Playmobil Calendario de Adviento-9264 Taller de Navidad, (9264) [Juguete]
Una calendario de adviento de juguete,24 ventanas con 24 sorpresas,Temática taller de navidad
PLAYMOBIL 9264 - Calendario Adviento "wichtelwerkstatt"
- Advertencia: No recomendado para menores de 3 años debido al peligro de asfixia causada por partes pequeñas.
- PLAYMOBIL es una marca comercial registrada de geobra Brandstätter Stiftung & Co. KG
Playmobil 9264 Advent Calendar 'Santa's Workshop' with Electronic Lantern [Toy]
Looks like the elves are busy getting ready for Christmas!,The Advent calendar "Santa's Workshop," with lots of exciting presents, contains twenty-four surprise items for each day leading up to Christmas,Once all the pieces are revealed, help Santa load the sleigh to deliver the toys!,Includes backdrop, four figures, sleigh, work bench, reindeer, slide, bike, tons of toys, and plenty of other accessories,Recommended for ages four to ten
The Playmobil Santa's Workshop Advent Calendar has 24 boxes to count down to Christmas. As each box is opened it creates a wonderful scene, with father Christmas and his elves helping load the sleigh with toys, pulled by his trusty reindeer. The elves have their hands full to complete the many toys. Even late at night, in the workshop, in the light of the lantern, the presents are wrapped. Now Christmas can come!
Playmobil Calendario dell'Avvento Babbo Natale,, 9264 [Giocattolo]
Ventiquattro caselline da scoprire giorno dopo giorno,Scivolo per i regali, 3 aiutanti di Babbo Natale e la slitta con la renna,Lanterna funzionante,Èta consigliata: da 4 anni in su
Playmobil 9264 - Calendario dell'AVVENTO " wichtelwerkstatt "
- Nota: non adatto a bambini sotto i 3 anni, per via del rischio di soffocamento tramite ingestione di piccole parti
- PLAYMOBIL è un marchio registrato di geobra Brandstätter Stiftung & Co. KG
Playmobil Calendrier Avent Fabrique du Père Noël, 9264 [Toy]
La lanterne fonctionne réellement (nécessite 1 pile CR 2032 3V fournie).,Le cheval à bascule est prévu pour une figurine de bébé.,Un logement permet de suspendre le toboggan au diorama.
Contient 4 personnages, 1 renne, 1 traineau et de nombreux accessoires (train, voilier, cheval ? bascule, ballon, poup?e?)
Playmobil 9264 - Adventskalender Wichtelwerkstatt [Toy]
Die Wichtel haben alle Hände voll zu tun, um die vielen Spielsachen rechtzeitig fertigzustellen,Geschenke werden über die Rutsche direkt zum Verpacken befördert,Mit funktionsfähiger Laterne,Mit 4 Figuren und viel Zubehör
Adventskalender Wichtelwerkstatt
Playmobil Advent Calendar Santa's Workshop [Toy]
Looks like the elves are busy getting ready for Christmas!,The Advent calendar "Santa's Workshop," with lots of exciting presents, contains twenty-four surprise items for each day leading up to Christmas,Once all the pieces are revealed, help Santa load the sleigh to deliver the toys!,Includes backdrop, four figures, sleigh, work bench, reindeer, slide, bike, tons of toys, and plenty of other accessories,Recommended for ages four to ten
Looks like the elves are busy getting ready for Christmas! the Advent calendar "Santa's Workshop," with lots of exciting presents, contains twenty-four surprise items for each day leading up to Christmas, including an electric lantern (battery included.) once all the pieces are revealed, help Santa load the sleigh to deliver the toys! includes backdrop, four figures, sleigh, work bench, reindeer, slide, bike, tons of toys, and plenty of other accessories. Recommended for ages four to ten.
PLAYMOBIL Advent Calendar - Santa's Workshop [Toy]
Looks like the elves are busy getting ready for Christmas!,The Advent calendar "Santa's Workshop," with lots of exciting presents, contains twenty-four surprise items for each day leading up to Christmas,Once all the pieces are revealed, help Santa load the sleigh to deliver the toys!,Includes backdrop, four figures, sleigh, work bench, reindeer, slide, bike, tons of toys, and plenty of other accessories,Recommended for ages four to ten
Looks like the elves are busy getting ready for Christmas! The Advent calendar "Santa's Workshop," with lots of exciting presents, contains twenty-four surprise items for each day leading up to Christmas, including an electric lantern (battery included.) Once all the pieces are revealed, help Santa load the sleigh to deliver the toys! includes backdrop, four figures, sleigh, work bench, reindeer, slide, bike, tons of toys, and plenty of other accessories. Recommended for ages four to ten.
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