Mattel - Cerditos a la carrera, juego para niños más de 5 años (Y2552) [Juguete]
Los equipos de cerditos tienen que cruzar el campo para comer,Sin embargo, el lobo quiere atacarlos con su tractor que lanza balas de paja,De dos a cuatro jugadores,Juego infantil en el que cada jugador tiene que conseguir que su equipo de cerditos cruce el campo para comer,Tendrán que evitar los ataques del lobo,El primero que logre que todos sus cerditos coman, gana
Los cerdos al Rescate
Mattel Games Go Piggy Go [Toy]
Exciting strategy game - race your piggies across the board, avoiding the wolf and his tractor,Stack on top of another piggy to get a free piggy-back ride,Roll the tractor, and you can launch hay bales to knock other piggies off their spaces,Be the first to get all your piggies to the food to win,Includes board and piggies, die, wolf tractor launcher and hay bale projectiles
Pig Stackin', Wolf Dodgin' Play! Race those piggies! You've got to get all three of your piggies to the fresh food across the board. Roll the die to make your move. You can even land on top of another piggy and catch a piggy-back ride! When they roll and move, they have to move your piggy with theirs, taking you even closer to the food! Watch Out for the Wolf One of the faces of the die says "Tractor/2." If you roll that, you can either move two spaces, or take control of the wolf and launch a hay bale from his tractor at an opponent. If that hay bale knocks a piggy off its square, that piggy goes back to the closest mud pit, slowing his journey to the food. Checkpoints and Winning The board has two checkpoints, so if your piggy is past a checkpoint and gets hit with a hay bale, the piggy doesn't have to go all the way back to the beginning mud pit Ð just back to the checkpoint mud pit. The first player to get all three piggies to the fresh food wins! What's in the Box? Go Piggy Go! game comes with the gameboard and 12 piggies (3 for each player, up to 4 players), game die, and the wolf in his tractor launcher and 3 hay bales projectiles. Exciting strategy game - race your piggies across the board, avoiding the wolf and his tractor Stack on top of another piggy to get a free piggy-back ride Roll the tractor, and you can launch hay bales to knock other piggies off their spaces Be the first to get all your piggies to the food to win! Includes board and piggies, die, wolf tractor launcher and hay bale projectiles Suitable for ages 5 Years + Safety Information: Warning. Not suitable for Children under 3 years.
Mattel Y2552 - Mattel Games Porcellini Alla Riscossa [Giocattolo]
Porcellini alla riscossa è un gioco da tavolo molto divertente: un gruppo di porcellini deve correre per raggiungere la mangiatoia in fondo al campo e mangiare tanta frutta e verdura fresca. Ma attenzione alle balle di fieno volanti lanciate dal lupo cattivo: se lo colpiscono, il porcellino è costretto a tornare nella pozza di fango! Il primo giocatore a portare tutti i propri porcellini in salvo vince la partita!
