officiel de Batman™ pour garçon se compose d'une combinaison intégrale avec haut du corps musclé, d'une longue cape et d'un masque ne laissant apparaître que le nez et la bouche. Ce costume permettra à votre enfant d'entrer dans la peau de son héros préféré le temps du Carnaval ou de tout autre événement déguisé.
Batman™-Kostüm muskulös für Jungen - 3-4 Jahre [Toy]
Jumpsuit with muscle chest and attached boot covers,cape,headpiece and moulded belt. Jumpsuit,cape and headpiece have velcro fastening. Costume 100% Polyester. Belt 100% PVC. Foam 100% Polyurethane. Muscle 100% Polyethaline exclusive
Dies offizielle grau-blaue Batman™-Kostüm für Jungen besteht aus einer Kombi mit muskulösem Oberkörper, einem langen Umhang und einer Maske, die nur die Nase und den Mund frei lässt. Offizielles Batman™-Kostüm. Mit diesem Kostüm verwandelst du dich in den berühmtesten Superhelden, für eine Kostümparty oder einen anderen Anlass.
Deluxe Muscle Chest Batman Child's Costume, Small (size 4-6) [Toy]
Includes jumpsuit, headpiece, cape and belt,Muscle chest built into jumpsuit,Small fits children size 4 to 6,Spot clean as needed,Officially licensed costume
There are so many looks for the Caped Crusader. He's been everything from campy to dark. The Brave and the Bold Deluxe Boy's Muscle Batman Costume is an officially licensed blue and gray version of Batman. It features a jumpsuit with boot tops, cuffs, a printed belt and logo, and padded muscles to make your child feel really strong. The costume also has a cape and Batman headpiece with ears and a mask.
Batman Deluxe Muscle Chest Batman Child's Costume, Small [Apparel]
Fun costumes for kids and adults,Whether it's for halloween, a themed party, or even for giggles,Beautiful colors, hand-wash needed, excellent for dress up,Includes jumpsuit, headpiece, cape and belt,Muscle chest built into jumpsuit,Small fits children size 4 to 6,Spot clean as needed,Officially licensed costume
Includes: Jumpsuit, headpiece, cape and belt. Does not include shoes. This is an officially licensed Batman TM costume.
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