Quercetti 13/0900 - Estuche para crear mosaicos (300 clavos) [Juguete]
Deja que tu imaginación con este tablero creativo,Incluye 300 clavijas en 3 tamaños diferentes,Base tiene todas las clavijas cuando no estén en uso,Grandes pegboard blanco "bloquea" en el lugar, e incluye caballete de pie en la base para exhibir obras de arte,Asas integradas para la portabilidad y el apalancamiento
Fantacolor Portable [Toy]
External frame with pegs and curved edges,Original round design,The built in handles make it the perfect travel-size toy,Set includes 300 pegs, 1 peg-board, 1 easel stand and 1 album with design pattern,Recommended for 4 years age and above
The new external frame with pegs and curved edges, together with the perfectly effective locks and the original round design of the pegboard make the Fantacolor Design line one of the best offers in the market for inventiveness, safety and purposiveness.
The board can also be positioned vertically, standing on its base just like a picture frame, so that your children's masterpieces can be displayed in full view! The built in handles make it the perfect travel-size toy: the pegboard locks firmly on top of the frame and all components can be safely stored and easily carried around. The kit also includes an album with fun designs for your child to copy.
300 pegs in 3 different sizes (10, 15, 20 mm)
1 peg-board
1 easel stand
1 album with design patterns
Quercetti 0900 - Mosaik Fanta Color, Chiodini da infilare, compresi 300 chiodini [Giocattolo]
I mitici chiodini Quercetti con cui riprodurre colorati mosaici e disegni,Attività divertente, creativa ed educativa, che stimola la sensibilità cromatica, addestra la coordinazione occhio-mano e sviluppa le capacità manipolative,Contiene 160 chiodini in 5 colori, 1 tavoletta traforata, 1 comodo cestello con maniglia, 1 album di esempi
Codice Prodotto : Quercetti 0900 - FC Design
Giochi giocattoli bambini Quercetti 0900 FC Design 300 chiodini in 3 diverse dimensioni made in italy
La nuovissima cornice traforata con i bordi arrotondati, i ganci di chiusura dall' impeccabile funzionamento, l'originale tavoletta anch'essa traforata e dal design innovativo senza spigoli, mettono la linea Fantacolor Design ai vertici dell'offerta per originalità, sicurezza e massima funzionalità. Messo in orizzontale, ma anche in verticale, grazie all'apposito piede da incastrare nei bordi, risulta facile comporre bellissimi disegni e poi presentarli al meglio come fossero incorniciati da un portafoto. Grazie alle maniglie, poi, è comodo da trasportare dove vuoi dopo aver rimesso tutto a posto nel capiente cestino-cornice. E' incluso un ricco album con tanti esempi di composizione da copiare
Quercetti - 13/0900 - Loisirs Créatifs - Jeu De Mosaïques De 300 Clous [Toy]
Fantacolor portable, il est un jeu d'agencement intemporel qui s'amusait des générations d'enfants,Toutes les pièces sont stockées dans un cas facile à transporter et convient pour les voyages,Pour annuler facilement une composition, renverse la tablette sur le sac à main et pousser les chevilles,Valeurs éducatives: Imaginer, inventer, créer
300 boutons de 3 tailles : 10, 15, 20 mm et une valisette. Le cadre permet de maintenir la tablette a la verticale comme un véritable porte-photo afin que les créations des enfants soient exposées comme de véritables chefs s'oeuvre ! - Garçon et Fille - A partir de 4 ans - Livré a l'unité
Quercetti 0900 - Mosaik-Steckspiel Fanta Color Design, 300 Stecker in 3 Größen (10,15,20mm) [Toy]
300 Stecker in 10, 15 und 20 mm Größe,mit tollem Musteralbum,Steckbrett kann als Rahmen aufgestellt werden
Quercetti 0900 - Mosaik-Steckspiel Fanta Color, inklusiv 300 Stecker
- Lassen sie ihrer phantasie rennen wild with this kreative stecktafel
- Inklusive 300 pflöcke in 3 verschiedene größen
- Basis hält alle pflöcke bei nichtgebrauch
- Große weiße pegboard "Sperren" an Ort und Stelle, und umfasst Staffelei stehen auf Basis Kunstwerk zu präsentieren
- Einbau griff für portabilität und hebelkraft
Quercetti Fantacolor Design [Lawn & Patio]
Let your imagination run wild with this creative pegboard,Includes 300 pegs in 3 different sizes,Base holds all pegs when not in use,Large white pegboard "locks" in place, and includes easel stand on base to showcase artwork,Built-in handles for portability and leverage
This kit includes 300 colorful pegs in 3 different diameters! The base holds all of the pegs when not in use. The large white peg board "locks" in place. The carrying case has built-in handles for portability and leverage. The easel stands on the base to showcase the beautiful artwork that has been created. Great for ages 4 and above.
Quercetti Fantacolor Design [Toy]
Let your imagination run wild with this creative pegboard,Includes 300 pegs in 3 different sizes,Base holds all pegs when not in use,Large white pegboard "locks" in place, and includes easel stand on base to showcase artwork,Built-in handles for portability and leverage
The new external frame with pegs and curved edges, together with the perfectly effective locks and the original round design of the pegboard make the Fantacolor Design line one of the best offers in the market for inventiveness, safety and purposiveness. The board can also be positioned vertically, standing on its base just like a picture frame, so that your children's masterpieces can be displayed in full view! The built in handles make it the perfect travel-size toy: the pegboard locks firmly on top of the frame and all components can be safely stored and easily carried around. The kit also includes an album with fun designs for your child to copy.
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