Orchard Toys Alphabet Lotto - Juego para aprender el alfabeto (en inglés) por 14.99€
Aprenda el alfabeto con letras, palabras e imágenes,Nuevo para 2011,Adecuado para 3 años y más,Para 2-5 jugadores,4 juegos en 1
This very simple lotto game will help very young children to recognize letters of the alphabet and the sounds they make. It can be played by up to 5 players. Each player takes a lotto board, and players must decide whether they all play with the letter or picture sides of the boards. All the letter or picture cards are placed face down on the table, and players take it in turns to pick up one of the cards, which they show the other players. If the card matches one of the pictures or letters on their lotto board, they cover it with the card. If not, the card is returned, face down, to the table. The winner is the first player to cover all the spaces on their lotto board. There are 4 versions of the game; players can choose to match picture cards to the picture lotto boards, or letter cards to the letter lotto boards. Or, to make it slightly harder, they can try to match the picture cards to the corresponding letter boards, or match letter cards to the corresponding picture boards. Although this game is ideal for children aged 3 and over, even younger children will enjoy being helped to match the pictures. You can also ask children to find a card with a fish on, or a card with something red on it, or a card with the letter 's'. The letter cards can be used to spell out words as well, so there are many opportunities for extra play value. Children will have so much fun with this game, yet they won't realise that they are learning at the same time.
Orchard Toys Alphabet Lotto por 18.5€
3 years+,2-5 players,Box size: 25.5x22.1x4.4cm,Develops letter recognition,Improves memory skills
Learn the letters of the alphabet in this fun lotto game! Choose which side of the board you play on and try to be the first player to find all the cards that match the letters or pictures on your lotto board.
Orchard Toys - Tombola dell'alfabeto (Alphabet Lotto), Gioco da tavolo educativo [Lingua inglese] por 19.87€
Per imparare l'alfabeto usando lettere, parole e immagini,Per bambini dai 3 anni in su,Per 2-5 giocatori,4 giochi in 1
Orchard Toys l'Alphabet (version anglaise) por 26.42€
De 2 à 5 joueurs,A partir de 3 ans,Aprennez l'alphabet avec les lettres, les mots (Anglais) et les images
This very simple lotto game will help very young children to recognize letters of the alphabet and the sounds they make. It can be played by up to 5 players. Each player takes a lotto board, and players must decide whether they all play with the letter or picture sides of the boards. All the letter or picture cards are placed face down on the table, and players take it in turns to pick up one of the cards, which they show the other players. If the card matches one of the pictures or letters on their lotto board, they cover it with the card. If not, the card is returned, face down, to the table. The winner is the first player to cover all the spaces on their lotto board. There are 4 versions of the game; players can choose to match picture cards to the picture lotto boards, or letter cards to the letter lotto boards. Or, to make it slightly harder, they can try to match the picture cards to the corresponding letter boards, or match letter cards to the corresponding picture boards. Although this game is ideal for children aged 3 and over, even younger children will enjoy being helped to match the pictures. You can also ask children to find a card with a fish on, or a card with something red on it, or a card with the letter 's'. The letter cards can be used to spell out words as well, so there are many opportunities for extra play value. Children will have so much fun with this game, yet they won't realise that they are learning at the same time.
Orchard Toys Alphabet Lotto (englische Version) por 15.35€
Lern die Buchstaben des Alphabets mit diesem fröhlichen Lottospiel! Such dir aus, auf welcher Seite der Tafel du spielen willst, und versuch der Erste zu sein, der alle Buchstaben oder Bilder auf seiner Lottotafel findet. Inhalt: 5 Lottotafeln, 30 Bilderkarten, 30 Buchstabenkarten. Spieleranzahl: 2-5. Alter: 3+ Jahre.
Orchard Toys ist ein führender Hersteller von pädagogisch wertvollen Puzzles und Spielen für Kinder im Alter von 18 Monaten bis 12 Jahren. Das Unternehmen besitzt einen ausgezeichneten Ruf für Design, Herstellung und Kundendienst. Wir entwerfen und produzieren bereits seit 1971 preisgekrönte lehrreiche Spiele, Puzzles und Aktivitäten. Zur Herstellung der Spiele, Puzzles und Produktverpackungen verwenden wir 100 % recycelten Karton. Das Bilderdruckpapier entstammt nachhaltig bewirtschafteter Wälder und seine Oberfläche wurde mit wasserbasiertem Lack behandelt. Alle Produkte werden im Vereinigten Königreich hergestellt. Orchard Toys Produkte werden unter der Devise "Damit Lernen Spaß macht" entworfen und kombinieren buntes, innovatives Design, Haltbarkeit und Qualität mit soliden pädagogischen Prinzipien.
Orchard Toys Alphabet Lotto por 24.07€
Develops letter recognition,Improves memory skills,Links with Early Learning Goals
This very simple lotto game will help very young children to recognize letters of the alphabet and the sounds they make. It can be played by up to 5 players. Each player takes a lotto board, and players must decide whether they all play with the letter or picture sides of the boards. All the letter or picture cards are placed face down on the table, and players take it in turns to pick up one of the cards, which they show the other players. If the card matches one of the pictures or letters on their lotto board, they cover it with the card. If not, the card is returned, face down, to the table. The winner is the first player to cover all the spaces on their lotto board. There are 4 versions of the game; players can choose to match picture cards to the picture lotto boards, or letter cards to the letter lotto boards. Or, to make it slightly harder, they can try to match the picture cards to the corresponding letter boards, or match letter cards to the corresponding picture boards. Although this game is ideal for children aged 3 and over, even younger children will enjoy being helped to match the pictures. You can also ask children to find a card with a fish on, or a card with something red on it, or a card with the letter 's'. The letter cards can be used to spell out words as well, so there are many opportunities for extra play value. Children will have so much fun with this game, yet they won't realise that they are learning at the same time. 3 - 6 Years
Alphabet Lotto por 11.4€
This very simple lotto game will help very young children to recognize letters of the alphabet and the sounds they make. It can be played by up to 5 players. Each player takes a lotto board, and players must decide whether they all play with the letter or picture sides of the boards. All the letter or picture cards are placed face down on the table, and players take it in turns to pick up one of the cards, which they show the other players. If the card matches one of the pictures or letters on their lotto board, they cover it with the card. If not, the card is returned, face down, to the table. The winner is the first player to cover all the spaces on their lotto board. There are 4 versions of the game; players can choose to match picture cards to the picture lotto boards, or letter cards to the letter lotto boards. Or, to make it slightly harder, they can try to match the picture cards to the corresponding letter boards, or match letter cards to the corresponding picture boards. Although this game is ideal for children aged 3 and over, even younger children will enjoy being helped to match the pictures. You can also ask children to find a card with a fish on, or a card with something red on it, or a card with the letter 's'. The letter cards can be used to spell out words as well, so there are many opportunities for extra play value. Children will have so much fun with this game, yet they won't realise that they are learning at the same time.
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