Intex 28000 - Skimmer Deluxe filtro 3.028 litros/hora, Easy Set - Metal Frame [Terraza y Jardín]
Skimmer Deluxe Intex para piscinas AGP, compatible con piscinas hinchables o metálica de Intex y con depuradoras de caudal mínimo de 3.028 litros/horas,Función: recoge las hojas y otros desechos que flotan en la superficie antes de que se depositen en el fondo de la piscina, ayudando a una mejor filtración,Skimmer de polipropileno resistente y duradero, no se ve afectado por los productos químicos utilizados en la piscina,La cesta del filtro es de canasta y se extrae para una fácil limpieza,Medidas: 19 cm (diámetro azul exterior), 12 cm (diámetro azul interior) y 4 cm (diámetro tubo)
Skimmer para depuradoras a partir de 3.028 litros/hora. Fabricado de polipropileno resistente, recoje hojas y deshechos que flotan en la superficie aportando una mejor filtración. Utilizar en piscinas Easy Set y Metal Frame.
Intex - 28000- Accessoires piscines - Skimmer de surface deluxe [Lawn & Patio]
Descriptif produit : Skimmer de surface deluxe,Skimmer livré avec accessoires (fixation sur piscine tubulaire, fixation sur piscine autoportante, tuyaux de raccord...),S'adapte à toutes les Piscines INTEX,Compatible avec piscine enterrée : non,Couleur : blanc
Ce système d'écrémage sera d'une aide précieuse pour garder la surface de l'eau propre, débarrassée des feuilles, insectes et autres débris flottants. Il permet d'aspirer les particules en surface avant quelle ne tombe au fond de la piscine. Son panier est amovible de façon à pouvoir le nettoyer sans problème et facilement. Caractéristiques : - se connecte facilement à la buse d'aspiration - le panier s'ajuste en fonction de la hauteur d'eau de la piscine - réalisé en polypropylène rigide résistant aux attaques des produits chimiques (chlore, etc...) - Livré avec 2 systèmes de fixation pour piscine auto stable ou tubulaire.
Intex Surface Skimmer - Deluxe Wandmontage-Oberflächenskimmer - Einhängeskimmer - Ø 16 cm [Lawn & Patio]
Automatische Abschöpfung bei Anschluss an die Filterpumpe,Einfache Befestigung an Pools mit Metallrahmen oder an Quick-up-Pools (Easy Set),Fängt Blätter und andere Verschmutzungen ab,Langlebiger Polypropylenkunststoff, unempfindlich gegen Schwimmbadchemikalien,Leichte Reinigung durch herausnehmbaren Siebkorb
Intex Deluxe Wall Mount Surface Skimmer [Lawn & Patio]
Intex Deluxe Wall Mount Surface Skimmer,Help catch leaves and debris before they sink to the bottom of the pool with the Intex Deluxe Wall Mount Surface Skimmer.,The skimmer easily mounts to Easy SetTM or metal frame pool sidewalls with an adjustable bracket and attaches to the filter pump for automatic skimming.,The Durable polypropylene plastic is not affected by pool chemicals and the strainer basket pulls out for easy cleaning.,Requires an Intex filter pump with a minimum flow rate of 800 gph (3,028 L/hr).
Keep your pool clear of leaves & debris all summer long with the Index deluxe wall Mount surface Skimmer routes surface water through the strainer basket on its way to the filter pump, automatically catching leaves & other debris before they sink to the bottom of the pool!
Intex Deluxe Wall Mount Surface Skimmer [Lawn & Patio]
Attaches to the filter pump for automatic skimming,Easily mounts to easyset or metal frame pools,Helps catch leaves and other debris,Durable polypropylene plastic not affected by pool chemicals,Strainer basket pulls out for easy cleaning
Keep your pool clear of leaves and debris all summer long - The Intex Deluxe Wall Mount Surface Skimmer routes surface water through the strainer basket on its way to the filter pump, automatically catching leaves and other debris before they sink to the bottom of the pool! Requires an Intex Filter Pump with a minimum flow rate of 800 gallons per hour (3.0 m3/hr). Easily mounts to Easy Set or Metal Frame Pool sidewalls.
Intex 28000 Skimmer Deluxe per Pompe Accessori per Piscine, Unica [Giardino e Terrazza]
Si fissa facilmente su bordi piscina dotati di supporti regolabili Easy Set o Metal Frame,Si collega al filtro della pompa per la scrematura delle foglie automatica,Aiuta a catturare foglie e altri detriti prima che si depositino sul fondo della piscina,Cestello estraibile per una facile pulizia,Resistente struttura in polipropilene che non risente di eventuali prodotti chimici usati nella piscina
SKIMMER DELUXE PER POMPE Filtro DA 3.028 L/H, serve per raccogliere foglie e altri detriti, cestello estraibile per una facile Pulizia, utilizzabile sia con piscine EASY che FRAME con braccetto regolabile.
Intex 28000 Deluxe Pool Skimmer [Lawn & Patio]
Easily mounts to Easy Set or Metal Frame pool sidewalls with adjustable bracket,Attaches to filter pump for automatic skimming,Helps catch leaves and other debris before they sink to the bottom of the pool,Strainer basket pulls out for easy cleaning,Durable polypropylene plastic is not affected by pool chemicals
This automatic surface skimmer works in conjunction with your pool's filter pump. Helps catch leaves and other surface debris before it sink to the pool's floor. Strainer basket pulls out for easy cleaning with a garden hose. This skimmer does not require filter cartridge replacements. This deluxe automatic pool skimmer includes an adjustable mounting bracket that easily mounts to any Intex Easy Set or metal frame pool sidewall. It also fits all other brands of above ground pools including Walmart Sand-N-Sun pool models, Bestway pools and Aqua Leisure pools. You will spend less time cleaning your above ground pool and more time enjoying it! Constructed of durable polypropylene plastic that is not affected by pool chemicals. This automatic surface skimmer requires a filter pump with a minimum water flow rate of 1,500 gph (5,678 L/hr). Total Weight: 5.45 lbs
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