Ticket to Ride Board Game [Juguete]
para niños de 8 años y más,tiempo de juego 30 a 60 minutos #54 en www.BoardGameGeek.com
Ticket to Ride Board Game [importado de Inglaterra]
Ticket to Ride [Toy]
Ticket to Ride can be learned in 3 minutes
Provides players with intense strategic and tactical decisions every turn
2-5 players
Ages 8 +
Playing Time: 45 mins
October 2, 1900 was 28 years to the day that noted London eccentric, Phileas Fogg accepted and then won a $20,000 bet that he could travel "Around the World in 80 Days". Now at the dawn of the century it was time for a new "impossible journey." Some old friends have gathered to celebrate Fogg's impetuous and lucrative gamble and to propose a new wager of their own. The stakes: $1 million -- and the winner takes all competition. The objective: to see who can travel by rail to the most cities in North America - in just 7 days. The journey begins immediately...
Ticket to Ride is a cross-country train adventure where players collect cards of various types of train cars than enable them to claim railway routes connecting cities throughout North America. Includes a detailed board, game cards, help cards, rules, train miniatures and more.
Ticket to Ride Boardgame (Lingua Inglese) [Giocattolo]
Fornisce ai giocatori le decisioni strategiche e tattiche intensi ogni turno,2-5 giocatori,Età 8 +,Istruzioni in inglese
Ticket to Ride è un'avventura ferroviaria attraversa il paese in cui i giocatori raccolgono le carte di vari tipi di carrozze che consentono loro di rivendicare linee ferroviarie che collegano le città in tutto il Nord America. Include una scheda dettagliata , carte da gioco , aiutano a carte , regole , miniature ferroviarie e più . Box Contiene 1 Consiglio mappa del Nord America linee ferroviarie 240 vagoni colorati 110 carte Treno 30 biglietti di destinazione 1 scheda di sintesi 5 indicatori di punteggio di legno 1 libretto di regole ( in inglese )
Days of Wonder - Jeu de société - Les Aventuriers du Rail - Ticket to Ride - Langue : anglais (Import Grande Bretagne) [Toy]
English version,Age 8+ for 2 - 5 players,Climb aboard for some railroading fun and adventure!
Days of Wonder - Jeu de société - Les Aventuriers du Rail - Ticket to Ride - Langue : anglais (Import Grande Bretagne)
- English version
- Age 8+ for 2 - 5 players
- Climb aboard for some railroading fun and adventure!
Ticket to Ride: The Cross-country Train Adventure Game! [Toy]
Attack,Defense,Level,Set Number
October 2, 1900 was 28 years to the day that noted London eccentric, Phileas Fogg accepted and then won a $20,000 bet that he could travel "Around the World in 80 Days". Now at the dawn of the century it was time for a new "impossible journey." Some old friends have gathered to celebrate Fogg's impetuous and lucrative gamble and to propose a new wager of their own. The stakes: $1 million -- and the winner takes all competition. The objective: to see who can travel by rail to the most cities in North America - in just 7 days. The journey begins immediately... Ticket to Ride is a cross-country train adventure where players collect cards of various types of train cars than enable them to claim railway routes connecting cities throughout North America. Includes a detailed board, game cards, help cards, rules, train miniatures and more.
Box Contains
- 1 Board map of North America train routes
- 240 coloured train cars
- 110 train car cards
- 30 destination tickets
- 1 summary card
- 5 wooden scoring markers
- 1 rule booklet
Days of Wonder, Ticket To Ride [Toy]
For 2-5 players,Tons of replay value,One of the most popular specialty games of all time,Takes 30-60 minutes to play,There are 225 Colored Train Cars
October 2, 1900 - it's 28 years to the day that noted London eccentric, Phileas Fogg accepted and then won a bet that he could travel "Around the World in 80 Days." Now, at the dawn of the century, some old friends have gathered to celebrate Fogg's impetuous and lucrative gamble - and to propose a new wager of their own. The stakes: $1 million in a winner-takes-all competition. The objective: to see the most cities in North America - in just 7 days. Ticket to Ride is a cross-country train adventure game. Players collect train cards that enable them to claim railway routes connecting cities throughout North America. The longer the routes, the more points they earn. Additional points come to those who can fulfill their Destination Tickets by connecting two distant cities, and to the player who builds the longest continuous railway. For 2 to 5 players ages 8 and older. Playing time: 30-60 minutes. Comes with: 1 Board map of North American train routes, 240 Colored Train Cars, 110 Train Car cards, 30 Destination Tickets, 5 Wooden Scoring Markers, 1 Days of Wonder Online access number, and a Rules booklet.
Ticket To Ride [Toy]
For 2-5 players,Tons of replay value,One of the most popular specialty games of all time,Takes 30-60 minutes to play,There are 225 Colored Train Cars
Ticket To Ride
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