Ravensburger UK 27597 Gravitrax-Set de iniciación [Juguete]
Gravitrax es el nuevo sistema STEM de Ravensburger. Usa tu imaginación para construir pistas excelentes y ajustar las esferas de gravedad girando.,Incluye más de 120 piezas.,Este juego es adecuado para más de 1 jugador.,A partir de 8 años.,El sistema de pista Gravitrax se puede extender indefinidamente con paquetes de pista extra y se puede añadir cada uno se vende por separado.
GraviTrax is the all new STEM track system from Ravensburger! Use your imagination to build action-packed tracks and set your balls rolling. The starter set comes with over 100 components and offers everything you need to get started right away - a pack full of endless possibilities and creativity.
Experience the power of gravity! GraviTrax is the all new STEM track system from Ravensburger! Use your imagination to build superb tracks and set the gravity spheres rolling! This STEM system [Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths] is an ideal one to teach kids about gravity, magnetism, kinetic energy and fun. Hit a snag? Freestyle with your own track design or use the tasks and blueprints included to help you to get started in the world of GraviTrax! Are the gravity spheres stopping or flying off before reaching the end target? Time for some problem solving. Rebuild and try something different! The GraviTrax track system can be extended indefinitely with extra track packs and add on's.
Instructions (D, F, EN, NL, E), construction plan booklet, task booklet, 4 base plates, 2 transparent levels, 6 balls, 40 large height tiles, 12 small height tiles, 21 curves, 3 junctions, 2 switches, 1 3-in-1 tile, 1 vortex, 1 launch pad, 1 magnetic cannon, 3 long tracks, 6 medium tracks, 9 short tracks, 1 finish line, 4 basic tiles, inserts for basic tiles: 2 catchers, 1 freefall, 1 splash and 1 landing.
Ravensburger GraviTrax - Starter Set - English Version [Toy]
Gravitrax is the all new STEM track system from Ravensburger! Use your imagination to build superb tracks and set the Gravity Spheres rolling!,Includes over 120 pieces,This set is suitable for 1+ players,Suitable for ages 8 years and up.,The Gravitrax track system can be extended indefinitely with extra track packs and add-on's - each sold separately.
Experience the power of Gravity! Gravitrax is the all new STEM track system from Ravensburger! Use your imagination to build superb tracks and set the Gravity Spheres rolling! This STEM system [Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths] is an ideal one to teach kids about gravity, magnetism, kinetic energy and fun. Hit a snag? Freestyle with your own track design or use the tasks and blueprints included to help you to get started in the world of Gravitrax! Are the Gravity Spheres stopping or flying off before reaching the end target? Time for some problem solving. Rebuild and try something different! The Gravitrax track system can be extended indefinitely with extra track packs and add-on s each sold separately. This set is suitable for 1+ players, ages 8 years and up. The starter set comes with over 100 components and offers everything you need to get started right away - a pack full of possibilities and creativity. It includes 1x Set of Instructions, 1x Set of Blueprint, 1x Exercise booklet, 4x Card Bases, 2x Transparent levels, 6x Gravity Spheres, 3x Long Rails, 6x Medium Rails, 9x Short Rails, 1x Magnetic Cannon, 21x Curved Bases, 3x X intersection Bases, 1x Vortex Base, 2x Y Points Bases, 1x End target, 1x 3in1 Base, 4x Bases for inserts, 1x 3 Way Starter Base Insert, 2x Catcher Base Inserts, 2x Switches, 1x Base Insert, 1x Free Fall Base Insert, 1x Target Base Insert, 40x Large Vertical Tiles, 12x Small Vertical Tiles.
Ravensburger Gravitrax Starter Kit - Gioco Logico-Creativo [Giocattolo]
Gioca con la pista di biglie del futuro, hai a disposizione più di 125 pezzi per costruire il tuo circuito,La qualità Ravensburger si fonde con innovazione, logica e divertimento e crea un altro gioco,GraviTrax Starter Kit è il punto di partenza per accedere ad un elettrizzante universo di piste, tutte diverse e mozzafiato,Sviluppa la tua creatività, logica e manualità per sfidare i principi del magnetismo, della cinetica e della gravità,Per bambini a partire da 8 anni
GraviTrax è il sistema di tutti i nuovi Stem Track da Ravensburger! Usa la tua immaginazione per costruire le tracce ricco di azione e impostare le palle di rotolamento. Il set di avviamento viene fornito con oltre 100 componenti e offre tutto il necessario per iniziare subito-un pacchetto pieno di infinite possibilità e creatività.
