Wow Wee 3785 Trex - Jarra de Hierro para Dedos [Juguete]
La mandíbula de hierro tiene el nombre y como metal para desayuno.,Reacciona al sonido, movimiento y tacto.,Rosas salvajes, mandíbulas para picar e incluso un pequeño gas dino.,Se adhiere a su dedo y fiercely leal,Pilas incluidas; colores adicionales se venden por separado.
WowWee 3785"TRex Iron Jaw Fingerlings Untamed Toy [Toy]
Iron jaw's the name and I eat metal for breakfast!,Reacts to sound, motion, and touch,Wild roars, chomping jaws, and even a little dino gas,Grips onto your finger and fiercely loyal,Batteries included; Additional colors sold separately
Meet the Untamed Baby T-Rex's by Fingerlings! These newborn creatures are fierce and unpredictable, and know friends vs. foes. In untamed mode, they roar, hiss and chomp! In tame mode they nuzzle, purr and love to be near you. Complete with snapping jaws and gripping claws, these interactive dinos react to touch, motion, and sound with over 40 different sounds and animations.
Wowwee 3785 Trex Iron jaw Fingerlings Untamed giocattolo [Giocattolo]
Il nome del mascella di ferro e i Eat metal per la prima colazione.,Reagisce al suono, movimento, e touch,Wild ruggisce, Chomping Jaws, e anche un po 'Dino Gas,Manopole sul dito e ferocemente Leale,Batterie incluse; colori aggiuntivi venduti separatamente
Wow Wee Fingerlings Untamed T-Rex Ironjaw [Toy]
Il s'accroche au doigt et ne le quitte plus,Réagit aux sons, mouvements et toucher.,Plus de 40 réactions à découvrir,Pour les enfants à partir de 5 ans.,Piles fournies ; couleurs supplémentaires vendues séparément
WowWee 3785 Fingerlings Untamed Baby Dinosaurier Trex Ironjaw [Toy]
Ich bin Ironjaw und frühstücke Metall am frühen Morgen!,Reagiert auf Geräusche, Bewegungen und Berührungen!,Wildes Gebrüll, mahlende Kiefer und sogar kleine Dino-Pupse,Klammert sich an deinem Finger fest und will ganz dir gehören,Batterien enthalten. Weitere Farben einzeln erhältlich
Fingerlings Dinos sind die entzückenden Tiere, die es lieben, Dinge zu packen - vor allem Finger! Dieses Fingerlings T-Rex Dino reagiert auf Berührungen und Geräusche - Auch wartet es mit über 40 interaktiven Sounds und Animationen auf, mit denen es zum Ausdruckt bringt wie es sich fühlt. Blister enthält 1 x interaktiven Fingerling Dino mit Sound und Animation-Funktion. Bitte beachten Sie, dass 4 x LR44 Batterien erforderlich sind (Demo-Batterien enthalten). Geeignet für Kinder ab 5.
Untamed T-Rex by Fingerlings - Ironjaw (Blue) - Interactive Collectible Dinosaur - By WowWee [Toy]
Ironjaw's the name and I eat metal for breakfast!,Reacts to sound, motion, and touch,Wild roars, chomping jaws, and even a little dino gas,Grips onto your finger and fiercely loyal,Batteries included; Additional colors sold separately
Untamed T-Rex by Fingerlings - Ironjaw (Blue) - Interactive Collectible Dinosaur - By WowWee [Toy]
Ironjaw's the name and I eat metal for breakfast!,Reacts to sound, motion, and touch,Wild roars, chomping jaws, and even a little dino gas,Grips onto your finger and fiercely loyal,Batteries included; Additional colors sold separately
Meet the Untamed T-Rex's by Fingerlings! These finger-gripping creatures are fierce and unpredictable, and know friends vs. foes. In untamed mode, they roar, hiss and chomp! In tame mode they nuzzle, purr and love to be near you. Complete with snapping jaws and gripping claws, these interactive dinos react to touch, motion, and sound with over 40 different sounds and animations. Your ferocious T-Rex will also greet you with a unique greeting call when you power him on.
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