Play-Doh - Horno mágico (Hasbro B9740EU4) [Juguete]
Horno magico de Play-Doh,Aumenta la imaginación y la creatividad,Edad recomendada: a partir de 3 años
Deja volar tu imaginación y disfruta moldeando con el horno mágico de Play-Doh. Crea, moldea y prepara coloridos platos con la plastilina Play-Doh y disfruta con el horno mágico con efectos de luz y sonido. En el set horno mágico de Play-Doh encontrarás 1 horno con efectos de luz y sonidos, 6 botes de plastilina Play-Doh, 3 moldes, 7 piezas para trabajar la plastilina y otros utensilios para disfrutar con el juego. La plastilina Play-Doh incluida NO es comestible.Funciona con 3 pilas AAA NO incluidas.
PLAY-DOH Kitchen Creations Magical Oven Set [Toy]
See Play-Doh foods "bake" in the electronic Magical Oven,Load pretend food and Play-Doh compound, then press the lever,White light changes to red and oven makes Ding! sound when done "baking",Make pretend foods like make-believe muffins, play pizzas, and crazy cakes,Create side dishes and show off creations with the plates and utensils
Experience the fun of baking without the heat and dirty dishes with this Play-Doh Kitchen Creations Magical Oven. The Magical Oven has real lights and sounds. Simply put some Play-Doh compound in a pretend food attachment and place it in the oven, then press the lever and see the Play-Doh food "bake" almost like magic! The lights change from white to red as the pretend food finishes "cooking", then the oven makes a "ding" sound when it's done. The five pretend food attachments include favourites like make-believe muffins, crazy cake, pretend pie, and more. Add fun side dishes with the moulds to customise the creations, and when finished, show them off with the plates and utensils. The creation card can help inspire your junior chef with even more fun things to make. With Play-Doh Kitchen Creations, the best ingredient of all is imagination! A great gift for ages three and up. What's in the box? 5 x pretend food attachments 3 x cutters Roller Knife Fork Spoon Plate 6 x cans of Play-Doh
Play-Doh - Magico Forno [Giocattolo]
6 vasetti di morbida pasta,Con tutti gli accessori del fornaio,Scatena la tua creatività
Cosa c'è nel forno? Pizza, torta o biscotti? Col magico forno di Play-Doh puoi cuocere ogni tipo di cibo: basta tagliarlo con le sagome, metterlo nella teglia e infilarlo in forno Ecco fatto: quando chiudi lo sportello e premi la levetta, vedrai accendersi la luce e la pasta da modellare piano piano lievitare La confezione contiene gli accessori del fornaio e 6 vasetti standard di Play-Doh.
Play-Doh - B9740EU40 - Le Four Magique [Toy]
*Inclus : 6 pots (2Oz) de pâte, le four, 4 moules et des accessoires, piles non incluses,*Les nombreux moules sur le four permettent de créer toutes sortes d'aliments!,Lorsque tes créations sont Prêtes, place-les dans le four et appuie sur la manette
Avec PlayDoh, les créations en pâte à modeler n'ont pas de limite ! Amusez-vous à jouer les petits chefs cuistos avec cette cuisinière électronique PlayDoh et réalisez d'appétissants plats ! Contenu : - 1 four - 6 pots de pâte à modeler : rouge, vert, orange, jaune, blanc, bleu - 4 moules - des accessoires (rouleau, couverts ...) Fonctionne avec 3 piles 1,5V AAA (non fournies)
Hasbro B9740EU4 - Play-Doh Play-Doh Magischer Ofen Actionfigur [Toy]
Backt wie durch Zauberei die eigenen Knetgerichte,Enthält Ofen, Backzubehör (wie Backbleche, Ausstecher, Messer, Gabel, Löffel, Teller) und 6 Dosen Play-Doh à 56g,3x 1,5V AAA (LR03) Batterien erforderlich (nicht enthalten),Motiviert zum kreativen Spielen und fördert die Feinmotorik,Ab 3 Jahren geeignet
Hasbro Play-Doh Magischer Ofen | B9740EU4
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