Prova il potere della gravità! GraviTrax è il sistema di tutti i nuovi Stem Track da Ravensburger! Usa la tua immaginazione per costruire brani superbi e impostare le sfere di gravità rotolamento! Questo sistema stem [scienza, tecnologia, ingegneria e matematica] è un Ideal per insegnare ai bambini sulla gravità, magnetismo, energia cinetica e divertimento. Ha colpito un intoppo? Freestyle con la propria traccia di progettazione o utilizzare i compiti e le cianografie incluse per aiutarvi a iniziare nel mondo di GraviTrax! Le sfere gravitazionali si fermano o volano prima di raggiungere l'obiettivo finale? Tempo per qualche problem solving. Ricostruire e provare qualcosa di diverso! Il sistema di traccia GraviTrax può essere esteso a tempo indeterminato con pacchetti extra Track e aggiungere su.
Istruzioni per il contenuto (D, F, en, NL, E), libretto piano di costruzione, libretto attività, 4 piastre base, 2 livelli trasparenti, 6 palline, 40 piastrelle grande altezza, 12 piastrelle piccole altezze, 21 curve, 3 giunzioni, 2 interruttori, 1 3-in-1 tegola, 1 vortice, 1 rampa di lancio, 1 cannone magnetico , 3 piste lunghe, 6 piste medie, 9 piste corte, 1 linea di rivestimento, 4 mattonelle di base, inserti per le mattonelle di base: 2 collettori, 1 caduta libera, 1 spruzzata e 1 atterraggio.
Ravensburger GraviTrax : Starter Set Circuit, Billes, Action,créativité,Jeu de Construction, 27597, Néant, Norme [Toy]
Avec le système de circuit à billes GraviTrax, crée tes propres circuits en respectant les lois de la gravité,Age minimum : 8 ans,Dimension du pack : 33,8 x 33,8 x 11 cm
GraviTrax, un jeu de construction qui associe créativité et action.
Avec le système de circuit à billes GraviTrax, créez vos propres circuits en respectant les lois de la gravité. Combinez les blocs de construction pour en faire un parcours riche en actions où les billes atteindront leur cible en s'aidant du magnétisme, de la cinétique et de la gravité.
Le système de circuit à bille GraviTrax peut être agrandi à l'infini grâce aux blocs de construction et plateformes supplémentaires, ainsi qu'aux blocs action pour un amusement sans limites !
Imaginez et construisez vos circuits à billes GraviTrax et faites rouler vos billes jusqu'à leur cible.
Un contenu très riche (106 éléments) qui permet une multiplicité de construction. Une courbe d'apprentissage liée à l'utilisation du produit : plus l'enfant joue, plus il pourra construire des circuits élaborés et produire des effets bluffants sans que sa bille sorte des rails !
La boite contient 1 carnet d'exercices, 1 carnet avec plans de montage, 4 grilles de support, 2 plateformes transparentes, 6 billes, 40 blocs de construction épais, 12 blocs de construction fins, 1 bloc 3-en-1, 1 bloc départ, 21 virages, 3 intersections, 2 aiguillages, 1 tourbillon, 1 canon magnétique, 3 rails longs, 6 rails moyens, 9 rails courts, 1 marqueur d'arrivée, 4 blocs base avec inserts : 2 attrapeurs, 1 chute libre, 1 splash, 1 arrivée.
Ravensburger UK 27597 gravitrax Starter Set [Toy]
gravitrax ist die alle neuen Vorbau Track System von Ravensburger. Verwenden Sie Ihre Phantasie zu bauen Superb Schienen- und-Set die Schwerkraft Kugel rollen.,Mit über 120 Teilen,Dieses Set ist für 1 + Spieler geeignet,Geeignet für Kinder ab 8 Jahren und bis.,Das gravitrax Schienen-System erweitert werden kann auf unbestimmte Zeit mit extra Track Packungen und Add-on 's, jedes separat verkauft.
Gravitrax ist das neue stem-Track-System von Ravensburger! Nutzen Sie Ihre Phantasie, um actiongeladene Tracks zu bauen und Ihre Bälle ins Rollen zu setzen. Das Starter-Set verfügt über mehr als 100 Komponenten und bietet alles, was man braucht, um sofort loszulegen-eine Packung voller unendlicher Möglichkeiten und Kreativität.
