Bears vs Babies: Un juego de cartas de los Creadores de Exploding Kittens [Juguete]
Un juego de cartas Monster-Building de los creadores de los Exploding Kittens,Juego de fiestas familiar, altamente estratégico para 2-5 jugadores y sólo 20 minutos para jugar!,Incluye 107 tarjetas (2,5 x 3,5 pulgadas), Playmat, hoja de preguntas frecuentes, Rule Book todo dentro de un PELUSO CAJA!!,Grooming kit se vende por separado.
Este es un juego de cartas donde se construyen monstruos que comen a los bebés. Quien come la mayoría de los bebés gana. Fue hecha por la misma gente inteligente, atractiva, que hizo la mejor venta, Kickstarter-registro que rompe el juego, Exploding Kittens. Cada juego incluye 107 Tarjetas (2,5 x 3,5 pulgadas), un Playmat, una hoja de FAQ, y un Rule Book todo dentro de un PELUSO CAJA!
Bears vs Babies: A Card Game from the Creators of Exploding Kittens [Toy]
A Monster-Building Card Game From the Creators of Exploding Kittens.,Family-friendly, highly-strategic party game for 2-5 players and only 20 minutes to play!,Includes 107 Cards (2.5 x 3.5 inches), Playmat, FAQ sheet, Rule Book all inside a FURRY BOX!,Grooming kit sold separately.
Bears vs Babies is a card game where you build handsome, incredible monsters who go to war with horrible, awful babies. It was created by the same people who made Exploding Kittens: Elan Lee (Xbox, ARGs) and Matthew Inman (The Oatmeal). The game takes a few minutes to learn, it's kid-friendly, and each round takes about 20 minutes to play. The shared deck of cards consists of bear parts (and other monster parts) and baby cards. When you draw a part, you use it to build a monster for yourself; when you draw a baby, it goes in the center of the table. When babies are provoked, they attack, and anyone who has fewer monster parts than the number of attacking babies loses their monster; everyone with more parts than babies defeats this infantile army and scores. Ages 10+ Players 2-5 Playing time 20 minutes
Bears vs Babies: un gioco di carte dai creatori di Exploding Kittens [Giocattolo]
Un gioco di carte di mostro che nascono dai creatori di Exploding Kittens.,Partita ideale per famiglie e altamente strategica per 2-5 giocatori e solo 20 minuti da giocare!,Comprende 107 schede (2,5 x 3,5 pollici), Playmat, FAQ, Regolamento tutto all'interno di un PELOSO SCATOLA!,Kit di cura da vendere separatamente.
Questo è un gioco di carte in cui costruisci mostri che mangiano i bambini. Chi mangia i più bambini vince. E 'stato fatto dalle stesse persone intelligenti, attraenti, che hanno fatto il più venduto, Kickstarter-record breaking game, Exploding Kittens. Ogni gioco include 107 schede (2.5 x 3.5 pollici), una Playmat, un foglio di FAQ e un Regolamento tutto all'interno di una PELOSO SCATOLA!
Bears vs Babies: Un jeu de carte par les créateurs de Exploding Kittens – Version anglaise [Toy]
• Ours vs Bébés, un jeu de carte pour créer des monstres, par les créateurs de Exploding Kittens.,• Jeu familial et hautement stratégique, de 2 à 5 joueurs, et d'une durée de jeu d'une vingtaine de minutes,• Inclus 107 cartes à jouer (de dimensions de 2.5 x 3.5 pouces), un tapis de jeu, instructions et FAQ, le tout dans une BOITE VELUE !,• Kit d'entretien vendu séparément
Bears vs Babies is a card game where you build handsome, incredible monsters who go to war with horrible, awful babies. It was created by the same people who made Exploding Kittens: Elan Lee (Xbox, ARGs) and Matthew Inman (The Oatmeal). The game takes a few minutes to learn, it's kid-friendly, and each round takes about 20 minutes to play. The shared deck of cards consists of bear parts (and other monster parts) and baby cards. When you draw a part, you use it to build a monster for yourself; when you draw a baby, it goes in the center of the table. When babies are provoked, they attack, and anyone who has fewer monster parts than the number of attacking babies loses their monster; everyone with more parts than babies defeats this infantile army and scores.
Bears vs Babies: Ein Kartenspiel von den Machern von Exploding Kittens (Englische Version) [Toy]
• Ein Kartenspiel zum Monsterbauen- von den Machern von Exploding Kittens.,• Ein familienfreundliches, höchst strategisches Partyspiel für 2-5 Spieler und nur 20 Minuten Spieldauer!,• Enthält 107 Karten (6.35 x 8.89cm), ein Spielfeld, FAQ, eine Anleitung- all das in einer haarigen Box!,• Pflegeset wird separat verkauft.
Bears vs Babies is a card game where you build handsome, incredible monsters who go to war with horrible, awful babies. It was created by the same people who made Exploding Kittens: Elan Lee (Xbox, ARGs) and Matthew Inman (The Oatmeal). The game takes a few minutes to learn, it's kid-friendly, and each round takes about 20 minutes to play. The shared deck of cards consists of bear parts (and other monster parts) and baby cards. When you draw a part, you use it to build a monster for yourself; when you draw a baby, it goes in the center of the table. When babies are provoked, they attack, and anyone who has fewer monster parts than the number of attacking babies loses their monster; everyone with more parts than babies defeats this infantile army and scores.
Bears Vs Babies Card Game [Toy]
Ages 10+,Players 2-5,Playing time 20 minutes
Bears vs Babies is a card game where you build handsome, incredible monsters who go to war with horrible, awful babies. It was created by the same people who made Exploding Kittens: Elan Lee (Xbox, ARGs) and Matthew Inman (The Oatmeal). The game takes a few minutes to learn, it's kid-friendly, and each round takes about 20 minutes to play. The shared deck of cards consists of bear parts (and other monster parts) and baby cards. When you draw a part, you use it to build a monster for yourself; when you draw a baby, it goes in the center of the table. When babies are provoked, they attack, and anyone who has fewer monster parts than the number of attacking babies loses their monster; everyone with more parts than babies defeats this infantile army and scores.
Bears vs Babies: A Card Game From the Creators of Exploding Kittens [Toy]
A Monster-Building Card Game From the Creators of Exploding Kittens.,Family-friendly, highly-strategic party game for 2-5 players and only 20 minutes to play!,Includes 107 Cards (2.5 x 3.5 inches), Playmat, FAQ sheet, Rule Book all inside a FURRY BOX!,Grooming kit sold separately.
This is a card game where you build monsters who eat babies. Whoever eats the most babies wins. It was made by the same intelligent, attractive, people who made the best selling, Kickstarter-record breaking game, Exploding Kittens. Each game includes 107 Cards (2.5 x 3.5 inches), a Playmat, an FAQ sheet, and a Rule Book all inside a FURRY BOX!
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