Mattel - Y2552 - Jeu de Plateau - 1.2.3 Cochons [Toy]
Age Minimum: 5 ans^Description du produit: Les équipes de cochons doivent traverser le champs pour se nourrir. Mais attention, le loup guette sur sa moissonneuse batteuse! Sois le premier à faire traverser ton équipe. 2 à 4 joueurs, à partir de 5 ans.^Nécessite des piles: Aucune
Mattel Y2552 - Lauf Schweinchen lauf, Strategiespiel für Kinder [Toy]
Brettspielvergnügen für Groß und Klein,Geschick und Treffsicherheit sind gefragt,Für 2-4 Spieler,Spieldauer ca. 15-20 Minuten,Ab 5 Jahren
Brettspiel; Neues Brettspielvergnügen für die ganze Familie! Bei diesem einfachen Strategiespiel, das auf der Geschichte mit den 3 kleinen Schweinen basiert, kommt es auf Geschick und Treffsicherheit an. So wird gespielt: Die kleinen Schweine haben Hunger auf frisches Gemüse, aber der große, wilde Wolf liegt schon auf der Lauer! Ziel des Spiels ist es, als erster Spieler seine drei Schweine zum Futtertrog zu führen und den aus dem Traktor des Wolfs herausfliegenden Heuballen auszuweichen. Um schneller ans Ziel zu kommen, können die Schweine von einem fremden oder einem eigenen Schwein ,,mitgenommen' werden. Aber Vorsicht! Würfelt ein Mitspieler den Traktor, kann er versuchen, das Schwein eines anderen Spielers mit den aus dem Traktor fliegenden Heuballen zu treffen und vom Weg abzubringen. So entsteht immer wieder eine neue Spielsituation. Packungsinhalt: Traktorstarter mit Wolf-Figur, drei Heuballenprojektile, Spielbrett, je drei grüne, goldene, rosa und blaue Schweine, Spielregeln, Würfel. Brettspielvergnügen für Groß und Klein Einfaches Strategiespiel Geschick und Treffsicherheit sind gefragt Immer wieder neue Spielsituationen 2-4 Spieler Spieldauer ca. 15-20 Minuten | Artikeleigenschaften: | Altersbeschränkung: Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet | Nutzungshinweis: Verschluckbare Kleinteile | Gefahrenhinweis: Erstickungsgefahr durch Kleinteile | Altersempfehlung: ab 5 Jahren | Geeignet für: 2-4 Spieler
Go Piggy Go Board Game [Toy]
The outrageous pig-stackin' wolf-dodgin' board game,Every game is a new adventure as the piggies race for the finish,Slow down your opponent by shooting the tractor's hay bales and sending your opponent back to his mudpit,Strategy and making choices keeps the game challenging and different every time you play,Includes 1 gameboard, 12 piggies, a wolf in his tractor, 3 hay bales and a die
Pig Stackin?, Wolf Dodgin? Play! Race those piggies! You?ve got to get all 3 of your piggies to the fresh food across the board. Roll the die to make your move. You can even land on top of another piggy and catch a piggy-back ride! When they roll and move, they have to move your piggy with theirs, taking you even closer to the food!Watch Out for the Wolf. One of the faces of the die says ?Tractor/2.? If you roll that, you can either move 2 spaces, or take control of the wolf and launch a hay bale from his tractor at an opponent. If that hay bale knocks a piggy off its square, that piggy goes back to the closest mud pit, slowing his journey to the food. Checkpoints and Winning.The board has 2 checkpoints, so if your piggy is past a checkpoint and gets hit with a hay bale, the piggy doesn?t have to go all the way back to the beginning mud pit ? just back to the checkpoint mud pit. The first player to get all 3 piggies to the fresh food wins!
Go Piggy Go Board Game [Toy]
The outrageous pig-stackin' wolf-dodgin' board game,Every game is a new adventure as the piggies race for the finish,Slow down your opponent by shooting the tractor's hay bales and sending your opponent back to his mudpit,Strategy and making choices keeps the game challenging and different every time you play,Includes 1 gameboard, 12 piggies, a wolf in his tractor, 3 hay bales and a die
Go Piggy Go! Game: The outrageous pig-stackin' wolf-dodgin' board game! For kids who want playful competition that builds their strategic-thinking skills, Go Piggy Go! is the game for them. This game offers a suspenseful, action-filled board game where every game is a new adventure as the piggies race for the finish, dodging the bad wolf's flying haybales. It's a race to the food, and pig-stacking fun helps you accelerate your journey to the finish line. Slow down your opponent by shooting the tractor's haybales and sending your opponent back to his mudpit. Using strategy and making choices keeps the game challenging and different every time you play. Be the first to safely guide your 3 piggies to the food at the end, and you win! Designed for 2 - 4 players and ages 5 and up. Comes with 1 gameboard, 12 piggies, a wolf in his tractor, 3 haybales and a die.
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