Zoe - Fingerlings [CE]
Fingerlings Baby Monkeys love hanging onto your finger and know when theyre being touched, talked to, and even hung upside down! These perfect primate pets come to life with over 50 animations to let you know how they feel. Youll fall in love with these sweet and sometimes silly critters with their realistic monkey sounds, adorable blinking eyes and head turns, plus hands that grip and a curly hanging tail. You can swing them, pet them, hug and kiss them, plus rock them to sleep!
WowWee Fingerlings Turquoise Pet Baby Monkey [Toy]
Zoe is my name, and I love to grab onto things (especially your fingers),Fingerlings respond to sound, motion, and touch with blinking eyes, head turns, and silly monkey babble,Blow them kisses and they will kiss you back; Pet them to sleep or make a loud noise and watch them get excited,Hang them upside-down by the tail and watch them monkey around,Fingerlings are available in different colors and will sing together; Collect them all (Batteries included)
Fingerlings are the adorable animals that love to grab on things - especially fingers! The Fingerlings Baby Monkeys pets come to life with over 50 animations to let you know how they feel. You'll fall in love with these silly critters and their realistic monkey sounds, cute blinking eyes and head turns. Swing them, pet them and kiss them. You can even rock them to sleep! Please note: 4 x LR44 batteries are included.
Zoe - Fingerlings [CE]
Fingerlings Baby Monkeys love hanging onto your finger and know when theyre being touched, talked to, and even hung upside down! These perfect primate pets come to life with over 50 animations to let you know how they feel. Youll fall in love with these sweet and sometimes silly critters with their realistic monkey sounds, adorable blinking eyes and head turns, plus hands that grip and a curly hanging tail. You can swing them, pet them, hug and kiss them, plus rock them to sleep!
Fingerlings ouistiti turquoise bébé singe interactif de 12cm [Toy]
Je m'appelle Zoé , j'adore m'agripper partout , surtout à ton doigt,Les Fingerlings réagissent aux sons ,aux mouvements, et aux touchés; en clignant des yeux, tournant la tête ou en criant,Si tu leur envoies des baisers , ils te les renverront. Tu peux les caresser pour les endormir , ou les effrayer en faisant du bruit et voir leurs réactions.,Tu peux les faire balancer par la queue ,ils se comporteront comme de vrais singes.,Fingerlings est disponible dans plusieurs couleurs ,collectionne les tous(piles fournies)
Fingerlings Baby Monkeys love hanging onto your finger and know when theyre being touched, talked to, and even hung upside down! These perfect primate pets come to life with over 50 animations to let you know how they feel. Youll fall in love with these sweet and sometimes silly critters with their realistic monkey sounds, adorable blinking eyes and head turns, plus hands that grip and a curly hanging tail. You can swing them, pet them, hug and kiss them, plus rock them to sleep!
WowWee Fingerlings Baby-Äffchen Zoe, türkis [Toy]
Mein Name ist Zoe und ich liebe es, mich an Gegenständen festzuhalten!,Fingerlings reagieren auf Geräusche, Bewegungen und Berührungen mit blinzelnden Augen, Kopfbewegungen und lustigen Affenlauten,Man kann ihnen Küsschen zuwerfen, sie in den Schlaf wiegen oder dabei zusehen wie sie auf laute Geräusche reagieren,Dank ihres geringelten Schwanzes können sie kopfüber an Fingern, Schlaufen, Rucksäcken oder Gegenständen baumeln,Fingerlings sind in verschiedenen Farben erhältlich, Batterien inklusive
Fingerlings Baby Monkeys love hanging onto your finger and know when theyre being touched, talked to, and even hung upside down! These perfect primate pets come to life with over 50 animations to let you know how they feel. Youll fall in love with these sweet and sometimes silly critters with their realistic monkey sounds, adorable blinking eyes and head turns, plus hands that grip and a curly hanging tail. You can swing them, pet them, hug and kiss them, plus rock them to sleep!
WowWee Fingerlings Baby Monkey Interactive Toy Pet, Zoe, Turquoise/Purple Hair [Toy]
Zoe is my name, and I love to grab onto things (especially your fingers),Fingerlings respond to sound, motion, and touch with blinking eyes, head turns, and silly monkey babble,Blow them kisses and they will kiss you back; Pet them to sleep or make a loud noise and watch them get excited,Hang them upside-down by the tail and watch them monkey around,Fingerlings are available in different colors and will sing together; Collect them all (Batteries included)
Fingerlings Baby Monkeys love hanging onto your finger and know when theyre being touched, talked to, and even hung upside down! These perfect primate pets come to life with over 50 animations to let you know how they feel. Youll fall in love with these sweet and sometimes silly critters with their realistic monkey sounds, adorable blinking eyes and head turns, plus hands that grip and a curly hanging tail. You can swing them, pet them, hug and kiss them, plus rock them to sleep!
Fingerlings - Interactive Baby Monkey - Zoe (Turquoise with Purple Hair) By WowWee [Boost]
Zoe is my name, and i love to grab onto things. . . Especially your fingers!,Fingerlings respond to sound, motion, and touch with blinking eyes, head turns, and silly monkey babble.,Blow them kisses and they will kiss you back!,Hang them upside-down by the tail and watch them monkey around!,Pet them to sleep or make a loud noise and watch them get excited!
Zoe is my name and I love life upside down! Zoe is a turquoise monkey with soft purple hair who loves holding onto your finger and knows when she is being pet, talked to, and even hung upside down! Fingerlings are adorable baby monkeys that are curious about the world around them—starting with you! These interactive pets love to hang onto your finger, blink their eyes, turn their heads, blow kisses, swing by their tails, and talk in monkey babble! They come in a variety of colours including white, black, pink, purple, blue and turquoise. Adopt them all and have even more fun monkeying around!and turquoise. Clap your hands twice and your Fingerlings will sing together - Collect them all!
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