Fisher-Price - Juguete musical [Producto para bebé]
Tamaño perfecto para las manos pequeñas.,Perlas de colores.,Sonidos divertidos.,Pompones suaves.,Ayuda a fortalecer los sentidos del bebé y su motricidad general.
Fisher-Price Mes Premières Maracas jouet musical, hochets bleu et orange adaptés aux mains de bébé, allient divertissement et douceur, 3 mois et plus, FPY65 [Baby Product]
De taille parfaite pour les petites mains,Perles colorées,Sons amusants,Doux pompons,Aide à renforcer les sens de bébé et sa motricité globale
Fisher Price Musikspielzeug [Baby]
Perfekte Größe für kleine Hände,Farbige Perlen.,Lustige Sounds,Weiche Pompons,Hilft, die Sinne des Babys zu stärken und seine Gesamtmotorik zu stärken.
Fisher-Price Rattle 'n Rock Maracas, Blue/Orange [Amazon Exclusive] [Baby Product]
Includes 2 toy maracas,Sized just right for little hands to grasp and shake,Colorful beads make fun rattle sounds when shaken,Soft, colorful pom-poms,All that grasping and rattling gives your baby's gross motor skills a great workout,Suitable for children 3 months & up
These rockin' maracas are just the right size for your baby's little hands to grasp and shake! With soft, fabric pom-poms and colorful beads that make fun rattle sounds, these maracas will get your little one rattling and rocking to the beat in no time! Where development comes into play; Gross Motor: All that grasping and rattling gives your baby's gross motor skills a great workout! Sensory: The variety of colors, textures, and fun rattle sounds help stimulate your baby's developing senses.
Fisher-Price Rattle 'n Rock Maracas, Gender Neutral [Baby Product]
Includes 2 toy maracas,Sized just right for little hands to grasp and shake,Colorful beads make fun rattle sounds when shaken,Soft, colorful pom-poms,The variety of colors, textures, and fun rattle sounds help stimulate your baby's developing senses
These rocking' maracas are just the right size for your baby's little hands to grasp and shake. With soft, fabric pom-poms and colorful beads that make fun rattle sounds, these maracas will get your little one rattling and rocking to the beat in no time. Where development comes into play Gross Motor: All that grasping and rattling gives your baby's gross motor skills a great workout. Sensory: The variety of colors, textures, and fun rattle sounds help stimulate your baby's developing senses.
Fisher-Price - Giocattolo musicale [Baby Product]
Di dimensione perfetta per le mani piccole.,Perline colorate,Suoni divertenti,Pompon morbidi.,Aiuta a rafforzare i sensi del bambino e la sua motricità complessiva.
Fisher-Price Musical Toy [Baby Product]
Fisher Price Rattle n Rock Maracas,Baby will love shaking and making music,Colourful rattle beads whirl around,Colour: Blue & Orange,Age: 3 months +
Just the right size for little hands to grasp and shake, these maracas will get baby rattling and rocking to the beat in no time.
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