Playmobil - Pirámide del Faraón (5386) [Juguete]
5 cámaras con trampas individuales,Parte posterior de la pirámide abierta para una mayor jugabilidad,5 cámaras con trampas individuales; parte posterior de la pirámide abierta para una mayor jugabilidad; incluye tres figuras
Playmobil History 5386 set de juguetes - sets de juguetes (Acción / Aventura, Niño, Multicolor)
- ¿Viajamos hasta el mismísimo Egipto? Recrea la pirámide del faraón, un majestuoso monumento con el que pondrás el broche final a una de las colecciones de Playmobil 2016 más esperadas
- Ya estás tardando
- ; )
Playmobil 5386 Egyptian Pharaoh's Pyramid with Many Hidden Tombs and Traps [Toy]
Includes 3 Playmobil Egyptians and accessories,Includes, a Mummy and a skeleton and lots of secret Trap Doors,Can be combined with the Tomb Raiders Camp (5386) & Egyptian Troop with Ballista (5388) Egyptian warrior with Camel (5389),Encourages learning from interactive play,Great addition to the Playmobil History range
The pyramid hides exciting puzzles, dangerous traps and valuable treasures! But beware of the skeletons and the mummy!
The five chambers inside the pyramid involve each individual puzzles and traps
The back of the pyramid can be opened.
The portal at the front of the pyramid can not be opened.
The secret grave chamber has space for numerous Egyptian treasures of the pyramid.
Dimensions: 46 x 37.5 x 27 cm
Playmobil 5386 - Grande Piramide del Faraone, Multicolore [Giocattolo]
Genere: azione/avventura,Genere consigliato: ragazzo,Èta consigliata: da 6 anni in su
Playmobil 5386 Grande Piramide del Faraone
- Ognuna delle 5 camere interne è difesa da trappole (interruttori segreti, botole, porte girevoli)
- La parte posteriore della piramide è aperta per una migliore giocabilità
- Rimuovendo i lati si accede alle stanze interne
- Il portale anteriore della piramide è chiuso e non può essere aperto
- Nella camera sepolcrale segreta c'è spazio per i tesori egiziani.
Playmobil - 5386 - Jeu - Pyramide Du Pharaon [Toy]
En avant les histoires avec la Pyramide du Pharaon Play mobil,La Pyramide n'a pas livrée tous ses secrets !,A partir de 3 ans.
Saurez-vous trouver le trésor ?
Symbole du génie égyptien, la pyramide est également un véritable labyrinthe ce qui en fait le lieu idéal pour cacher les trésors inestimables du pharaon.
Passages secrets, pièges redoutables et embuscades attendent les courageux aventuriers.
Une porte s'ouvre sur le devant de la pyramide. Il y a deux pièges dans la pyramide.
Ce coffret contient :
- 3 personnages
- des animaux (scorpions, araignées, serpent)
- plusieurs accessoires (caisses, torches, squelette, cranes, sarcophage, trésors, poignards...)
PLAYMOBIL 5386 - Pyramide des Pharao [Toy]
PLAYMOBIL ist ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen von geobra Brandstätter Stiftung & Co. KG,Warnhinweis: Nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 3 Jahren, wegen Erstickungsgefahr durch Kleinteile.,-
Pyramide des Pharao mit spannenden Rätseln, gefährlichen Fallen und wertvollen Schätzen. Aber Achtung vor den Skeletten und der Mumie! Die fünf Kammern im Inneren der Pyramide bergen jeweils individuelle Rätsel und Fallen (geheime Schalter, Falltüren, Drehtüren u. v. m.). Die Rückseite der Pyramide ist offen gestaltet, sodass sie von hier einfach bespielt werden kann. Nach abnehmen der seitlichen Pyramidenwände offenbaren sich weitere Kammern mit neuen Spielmöglichkeiten. Das Portal an der Vorderseite der Pyramide ist für immer geschlossen und kann nicht geöffnet werden. In der geheimen Grabkammer ist Platz für die zahlreichen ägyptischen Schätze der Pyramide.
Playmobil Pharaoh's Pyramid Building Set [Toy]
Unlock ancient secrets and mysteries inside Pharaoh's Pyramid. The five chambers within hide precious treasures protected by tricky puzzles and sneaky traps.,Discover the room filled with jewels and golden riches or climb the stairs to enter the tomb chamber complete with mummy. Just watch out for the booby trap waiting to drop you below! Remove the pyramid walls to discover even more ways to play. You can sneak through the revolving door, but be careful. There might be some skeletons or spiders hiding in the shadows.,Set includes three figures, tomb, mummy, two skeletons, treasures, spiders, fire pots, hieroglyphics, and many other accessories. Recommended for ages six years and up.,Dimensions: 18.1 x 14.8 x 10.6 in (LxWxH).,Warning. Choking Hazard. Small parts. Not for children under 3 years.
Unlock ancient secrets and mysteries inside pharaoh's pyramid. The five chambers within hide precious treasures protected by tricky puzzles and sneaky traps. Discover the room filled with jewels and golden riches or climb the stairs to enter the tomb chamber complete with Mummy. Just watch out for the booby trap waiting to drop you below! remove the pyramid walls to discover even more ways to play. You can sneak through the revolving door but be careful, there might some skeletons or spiders hiding in the shadows. Set includes three figures, tomb, Mummy, two skeletons, treasures, spiders, fire pots, hieroglyphics, and many other accessories. Dimensions: 18.1 x 14.8 x 10.6 in (LxWxH). New 2017
PLAYMOBIL Pharaoh's Pyramid [Toy]
Unlock ancient secrets and mysteries inside pharaoh's pyramid,The five chambers within hide precious treasures protected by tricky puzzles and sneaky traps,Discover the room filled with jewels and golden riches or climb the stairs to enter the tomb Chamber complete with Mummy,Just watch out for the booby trap waiting to drop you below! remove the pyramid walls to discover even more ways to play,You can sneak through the revolving door but be careful, there might some skeletons or spiders hiding in the Shadows
Unlock ancient secrets and mysteries inside pharaoh's pyramid. The five chambers within hide precious treasures protected by tricky puzzles and sneaky traps. Discover the room filled with jewels and golden riches or climb the stairs to enter the tomb chamber complete with Mummy. Just watch out for the booby trap waiting to drop you below! remove the pyramid walls to discover even more ways to play. You can sneak through the revolving door but be careful, there might some skeletons or spiders hiding in the shadows. Set includes three figures, tomb, Mummy, two skeletons, treasures, spiders, fire pots, hieroglyphics, and many other accessories. Recommended for ages six and up. Dimensions: 18.1 x 14.8 x 10.6 in (LxWxH).
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