Erleben Sie die Kraft der Schwerkraft! Gravitrax ist das neue stem-Track-System von Ravensburger! Nutzen Sie Ihre Phantasie, um hervorragende Tracks zu bauen und die Gravitations Sphären ins Rollen zu setzen! Dieses stem-System [Wissenschaft, Technologie, Ingenieurwesen und Mathematik] ist ein Ideal, das Kindern über Schwerkraft, Magnetismus, kinetische Energie und Spaß unterrichtet. Hit a snag? Freestyle mit eigenem Track-Design oder nutzen Sie die Aufgaben und Blaupausen, die Ihnen helfen, in der Welt von gravitrax anzufangen! Halten oder fliegen die Gravitations Sphären ab, bevor Sie das Endziel erreichen? Zeit für einige Problemlösungen. Wieder aufbauen und etwas anderes ausprobieren! Das gravitrax-Track-System kann mit zusätzlichen Track-Packs unbegrenzt erweitert werden und es hinzufügen.
Inhalts Anleitungen (D, F, en, NL, E), Bauplan Heft, Task Booklet, 4 Bodenplatten, 2 transparente Ebenen, 6 Kugeln, 40 große Höhen Fliesen, 12 kleine Höhen Fliesen, 21 Kurven, 3 Knotenpunkte, 2 Schalter, 1 3-in-1-Fliesen, 1 Wirbel, 1 startpolster, 1 Magnet Kanone , 3 lange Gleise, 6 Mittelstrecken, 9 kurze Gleise, 1 Ziellinie, 4 Grundfliesen, Einsätze für Grundfliesen: 2 Fänger, 1 Freefall, 1 Splash und 1 Landung.
Ravensburger Gravitrax Marble Run and Stem Toy for Boys and Girls Age 8 and up an Innovative Construction Set with Endless Building Possibilities [Toy]
What you get - gravitrax is an innovative marble run and STEM toy for boys and girls made with high quality components, designed for ages 8 and up. It comes with 122 pieces and is an ideal holiday or birthday gift for Smart, curious kids aged 8 and up.,Innovative - the gravitrax interactive track system allows you to design and build your own race tracks and experiment with gravity, magnetism, and kinetics to propel your ball to the finish.,Clear instructions - comes with clear instructions so that you can start building and playing within minutes.,Develops critical skills - playing and building with gravitrax builds spatial reasoning and planning skills, and provides a great stealth learning experience.
What you get – Gravitrax is an innovative marble run and STEM toy for boys and girls made with high quality components, designed for ages 8 and up. It comes with 122 pieces and is an ideal holiday or birthday gift for Smart, curious kids aged 8 and up. Innovative – the Gravitrax interactive track system allows you to design and build your own race tracks and experiment with gravity, magnetism, and kinetics to propel your ball to the finish. Clear instructions – comes with clear instructions so that you can start building and playing within minutes. Develops critical skills – playing and building with Gravitrax builds spatial reasoning and planning skills, and provides a great stealth learning experience.
Ravensburger 27597 Gravitrax Starter Set, Multi [Toy]
What you get - gravitrax is an innovative marble run and STEM toy for boys and girls made with high quality components, designed for ages 8 and up. It comes with 122 pieces and is an ideal holiday or birthday gift for Smart, curious kids aged 8 and up.,Innovative - the gravitrax interactive track system allows you to design and build your own race tracks and experiment with gravity, magnetism, and kinetics to propel your ball to the finish.,Clear instructions - comes with clear instructions so that you can start building and playing within minutes.,Develops critical skills - playing and building with gravitrax builds spatial reasoning and planning skills, and provides a great stealth learning experience.,As seen on TV - gravitrax was featured on 'live with Kelly and Ryan' as one of the best products shown at the 2018 new York toy fair.
With the gravitrax interactive track system and marble run, you can design and build your own race tracks and experiment with gravity, magnetism, and kinetics to propel your ball to the finish. With a variety of tiles, levels, tracks and features, you can control the speed of each ball. The open-ended building concept offers endless possibilities to design a different track every time you play. Add flair and speed to your tracks with expansion sets and action accessories. Gravitrax is a fun STEM toy for boys and girls that comes with over 100 pieces and 18 different construction elements. The gravitrax starter set offers everything you need to begin building your own action-packed track systems. Discover how the laws of physics affect the track your ball takes with curves, crosses, freefalls and even a cannon. Experiment using different heights and angles to control the speed of the ball. The included tasks and construction plans introduce you to the world of gravitrax. or let your creativity take over and begin constructing your own track designs from scratch.
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