Giotto be-bè 466800 - Estuche 10 súper ceras irrompibles de colores y sacapuntas [Material de oficina]
Súper ceras irrompibles, ideales para los más pequeños,Formato extra grueso, fáciles de empuñar y muy resistentes a las caídas,Dermatológicamente testadas,Pueden ser afiladas con extrema facilidad,Incluye Súper sacapuntas
FILA "Be-Bé" Washable Crayons with Sharpener (Pack of 10) [Toy]
contained units:1,Other Writing Instruments - 466800,FILA - crayons,Be-Be unbroken crayons 10 units - Fila,Fila - 537685,A new and original product
Give Your Ideas Some Colour. 10 Giotto Be-Be Wax Crayons Plus A Crayon Sharpener To Keep The Tips Looking Like New. The Crayons Are Soft And Easy To Use, And The Extra-Large Shape Makes It Easier For Tiny Tots To Grip Them.The Colours Are Washable And Dermatologically Tested, While The Crayon Sharpener Has No Removable Parts
Giotto Bebè 466800 - Superpastelloni a Cera Astuccio 10 Colori [Prodotti per ufficio]
Le confezioni sono create interamente con cartone riciclabile, hanno un vassoio all'interno per alloggiare i pastelli. Il vassoio è facilmente estraibile grazie alla linguetta.,Nuovo design ergonomico che facilita l'impugnatura,Superlavabile da mani e tessuti, dermatologicamente testato
Fila 466800
Astuccio appendibile 10 Superpastelloni a cera colori assortiti Giotto be-bè
Descrizione generaleMolto più di un pastello a cera, i Superpastelloni a cera Giotto be-bè sono unici perché supergiocosi e supersicuri. Il colore si stende con facilità, non si rompono quando cadono, non sporcano le mani e non macchiano gli indumenti e le superfici. Sono dermatologicamente testati e si possono temperare con l'apposito appuntapastellone inserito nella confezione.Confezione10 super pastelloni colori assortitiLinea prodottoGiotto be-bèNoteUtilizzabili a partire dai 2 anni di età
Giotto Be-Be [Office Product]
Description du produit: Giotto Be-Be,Marque - FILA,Réf - 466800,Produit - Crayon de cire
Ceras Giotto fáciles de sujetar muy resistentes a las caídas. -Colores brillantes, súper lavables y dermatológicamente testados -Fajita de recubrimiento individual -Estuche que permite guardar el producto encajado para su siguiente uso -Certificado para niños menos de 36 meses -Sin gluten -Contiene sacapuntas
GIOTTO be-bè 4668 00 - Bruchsichere Wachsmalstifte, farbig sortiert [Toy]
Extra-robuste, bruchsichere Wachsmalkreide,Dermatologisch getestet,Färben beim Malen nicht auf Hände ab,Aus der Kleidung auswaschbar,Inklusive Spitzer
Die Superwachsstifte Giotto be-b? sind mehr als einfache Wachsstifte. Sie sind einzigartig zum Spielen und supersicher. Geeignet ab dem Alter von zwei Jahren. Die Farben lassen sich leicht auftragen, sie brechen nicht beim Herunterfallen, machen die Hände nicht dreckig und verschmutzen keine Kleidung oder Oberflächen. Sie sind dermatologisch getestet und können leicht mit dem beiliegenden Spitzer angespitzt werden.
Give Your Ideas Some Colour,10 Giotto Be-Be Wax Crayons Plus A Crayon Sharpener To Keep The Tips Looking Like New,The Crayons Are Soft And Easy To Use, And The Extra-Large Shape Makes It Easier For Tiny Tots To Grip Them,The Colours Are Washable And Dermatologically Tested, While The Crayon Sharpener Has No Removable Parts
Give Your Ideas Some Colour. 10 Giotto Be-Be Wax Crayons Plus A Crayon Sharpener To Keep The Tips Looking Like New. The Crayons Are Soft And Easy To Use, And The Extra-Large Shape Makes It Easier For Tiny Tots To Grip Them.The Colours Are Washable And Dermatologically Tested, While The Crayon Sharpener Has No Removable Parts
Giotto Be Be Super Crayons 10 PCS + Crayon Sharpener [Art and Craft Supply]
Give Your Ideas Some Colour,10 Giotto Be-Be Wax Crayons Plus A Crayon Sharpener To Keep The Tips Looking Like New,The Crayons Are Soft And Easy To Use, And The Extra-Large Shape Makes It Easier For Tiny Tots To Grip Them,The Colours Are Washable And Dermatologically Tested, While The Crayon Sharpener Has No Removable Parts
Give Your Ideas Some Colour. 10 Giotto Be-Be Wax Crayons Plus A Crayon Sharpener To Keep The Tips Looking Like New. The Crayons Are Soft And Easy To Use, And The Extra-Large Shape Makes It Easier For Tiny Tots To Grip Them.The Colours Are Washable And Dermatologically Tested, While The Crayon Sharpener Has No Removable Parts
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