![Zombicide Winning Moves - Juego de Mesa (Contenido en inglés) [Importado de Reino Unido] Zombicide Winning Moves - Juego de Mesa (Contenido en inglés) [Importado de Reino Unido]](https://images-eu.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61y9z6djGYL.jpg)
Zombicide Winning Moves - Juego de Mesa (Contenido en inglés) [Importado de Reino Unido] [Juguete]
Forme un equipo. Prepárese. Nivel máximo. Take'em abajo!,Un juego de tablero caos zombie,60 min: Tiempo de reproducción,Para mayores de 13,1-6 jugadores
Guillotine Games - GUG00001- Zombicide, version anglaise [Toy]
Age minimum : 3 ans,L'article est une version anglaise
Zombicide is a collaborative game for 1 to 6 players developed by Guillotine Games and published by CoolMiniOrNot. A game lasts for 20min (beginner board) to 3 hours (expert board).
71 minis. A special effort has been given to detail and diversity: several models are available for most zombies of the same type (example: several models for "walker"-type zombies, including male and female versions).9 double-sided gaming tiles. Scenarios take place on boards from two to nine tiles in a riot-devastated urban area. Characters move from zone to zone defined by walls and crosswalks. Designers were careful about the overall quality and playability of the tiles' illustrations.Double-sided tokens. Objective tokens. Door tokens. Car tokens. Noise tokens. Zombie spawn zone tokens. More tokens than required indeed. In fact, enough of them are planned to create your craziest scenarios.110 cards. Including Equipment cards and Zombie cards.
New survivors and an expansion to the board game will be released in April 2013!
Guillotine Games GUG00001 - Zombicide Brettspiel - Englisch [Toy]
Zombicide Base Game [Toy]
For 1-6 Players,Playtime can range from 20 minutes (beginner board) to 3 hours (expert board),Fun strategy game,A game lasts for 20min (beginner board) to 3 hours (expert board)
Zombicide is a collaborative game for 1 to 6 players, for 13 years old and up. A game lasts for 20 minutes (beginner board) to 3 hours (expert board). Each player controls from one (for 6 players) to four (solo game) "survivors", human beings in a zombie-infested town. In fact, "survivors" hastily change to "hunters" to smash zombies through and through. However, the team must constantly keep the balance between survival and slaughter: as the zombicide's going on, the "Danger level" is going up and infected are growing in numbers. Any misstep can turn to disaster. Zombicide is a fun and easy game with cool minis in an archetypical, popular and comics-inspired environment. Ambiance is constantly kept between "beat'em up" and "survival horror" as characters keep on turning from preys to predators. Humor and gloom happily marry in a zombie-fest. Find weapons, kill zombies. The more zombies you kill, the more skilled you get, the more skilled you get, the more zombies appear. The only way out is Zombicide! Play 10 scenarios on different maps made from the included modular map tiles, or create your own.
Guillotine Games Zombicide Base Game [Toy]
For 1-6 players,A game lasts for 20min (beginner board) to 3 hours (expert board),Fun strategy game,1 to 6 Players,Ages 13 and up,Playtime can range from 20 minutes (beginner board) to 3 hours (expert board)
COL GUG00001 Features: -For 1-6 players. -Ages 13 and up. -Varying levels of difficulty. -Fun strategy game with lots of replay value. Game: -Board Games. Product Type: -Sets (Game Pieces Included)/Board Games. For Ages...: -Adult. Gender: -Boy. Generic Dimensions: -12.2" H x 12.2" W x 4.2" D, 4.2 lbs. Dimensions: Overall Height - Top to Bottom: -12.2 Inches. Overall Width - Side to Side: -12.2 Inches. Overall Depth - Front to Back: -4.2 Inches. Overall Product Weight: -4.2 Pounds.
Asmodee Italia- Zombicide Gioco da Tavolo CMON 71 Miniature di Pregiata fattura, 8430 [Giocattolo]
Numero di giocatori: 1 - 6,Durata media: 60 min,Età suggerita: da 13 anni in su,Lingua: edizione interamente in italiano,Contenuto 71 miniature, 6 sopravvissuti, 40 deambulanti, 16 corridori, 8 grassoni, 1 abominio, 9 tessere di gioco, 110 mini-carte, 42 carte zombie, 62 carte equipaggiamento, 6 carte ferita, 6 dadi, 6 schede identità dei sopravvissuti, 24 segnalini abilità, 4 segnalini auto, 18 segnalini rumore, 10 segnalini obiettivo, 12 segnalini, porta, 6 indicatori di esperienza, 6 segnalini generazione zombie, 1 segnalino "1° giocatore", 1 segnalino uscita
La scienza! Nello sforzo di raggiungere livelli di produttività superiori, l'uomo ha trasformato piante e animali per i propri fini. Così facendo abbiamo inavvertitamente cambiato noi stessi… Ora macchine di morte deambulanti si aggirano tra le rovine del nostro mondo. È tempo di… ZOMBICIDE! Assumi il ruolo di un Sopravvissuto dotato di abilità uniche e gestisci caratteristiche e gioco di squadra del tuo gruppo contro orde di non morti! Gli zombi sono prevedibili, stupidi ma letali, guidati da semplici regole e un mazzo di carte. Sfortunatamente per te, ci sono MOLTI più zombi che proiettili a tua disposizione… Trova armi, uccidi zombie. Più zombie uccidi, più abile diventerai. Ma ricorda, con l'aumento delle tue abilità crescerà anche il numero di zombie. Affronta 10 scenari su mappe differenti formate con tessere modulari incluse nel gioco o crea scenari personalizzati. Zombicide è un gioco cooperativo da 1 a 6 giocatori, dai 13 anni in su. Una partita dura da 20 minuti (scenari per i principianti) a 3 ore (scenari per esperti).
Zombicide Board Game [Toy]
Zombicide is a collaborative game in which players take the role of a survivor and team up against the hordes of undead,Find weapons, shoot zombies, gain experience and customise your heroes,Complete the mission objectives to win the game,1 to 6 Players,Ages 13 and Up
Zombicide Board Game
Zombicide is a collaborative game in which players take the role of a survivor and team up against the hordes of undead
Find weapons, shoot zombies, gain experience and customise your heroes
Complete the mission objectives to win the game
1 to 6 Players
Ages 13 and Up
Dispatched same day from the UK
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